Saturday, June 28, 2008


helloooooo ,
open daaaaaay-27th June 2008-FRIDAY

ehhhhhhh .
its eda's brfday doo !
gahhaha . :D

i woke up around 7.30 ,
andd my mom dropped me andd my sys to tmn tasek menjalaraaa .
we went thre to runnn .
but my sys didnt run .
she said she prefer to sit and enjoy the lake view .
(its not all thaaaaat nice . i mean , its a nice view . but the smell ? not soo good . )

so i ran .
andd ran and ran while listening to my phne songs .
after the run ,i went over to my sys andd suddenly my mom started calling .
so i answered .
it was nazhan ! HAHA .
diorg pooooon open daaay .
so diorg dpt balek awaal .
noo fairrrrrrr , :P
pastuu my mom beli mcd breakfast fer us !
yummmmmmmmmy . :DD

thennnnnn ,
around i dnt knw ,
i called dominos !
andddd we ordered chicken pepperoni largeeee .
yaw ! sedaap gile makaaaaaan . :)

i agaak lmbat kottt .
but i ran andd bile dah masok klas eyshah andd eda asked ,
"asal lmbat illa ?"
i just laughed . ahhaha .
then eda kate , "mesti makan pizza kan ?"
and i said , "hah ? (smilinggggg ,)how'd u knw ?"

ergh ,
sarah went home the earliesttttttt .
liy next .
pastuu after eda the brfday grl balekkkkkk ,
besttt gileeeeeeeeeee !

hahaha .
2A jadik monkeys baleeeeeeek ! :D
then tetibe ruzain msok and said ,
andd dunno y sume org tros act baek .
ahahha .
2Amanah adee image okaaaaaay .
kene jage . ye laa tuuh .
ahahha . but bestt gileeee open daaaay .

then my sys dtg after ruzain's dad .
thennnn i teman her pg 7eleven .
andd hisham dtg gaaaaaaak .
pastu jln pg ktm andd then baaack homeee .

on the waaaay ,
i saw tee , aina andd sha !
haha .
diorg pontengggg , tk leyh g blaa doo .

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