Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby from the start,

I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart.

Funny thing actually,
I posted that on my status.
And he asked me whether it was about him.
Hahaha of course not la wey.
I like the song, that is all to it. :)

Oh! I've answered all my papers except Physics and Maths.
P.Islam; Could have been easy. but I didnt study so, i deserve it. haha
Sejarah: screwed. hah.
Add Maths: It's like a huge bomb dropped. KADABOOM! :(
Biology; Yeyyy :D Paper2 was a bit difficult, but definitely better than Chem and Add Maths. :)

Tomorrow, Physics! wish me luck :O

So anyway, we didn't go to CB last week.
Haha. Yes, CB is like our second home now :)
right sya? qin? :P
Instead, we went to OU with Eda!!
Sarah and Ismah were here too.
but they didnt join us :(

We watched A Nightmare on Elm's Street.
I am so embarassed.
Cause I actuallty shouted! Hahaha
Oh and I sweared too :(

Freaking scary man!
I dont care what sya and qin say.
I think it's SCARY!!
But there were funny moments too.
Haha :D

I had fun!
And eda! I miss you!
I miss sarah ismah liy :'(

One more thing,
Went to tini's sister's wedding just now.
Awhh, I miss primary :')


Saturday, May 29, 2010

You make me smile :)

Captured moments :')

I miss this. I miss them :'(

Life is good, yes.
But sometimes I hope they were here to enjoy
it with me :D

Saturday, May 22, 2010


You treat me just like another stranger,
Well it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go,
I best be on my way out.
Ignorance is your new best friend.

so hmm it's Mid Term exam.

BM; sooooo hardddddddddddd!! :O :(
English: it's was okay :)
Chemistry: ERGHHHHHHH :( :( :( :(

Haven't finish the others yet.

Oh and there's this one person,
who think she's all that.
Damn it. So annoying.
Get a life you cheap slut.

That's all.

I'm okay with him now.
We're friends i think.
He doesnt treat me like a stranger anymore.
so that's a good thing :)


Friday, May 7, 2010

I just don't know anymore.

I feel so,
BLAH! =.=

I need to study.

It's been more than a month since I
last entered class!!
Erghhhh damn it.
I dont want to be clueless.
especially since my classmates
are smart-asses :(

Oh about olahraga MSSWP.
I entered finals for 100m.
Got fifth. haha. didn't run my best run :(
xin ru and vanessa scolded me :O

200m, finals.
got sixth place. haha :D

4x100m finals.
:D :D :D :D :D
sentul rocks!! :)

That's all.
and now I'm freakinggg dark :(

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm done

Dude, quit messing with my emotions!

My heart is definitely softer now.
I cry easily. Damn it =.=

Just a lil update.
Ended things on Friday, 23rd April.

Felt like shit, cried in class, cried at home,
cried myself to sleep.
=EYEBAGS! damn -.-'

Tuesday night. The last conversation.
The worst crying so far.

Wednesday, cried in school.
Cause two assholes scolded me.
I scolded them back. shouted at the top of my lungs
in the school canteen, then tears came out. HAHA

that night, I stopped crying.
Hee. good, no?
I'm freaking proud of myself! :D

why should I cry right?
All he does is make me feel worse.
I don't hate him. I doubt I could ever do that.
But I don't think it's worth it anymore.
Crying. How does that help?
It wont make anything better.

If he really does want me back,
by doing all this shit,
will it make me want him back?
Hell no.
He makes me feel like shit!
I don't want to be with someone who makes me feel like shit.
So, I'm done.
Screw it. screw all of it.
I still have feelings for him,
but tafak mampus ah.
It's up to him to hate me, to badmouth me,
or whatever shit he wants to do to me.
I'm not going to take it anymore.

Just one more thing.
He said "pergi mati ah" to me.
So hmm, what if I did?