Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So they're actually coming to Malaysia! Ahh! Ahhhhhh!
I wanna go so baaaaaaaaad :(
The ticket prices are out and everything.

Woah. It's very pricey. But for paramore,


I watched 40 days of Riot! :D

And The Final Riot Live in Chicago :)

I love the part where Hayley said; and in case you don't know already, well my friends, i'll tell you. We are.. PARAMORE!! :D (I actually shouted)

Oh and we got our hairs washed :)
Sya Qin and I. Trios.
Eda was SUPPOSED to join us.
But she didn't. cause she wanted to study.

Oh and last friday, Ismah came.
And it was pretty awkward.
you know, since Sya Qin and Eda.. yeah.
So it became awkward for me too.
Boo. and then we got into a fight. haha

Before Taylor York joined PARAMORE;

omg look at hayley's hair! :O Ahhh
Five of them <3

Loves <3

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