Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Shakepeare Secret

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain,
and most fools do.
-Benjamin Franklin

is never the right way.

Please, with all due respect,
or at least what's left of it,
do not, i repeat do not be racist.
No matter how many diplomas or PHDs
you've gotten yourself, once you look down
on one's race, you are nothing but a piece of meat.
You shall contribute nothing to this world.
Your presence bring nothing but pain and misfortune to others.

But I'll prove you wrong.
And when I do, I'll look into your eyes and say;
HEY! Thanks for all the support! Thanks for looking
down us. Don't stop looking down on students alright? And you'll have EVERYONE
loving you SO VERY MUCH :) *not*

I shall, however, skip saying not.

I am burning with ANGER.
But I have managed to control myself.
Yes, I admit, I cursed in school :)
But I've gotten over it.
So no more swearing.
Sorry eda. for all the swearing hahaha

I'm always wrong but baby you're never right.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

You're Raining on My Parade.

Experience is how life catches up with us
and teaches us to love and forgive each other.

- Judy Collins

I have come to realize that life has it's way
of teaching each and every one of us a
valuable lesson. :)

Sometimes the road gets pretty bumpy,
but with the love and support from
our Family and Friends, we ought to survive.
So, No worries. Haha

Something blue, for luck.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

In blind sight

Sometimes, my mind wander off
to things I've never expected would
ever cross my mind.
And the little voice in my head
would say; Uhh, reality check,
quite day dreaming!

Truthfully, I just want to figure
everything out.
I am not God, I am merely
a lowly, imperfect human being.
I do not possess magical powers.
However, I do possess luck.
In the sense of being able to walk, talk,
listen, see and all the gifts God gave us.

All I really want is, to know what everyone
expects out of life.
I have not figured that out yet.
What I want to do for a living.
Writing is also one of those things I would like to do.
I shall not expect a fortune out of it.

Yesterday, I asked my English teacher
the meaning of masochist.
Oh dear, I am in desperate need of a dictionary.
I need to enrich my Vocab. :(

Ahh yes, I would also like to apologize for abandoning
this innocent blog. I do, ever so sincerely apologize :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010