Saturday, June 28, 2008


helloooooo ,
open daaaaaay-27th June 2008-FRIDAY

ehhhhhhh .
its eda's brfday doo !
gahhaha . :D

i woke up around 7.30 ,
andd my mom dropped me andd my sys to tmn tasek menjalaraaa .
we went thre to runnn .
but my sys didnt run .
she said she prefer to sit and enjoy the lake view .
(its not all thaaaaat nice . i mean , its a nice view . but the smell ? not soo good . )

so i ran .
andd ran and ran while listening to my phne songs .
after the run ,i went over to my sys andd suddenly my mom started calling .
so i answered .
it was nazhan ! HAHA .
diorg pooooon open daaay .
so diorg dpt balek awaal .
noo fairrrrrrr , :P
pastuu my mom beli mcd breakfast fer us !
yummmmmmmmmy . :DD

thennnnnn ,
around i dnt knw ,
i called dominos !
andddd we ordered chicken pepperoni largeeee .
yaw ! sedaap gile makaaaaaan . :)

i agaak lmbat kottt .
but i ran andd bile dah masok klas eyshah andd eda asked ,
"asal lmbat illa ?"
i just laughed . ahhaha .
then eda kate , "mesti makan pizza kan ?"
and i said , "hah ? (smilinggggg ,)how'd u knw ?"

ergh ,
sarah went home the earliesttttttt .
liy next .
pastuu after eda the brfday grl balekkkkkk ,
besttt gileeeeeeeeeee !

hahaha .
2A jadik monkeys baleeeeeeek ! :D
then tetibe ruzain msok and said ,
andd dunno y sume org tros act baek .
ahahha .
2Amanah adee image okaaaaaay .
kene jage . ye laa tuuh .
ahahha . but bestt gileeee open daaaay .

then my sys dtg after ruzain's dad .
thennnn i teman her pg 7eleven .
andd hisham dtg gaaaaaaak .
pastu jln pg ktm andd then baaack homeee .

on the waaaay ,
i saw tee , aina andd sha !
haha .
diorg pontengggg , tk leyh g blaa doo .


akuu bwt cm kau tawwwww . green and blue .

hello . :)
this blog is about wednesday-250608

i woke up around , 6.30 in the morning .
hahaa . after prayers i was damnnnnnn sleepy .
so i slept againnn . :)
then cm i wake up around 8.30 sumthng . and tros mengelabah , coz helloooooooo .
i wouldnt wanna be late fer duty for my first day of green ! hahaha .

mase on the wayyyyy , i jumpe mirul and syahmii .
ahhaha .
syahmi cakap , "eh ehh . illa pkai hijau laaaaa . hehe . :D"
andd mirul said , "illa . asal kau pkai baju hijau ? "
i reach sch around , gosh . tak tawu aah .
i tk pkai jam pegi skola okaaaaay .

after thatttttt ,
after dah naek tangge ,
i saw ng chai shin , my ex penolong sesi petang (which is weirdddd . coz she's really nice to me , but eda says she's not to her . ). and she was smiling when she saw me .
i smiled back , obviously . hahaha .
then msok library . woah . 1st prson i saw , syahirah . she was wearing green . :D
she looked nice though , andd i cpt2 g check in . :D andd then i gaze at sarah ,
and she saw me and smiled . hahaa . then i went to the counter andd eda came out .
we chit chat a lil , and i gave her HER nametag andd then back to dutyinggggg .
i went to the back of the library . and saw ismah . hee . :)

i rearrange a few books before i went over to ismah andd said ,
"colour neh cm sofea punye baju tak ?"
hahhaa .
and she was lyke ,
"HEY ! ILLA ! haha . yes . :)"

thennn , zoul , nerv , zaid , syahmi and eja msok and bwt kecoh . grrrr . xI . biseng doooo .
but haha , it was kinda sweet of them to visit , NOT !
they were lyke , "eh ehh . die pkai hjau laaa "

hmmmmm .
farol adee msok gak ,
and he said "illa ! daa pass ? gile aa . rawk siott ."
haha . thankyouuuuuu . :)
okaaaaay , unimportant stuff hppen .
skip those parts ,
mase rehat as in sesi pagi rehat .
tai shen rong . (ex pengerusi ) came up to me and said ,
"ehh . (pointing to my green baju kurung ) sudaa pkai aa ? wah . bagos2 . :)"
hahhaa . and i jumpe christine ( my ex ketue unit . )
and she said , "haiiiiiii . :D ehh , u look nice laah . :) howwa u ? :)"

important part :D
after recess sesi pagi , around 11 , shi inn , cai ling , kah yan andd kheng fai pg rehat .
so we have to wait until they come back only we can go for OUR recess .
thennnnnnnnn , class 5H masok .
and andd guess whos thre ?
rindu die gileeeee kott .
andd finally jumpe .
hahaha .
and he saw me too .
then then . he smiledddd . hahaha .
he's a sweet guy you knw , :D
ergh . i cant remember wht he said to me .
but it was niceeee , :)
hahaha .
then he waved hai and i wave backkkk .
then i went over to eda i told her ,
"leong sheng ade kat sini ! :D"
and she was ,
"ow really ? haha . :)"
ghahahaa . best gileeeee doo .
then after dah rehat tuuuu . he was still thre .
hahaha . bestt gileeeeee .
ehh . asal aku suke die tetibe doo ?
oww yeaaaa .
sbb mase softball dulu .
this is what hppened tht made me kinda melt . hahaha . :D
mase tu panas gile ,
and leong sheng dtg stand beside me .
i smiled jee laaa .
hahaha .
andd cm sape tah nak tgk file yg die pgg ,
but die tak bg .
then i wanted to see and die bagiiiii . ahhaha .
pastuu cm panas gile .
so i curik topi tykah .
and tykah kate ,
"weyyyyy . panas laaa . akuu nak pkai topi tuu ."
andd i replied ,
"akuu pon panas . alaaaaaa ."
then leong sheng kate ,
"u panas aa ?"
then then . kan he was holding his file above his head anddd then die put the file above MY head .
gile sweet kaan ? :)
and then i bagi la balek tht cap kat tykah .
and tykah puseng blakang i smiled . WAIT . i'm not sure whether it was a smile or a smirk .
hahaha .
ohhhhhhh , he's so SWEET doooooo .
:) syahmi pon tawu . ahhaha . :D

OKAAAAAY . moving on , before school masok andd i went to see eyshah anddd amanda and tykah and yus and aina and sha anddd sume aah .
and tykah kate "ecehhhh illaaaaaa . baju hjau . haha . eeeeee . saket mate doo . "
ahahha .
kureng asaam tol . :P

nwayyyyyy ,
after recess (sesi ptg punye okayhhh .);
we , 2Amanah along with 2Bakti ade pj .
but butttt , ktorg tk tuka baju . malaaaaaaas .
sbb ade those ujian kecergasan fizikal ape tah .
me andd liy and sarah daah hbeys bwt .
so mls nak tuka .
pastu yg leyn ade grl issues ,
so cm ergh .
gile mls nak tukaaaa .
ahhaha .
kebtolan gile ,
we're the only ones tak tuka !

thennnnnnn ,
ktorg lepak kat LP - LORONG PENGAWAS . yg lepak kt LP are 2A girls okaaaaaaaaay .
andd bwt lwk bodo psl kacang panjang and petai .
ahhaha .
ahhaha . xD
then mse nak pg pdg ,
ckgu daa pngel .
hahaha .
we walked in one line .
different colours .
hahaa . sengal gileeee .
kan IQIN ,ISMAH and LIY prefects . so they're blue !
and ME , EDA and SARAH are pps . so we're green !
hahaha . eyshah sorg jee PUTEYH .
so we walked lyke selang2 colour . xDD
then we called out for joey and riss .
andd diorg menyebok gaaak .
ahhaaa . btw , diorg prefects . :D

SUMPAH if ade photo of it ,
it'll look realllllll COOL .
superrr cool laa kott . :)
awh , i wish i could bring my phne or camera to school andd take a photo of us .
tht afternoon ,
seriously , we were soooooooo SENGAL . i dnt knw wht came up with the seven of us .
anywayyyyy , smpai kat volleyball court we bwt wave guen pur hands .
hahaha .
bdk2 2B were looking at us as if we're crazy or sumthng .
hahaha . :DD
but we dont care coz nothing's gonna stop us frm being US !
hmmmmm .
then i jln to tgh pdg ngn liy ,
anddd ismah jln wif edaa .
hahaa .

hahaha ,
tak hbeys2 . :D
thennnnn ,
we lepaked kat tepi pdg .
hahha .
2A boys were playing football .
so we cheered these ;

go kelly , go kelly !
the other team is smelly !
they playing lyke a jelly !
we got systers frm new delhi !

thennn , we were crazier than everrrr !
hhaha . sarah came up with this tak leyh g blaa punye idea !
its lyke saying dehli but in different tones .
sarah's was the lowest , ismah next , and minee agaak high .
then iqin would shout , "DELHI !" ghahaha . :D
onlyyyyyyy , eda , eyshah andd liy tk join coz diorg were chit chatting bout ape tah .
ahhaha . :D

andd thennn , kan kaaan . we had to repeat byk kali cause ismah keep on laughing when its her turn .
bbe ! kau tk leyh g blaa doo . :P
then last2 , ismah finally dapat ! but iqin plak gelak .
suumpah fun gilee ohhhh . xDD weeeeee .
then ktorg gaduuuuuh !
6A (2006) ngn 6B .
too bad ! eda andd eyshah jee 6B (and fyi , 6B first class kat SKTBM and 6A is 2nd .)
me , ismah , sarah 6Ariiiiiiif okaaaay , :P and liy andd iqin 6Amanaaah .(skm .)
pastuu we were lyke , "6a rock ! " anddd eda andd eyshah said , "noooo ! 6b ! "
then we said laaaaa , "ehh , five vs. two ! five win weyyyyyy . xDD"
pastuu diorg start pngel joey laa , brenda laa , sandee laa . (sume ex 6bs .)
andd i poooooon pngel riss , sang , amandaaaa . and guess which class menang ?
mineeeeee ! 6A rawkkkkkkkkk . ahhaha . :DD

thennnnn , dah bosan .
then ismah ajak maeyn gme tgn .
we played tht game mase kat kem KRS .
then best gileeee .
coz we're suppose to tangle ourselves with our hands andd try to set ourselves free ! xDD
its a work together gameeee andd besttttt oh . :D
coz we tried many times , andd dapaat !
but we were laughing our hearts off ! xDD
suumpaah tht tyme we were teh only ones yg biseng nak mmpos !
budak2 2B asyek pndg jee .
but we dont care ! hahaha .
lyke , lantak diorg aa nak stare . andd lantak kitorg aa nak biseng andd kecooooooh , :D

okaaaaay . we stop playing when the belle rang !
gahahha . gosh , bestttt gilee ohh tht daaaay . xDD
if ade pictures lagiiiik bestt !
we rawked lyke crazeeee ! :D

ps ;

Sunday, June 22, 2008



okaay so today is 22th june . yea yea , akuu tawu laaaar ! xD
i wanted to write on friday ,20th juneeeee . :D

wanna know y ?
if u tanak twu pon , i'm still writing . wht do i care ?
hahhaa .

wellllllllllll ,
i knw it sounds geeky , but wth . i worked my ass outttt dutying okayh .
i deserve to be superly happyyyyyyyyyy . :D :D :D :D :D
ohhhhhh , its like i just gor married or somethng . sumpah happy gile tht day .
kat surau pon cm lompat2 . hahahaa .
edaaaaa ! congrats jugaak !
saraaaaaaaah ! i told ya u would pass !
syiraaaaaah ! u passsssss ! hahahhaa .

they said ;
AMANDA ; hahaa . congrats u guys ! eyy , i wanna try join PRS lah . :D
ISMAH ; omg koranggggggggg ! i'm happy fr u guys ! congratsss !
LIY ; u guys pass ? haah . congrats !i told ya u wud pass . :)
EYSHAH ; korang pass ? woah , congrats ! :) alaaaaaa . nnt aku sorg je pkai baju puteyh . :(
IQIN ; korang ! congrats ! tapi ktorg enemies lah . haha . prefects ngn librarian kan enemies . :/
SYIKA ; illa ! kau pass ? eeeeeeee . congrats ! :)
FEEZA ; haha . congrats . :)
SHA ; ouh . ko pass . ptot la ko happy semacam . haha . congrats . :)
JOEY ; omg u pass ? (hug) congrats illaaaaa ! :)
RISS ; aaaaaaaaaa. (hug) congrats ! :D i knew u wud pass , :)

budak laki kate ;
kecohhhhhhh , :P

hahaha .
wth , iloveyouguysdeeep . :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

boringggg ,

THE FACES ; ini syahmiii . :D
ini mir , bdk handsome . :D
meet nash , the hidong tajam . :D
ths is ainaa , si gilaa . :D
meet raihaan , . :D
ths is wanie , my bang2 baboontut , :D
kiss is my pout bbe , ppl . :D
meet dd , my abe ! :D
maria , my buddum . :D
ini fatim , my old buddy . :D
sufiii . :D

ban , sahabat softball . :D

since i was practically damn bored , these are the ppl whom i chatted with thru myspace . hahha .


Saturday, June 7, 2008

prom night ,


hahhaa .
including me , ini EMPAT ekor monkeys yg tgk prom nighttt on 060608-FRIDAY-2.50 p.m

okaay ,
this is how our day started .
i woke up , felt hungry andd makaan . HAHA .
at 7.30 a.m i talked on the phone with iqin . at 11.30 a.m ;
iqin together with her mom and younger brother came with an orange gen-2 .
HAHA . discribing gilee doo , anyways , we were off to OU !

lol . we went window shoppinggg ! hahaah . iqin wanted to buy a few shirts , but cm taak jadi .
ahaah . we even saw kwn kak malin , HAHA . :D
anddd mannn , were they lots of ppl dating , "heyh , tak pg smayang jumat kaa ?" hahaa .
ohh yeaaaa , supposely luqman and muqsit andd qayyum join us . butttt , taak jadi .
so tht was then laah . pasttt , HAHA . we bought ticket first , it was seat F 10 and F 9 .
only two okaaaay . hahaa .

then i was seriously starving , and iqin was already hungry so her mom gave us RM50 to spend on lunch . we wanted to go to ITALIANIES , but cm taak jadi coz byk org dating ate there . haha . so then we ate at PIZZA HUT . hahaa .
i ate , mushroom soup with breadstix andd three slices of pepperoni delight regular punyee . haha . then aina anta msg asking whre i am . then i reply laa . haha . then tyme naak msok movie , we saje2 cm nak msok on the other sides . iqin went in through the right door and i went through the left . and seriously i tought it was crowded already , but TAK . HAHA . we were the only ones there ! so we cracked up gileee . i smpai terduduk on the floor , hahhaa . then back to our seats . ade these few ppl , they were talking bout summersplash which is today and i tak pegi . haha . okaay , so the movie was about to start anddd tibe2 this one grl practically shouted my nme ,
"illa illa ! " HAHA . its AINA doo ! woah , gileee kebetulan jeaa . dah laa she sat next to me . haha . seat F 8 and F 7 are taken by ; AINA and IRA . HAHAAHA .

thennnnnnnnnn kaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn ,
aina kate die takot gilaaaa . HAHA .
thennnnnnnn , u knw kan , adee ths one part after all the iklans ade gmba ticket kluar ?
hahaa . die t'kjot disituuuuuu . lawaak gilaaaaaaa doo .

i told her i was sooo gonna tell it in my blog ,.
hahahhaa .

anywayyyyyyy ,
prom night was okaay .
taak segempak we expected ,HAHA .
gosh , daah laa org jht tuu bunoh micheal yg si hottie dan detective nash yg hot .
hahaa .
andd kesiaan gilaa kat donna .
she lost almost evryone she loves doo .
haish . obsessed freak tol .
hahhaa . andd after tht we toight nak tgk kung fu panda or what happens in vegas but taak jadi .

haha .
so we lepak'd in mph instead . woaaaaah , bestt gilee lpk thre .
memekak jee ktorg .
hahahaha .
smpi ken halau kott .

bestt gile okaay tht day .

Friday, June 6, 2008

OU bestt , :D

hello ,
hahahaa .

okaay so this may be my first real ever blog ,
hahhaa . i usually just write stuff kat my laptop . HAHA .

okay okaay ,
so on 040608 i went to ou . hahaa .
first cm , my brothers nak lpk2 kt eda's house and all .
so cm awl pg lagii pg her house . haha .
eda belom mandi lagii tht tyme . HAHA .
so then lyke mohsein , nabhan andd nazhan were totally making noise .
nyanyi mcm org gilaa . hahaha .
and kan eda my bestie kan , so cm we gosssippppp .

u knw ,
we think jannah likes nazhan .
haaaahahahhahaahahhahaaa . and she was like ,
"eeeee . nabilah, tgk adik kamu tuu . eeee ."
-blablabla psl nazhan .-
HAHA . mannn , tht grl has a crush on my brother ,
haaaaah .

so after tht we pg sarah's house ,
hahaa . anddd sarah just haveee to mention die ade the sims castaway ,
i was soooo jealous -

then when ismah arrive we went to ou and bought 7 tickets .
hahaa ,
then iqin (my bestiee juge .) came andd i boraak2
and she asked whether i daah blikan ticket for her and i was lyke , "omg. i didnt ." then we went to mph whre ismah eda sarah were and took the ticket yg daah bli , and it took F 4 to 10 . HAHA . soo cm me and iqin lariiii . sbb naak dptkan ticket F 3 for movie drillbit taylor . hahaha .
AND AND ANDDDD bestt gileee coz dapaat ! HAHA . :DD


and i was kinda upset sbb naak tgk what happens in vegas ,
but then drillbit taylor was nicee , so i end up saying ,"WOW !"
hhahahaa . the bad guy of the story , terry flinkin was superrr hottt !

pastuu after tht we took photos and eda blanje i starbucks !
kenyang gile afer tht .
hahaha . edaaaaa , thanks bbe ! :D
uuuuuuuuuuhhhh , yg pg were me eda iqin ismah sarah eysha cypa milo .
ghahahaa . :DD we had fun kan bbes ? i know i did , :)

ohhhh ,
now i totally naak tgk prom night .
i told belle and belle said she wanted to see gaak .
hahaha ,
naak tgk laaaaaaaa !
