So I decided to waste this post for my two best friends.
Who apparently are away in Boarding School.
It's really late for a birthday post, but whatever. I want them to see this :P Haha.
Actually I feel really bad for not being able to wish them personally.
I miss those race to be the FIRST to wish them. As in I'd get the chance to wish them
at 12am. But those days are through. I did, however, send a text to them.
Hopefully they read it :) I love them and I want them to know I wished them. :)
So, Happy 17th birthday Sarah & Ismah! <3
Nur Sarah Ezzurin Abdul Hamid.
I love you guys. BEST OF LUCK for SPM :)
Will spend more time with you after SPM.
Enjoy your last year in school! <3