Monday, August 18, 2008


kuala gandaah gilalala bestt wehhhhh . :) 160808- SATURDAAAY


hmm . i woke up around 6. prayed , then sleep jaap . then bathed then makaaaaaan . then pg skolaaaa .
ahaha . i reached school around 7.20 , and the bus was there ! :D
and ayah said , "haaaaaaa . dah lambat ." and i said , "no laaaaaar ."

ngahhaa .
slm then out i gooo !
zoul was the 1st prson i saw . :)
he kate yg laen adee kat dlm . so i cm nak msok dlm skolaaaa .
siot jek ! diorg kat DALAM bas ! ahhahaha . nvrm . i ngn syika tergelakgelak doeh . xDD

dlm bus at the back of the bus , we were seated like this ,



ergh , whatever la en .
the journey was tiring ! nak tido poon ssh .
the guide was talking non stop !
hahaha . :D

*shell , (the 1st stop of the journey)
hmmmm . i lost my wallet !
gile ciboon oh ! mengelabah tk tentu psl jeaa .
eysha teman carik dlm bus . butttttt , the bus uncle told us to get off the bus as we were the only ones left on the bus .
btw eysha , ilysdm wehh ! thanks fr temaning . :)
lps berphoto andd sengalaan inside the shell , we went outside and jadi gila !
HAHAHA . :D ismah ! camera kau best wehh . :D
nerv ngn mimi lagi ah . smpat shuffle lagi . tk leyh blaa tol .
andd iqin plak pg lap ape tah at my baju and the tour guide saw, pastu die gelak .
andd i shouted , " IQIN CIBOON !" hahaha .:D
pastuu sedang nerv & mimi shuffling , zoul pg sebok !
hahaha . selekeh gileee . :D
ridz got it on tape ! yeaaaaaah /

*back on board
i found my wallet ! alhamdulillah . :)
it was in the celah2 krusi . gahhaha .
then mimi suroh tgk video diorg shuffle tadi .
and and . selekeh gilee wehh !
suumpah lwk ohh . ehh btw , mimi tu laki aw. syahmimi*

*KUALA GANDAH , elephant sanctuary . :)

ohhhhh , comel gile the gajahs !
hahaha . me and iqin jadi selekeh oh ,
i wore my shoe on the right and iqin's on the left . and iqin was the opposite .
selekeh en ? ahahha .
tk tawu malu gilaaaaaaaa . :D
hmm . tgh best best ckp gajah comel eysha pg ckp ,
"eh ! comel la die ."
ahhaha .
i was like , "huh ?"
then she said , "tuu yg kat dudok kat blakang tuu ."
then i said , "baju hitam eh ? haha"
ahahhahaa . he was okay laa . agak cute . (if nk bnding ngn yg laen . :P)

hmmmm .
mase before naek gajah ,
me and syika pg kat blakang . its a place whre and elephant thts wild kot ,
is in a cage instead of in chains .
and mirul and nerv panjat batu . pastu nerv cakap ,
"illa. dudok sini ."
then i poon panjat and sat . hahaha .

on the gajah !
tajam gile bulu gajah tuh .
i couldnt stop laughing !
iqin aah nii . :D
we were like , "heek . heek . heek ." ALL THE WAAAAAAAY .
pastu i heard the guy saying , "dirty dirt ."
ape tuu weh ? idk ! AHAHAHA
lps turun , aku saket buntut ! ngahaha . :D

on the waay to the display room ,
ade these few cikai baboon kecohh guys mengacau !
eeh .
eysha la nii ! cun sgt lagi !
hahaha . :D
wait , one of them asked me "dari mane nii?"
(ps; diorg budak high school jugak okeyh .)
i thought die ckp ngn sape tah pastu bwt tk tawu jee laa .
ahaha . then eysha was like , "wehhhhh ."
ahhahaha .

then jln lagii .
pastu tykah pg jerit
"illa ade peminat !"
then the ciboon guys gelak . siot jeeeeek .
me and eysha jln kat dpn diorg aw .
then diorg gediik sgt pg ckp ,
"kak kak . ehh bukan laa , dik ."
"bukaaaaaan . makcik laaa"
"eh salah . nenek ."
i was like , " wtf ? siot jeek ."
then tykah jln laju2 and ckp ,
"diam ah ."
pastuu diorg mengedik lagi kate ,
"eh ,mrh ke ?"
cm siot jee ohhhhhh .

then more photos with ismah's LOVELY camera ,
and idk y , tykah nak sgt i tngkap gmba ngn nerv .
ohh i lupe nk mention !
mase dlm bas , tykah sat beside zaid and they slept cm head to head . comel gile !
syika took a photo kotttt .
ngahahaha . :D
hmm . dlm the agak cm theater best !
i smpat baring lagiiiii .
ahhaha . gajah comel !
name die amandaaaaaaa ! kan ?

*org asli's home :)
ahahaha . org tuu ajak nari ohhhhhhh .
pastu the tour guide cm ckp kat nerv and syahmimi
"mase kat gas station kamu nak sgt nari . pg laa nari ."
hahaha . siot jeeh ohh .
malu jee . dah laa dudok sblah both of them !
haiyoooo . :/
tapi tkpee . i still syg both of them . :)

i didnt have small change , so i bought a bracelet .
agaak lawa ah . :D
bile i board the bus , eysha and iqin cm ,
"ehh smart ah . "
"lawa ah " ape aah . then diorg nk beli !
so they went running towards the rumah org asli . :)

kat sini bestt !
tergelakgelak cm gileee .
xcept mase ismah marah .
she was upset i guess . but after tht okay lah !
iqin told us yg kawan die "mr.bear" adeeeee .
aahhaha . we called the bear sarah sbb sarah en bear !
tp tykah , yen , sha , syika , ira called the black bear aina .
tsk3 . :/
i wonder doe , bile diorg nak baek balek ?
gile lame diorg gado . ah , biar aaaaah .
asal i bahagiaaaaaaa ! ahahahaha . :D
anywaaaaay ,
first we ate !
i sat beside yen and yen sat beside nerv . depan me eysha .
ahhaha . yen kene gigit ngn insect ape tah .
pastu she was whining , "saket saket "
i was like , "fuuh . nseb baek tk kene ."
hahahah . :D lucky me . :)

plus , blakang kitorg ade bear !
or as we call em , sarah . :D
i took a short video of sarah turning and digging around . comel jeaa !
then the guy called and said it was time .

so first we went to see deers . hmm . it was indonesian deers . :D
but on the way , HAHAHA
we walked through some road yg agak cm jungle .
and we (me, iqin and liy) stopped sbb cm org kat dpn asyek pndg2 tht one spot .
and tibe2 kitorg nmpak biawak !
aaaaaah ! mengelabah lari ohhhhh !

back to the deers ,
kitorg kasi them makan !
waallalala . comel gilaaaaa ! xDD
zaid gile sporting uh ,
he gave the deer food gune mulut !
his first kiss weh !
treasure the moment lah ! :D
we laughed gile gile kott .
eyt , rabbit and bear tkde ! (eda & sarah )
so i taped a few shots of evry animal in deerland fr them . :)

mase i video tape enn ,
eysha and iqin were like , "illa. what are you doing?"
hahahah .
after the indonesian deer , we went to see the taiwan deer .
u knw , yg cm bambi tuu . gila handsome !
nak ngorat jeaa . :D
then we went to see the peacock .
his feathers belom tumboh fully .
then thres this animal yg nampak cm landak . tp bukan .
and comel gile okay !
lepas tuu baru we went to see the MALAYSIAN DEER .
besar gile nk mmpos !
the guy said malaysian deer lah mahal ,
because daging die sedaaaap . hahahaha .
hmmmm . we stopped fr drinks then continued our journey to where sarah the bear is !
super cute laaaaar ! :D
next we went to see the ostrich . best gile kasi makan kat diorg !
haahhah .
sedang org laen semangat tgk ostrich ,
kitorg pg tgk spider yg ade kat pokok !
ahhaha . :D
those involve ,
ismah , eysha , zaid , zoul , nerv ,siddesh , liy , iqin ,syahmi, ridz . :D

then we nampak rabbits !
so we were like ,
eh edaaaaaaaa !
ahahaha . pastu eysha held the rabbit and ismah did too .
:D comel wehhhhh !
next we went to see them feeding a bear . close up !
the bear was unchained wehhhhh .
hahahaha .
ismah took a photo woth it .
lastly , we went to see the monkeys !
and tibe2 org tuu suroh evryone line up and close our eyes .
eysha was behind me and nikesh was infront of me .
and sumeorg were like ,
"wth ? why ?!!"
guess what ?
the monkey lalu atas evryone wehh !
and i ran away !
ahahhhaa . pastu diorg suroh pusing to the other side plak .
and this tyme i stayed and the monkey jumped on me .
damn . busuk gila !
ahhahaha .

hmmm .
ira , yen , ismah , nikesh and his fren ,(ape tah anme . idk) took a pic with the monkey sitting on them .
the monkey tarik2 rambot yen . sian sian . aha . and he tarek the sticker of elephant sanctuary off of nikesh's fren's shirt . lawak gile tht time ! :D

*journey to the bus
i ran with the video on .
ahhahaha . saje jee .
tk leyh blaa kaaaaaan . :D

*the bus .
aaaaaaah , finally !
we're on our waay home !
first i sat behind and then they stopped at a rest area .
and he said , "those who want to go to prayers boleh pegi"
guess what ? i was the only one yg bolehh !
so i asked ismah to teman me .
but i went alone lah . she waited outside . thanks bbe ! :D
dlm surau tuuuuu ,
i jumpe anis !
hahaha . i guess she pon boleh smayng . :D
we chatted fr a while then prayed .

i went to buy water with ismah , zoul and liy .
i bought a F&N green :)

zoul and ismah gadoh2 jap smpai coffee tertumpah !
hahha . i tros cabut lari pg ke ira .
then borak2 . just catching up of the old times . :)
lame lame boark2 ngn iraaaa . pstu yen dtg and i said kitorg tgh ckp ah .
and yen cm , oh okay .
ira , best doeh chat ngn kau ! :D

then i went back to my seat and zoul was seating there so i sat beside nerv .
MIRUL NERV ILLA . hahaha . agak sempit ah .
mase i smpai situ , MIRUL YEN NERV .
ahahahah . okayla wtever la en .
i ngantok , so i cm tutop mate aah .
cm tertido pastu terjage . byk kali aaaah .
then nerv tukar tmpat ngn mirul . pastu i tertido betul2 and mirul kate i tersandar kat die .
ahhahah . tk leyh blaa oh !
btw , diorg nii form1 okayh ! so tkde pape .
cume kwn baek jeaaaa . :P

we took a photo of the buddums !
yeaaaaaaaah . :D
then we went to buat gravity . :D is the spelling right ?
entah laa .
and then zoul balek andd then baru iqin's mom dtg .
so i went to eat mcd ngn iqin , her mom and ajim !
ajim comel ! tp ganas ohhhhhh . :D
i ate , mc chicken mcvalue meal LARGE with fries . air , coke .
the fries i added some salt and black pepper .
woah , sedap gilaaaaaaaaaaa ! :D
i msged eda psl kuala gandah .
and cm jealous kan her . hehe . bestie , i still love you laar . :D
then before balek , i bought a large bubur ayam so tht i could share with my lil brothers .
iqin's mom dropped me off at my house .
said tahnk you and shouted ,
ahhahha . my mom was asking how was it sume2 and i said ,
best gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

mlm tuu i told didy psl kuala gandah !
and he said he went to maha ?
ape tah . ahhahaa . :D

eh ehh . i love you guys so freaking damn MUCH LAAAAAAAAAAAAH <333


Mirul; said...

weyh best gile oh pegi kuala gandah
harap dpt pegi lgi lawatan mcm ni lgi
kalau ade kau lgi best kan?

illa :D said...

miruuuuuuuul , ahahhaa . betol betol :D