Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby from the start,

I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart.

Funny thing actually,
I posted that on my status.
And he asked me whether it was about him.
Hahaha of course not la wey.
I like the song, that is all to it. :)

Oh! I've answered all my papers except Physics and Maths.
P.Islam; Could have been easy. but I didnt study so, i deserve it. haha
Sejarah: screwed. hah.
Add Maths: It's like a huge bomb dropped. KADABOOM! :(
Biology; Yeyyy :D Paper2 was a bit difficult, but definitely better than Chem and Add Maths. :)

Tomorrow, Physics! wish me luck :O

So anyway, we didn't go to CB last week.
Haha. Yes, CB is like our second home now :)
right sya? qin? :P
Instead, we went to OU with Eda!!
Sarah and Ismah were here too.
but they didnt join us :(

We watched A Nightmare on Elm's Street.
I am so embarassed.
Cause I actuallty shouted! Hahaha
Oh and I sweared too :(

Freaking scary man!
I dont care what sya and qin say.
I think it's SCARY!!
But there were funny moments too.
Haha :D

I had fun!
And eda! I miss you!
I miss sarah ismah liy :'(

One more thing,
Went to tini's sister's wedding just now.
Awhh, I miss primary :')


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