Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My guard is up

Sometimes, we just gotta be selfish.
I'm sorry, but truthfully there is nothing
I could possibly do to make it better.

Monday, October 4, 2010

To Move On is To Let Go

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong,
but sometimes it is letting go.”
Herman Hesse

I have written a letter
to ex-best friend.
I didn't write much,
I guess it's cause part of me
had already let go.
Which is a good thing.

What he did, God knows why,
left all of us clueless.
He wouldn't tell us anything.
Not even a knock on the door
to say; hey, I'm gonna leave you.
Okay, I admit, we can't expect everyone
we love to do that.
But a girl can dream, can't she?

Anyways, we burnt it after school.
Qin and I. Sya was being a big talker again.
She's always doing that.
And in the end, she herself take a step behind.
Sand and Roo were there though, to support us.
:) Haha. Ahh, it was fun hanging out with them.
MAMAK, and my god roo sucks at speaking BM.
HAHHAHAHA. Ask any of us :P
Riss,Bren,Su,Sya,Qin or myself.
We were the witnesses to her HORRID 'Anneh!Anneh!'

Awh, I love them so very much :)

Make me feel good, when it hurts so bad.

Friday, October 1, 2010


If you feel like leaving,
Well I'm not gonna beg you to stay.
Soon you'll be finding.
You can run, you can hide,
but you can't escape my love.

I went to Ira's just now.
Chatted with Ira,Aina,Ayum and Wan.
Oh yes, Ayum is bald. AGAIN Hahaha

Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
-Mother Teresa