Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't put words up in my mouth.

We wrote down our wishes on balloons
and then we let it go.

This is my sister's wishes.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm all alone trying to find myself.

I went jogging in the morning.
I forgot how tiring REAL training is. :|
Nazhan and Aa ran with me.
Ayah walked around, and Mama, you know what she does.

Oh yes. I've got myself brand new running shoes. :)

I miss watching Disney Classics.
I watched Beauty and The Beast.
Tarzan. Mulan. Gotta watch the others.

Friday, March 18, 2011

You say the words that I can't say.

I don't know who sang this,
or what song this is,
but I kind of like it.
Credits to ruzain for 'making' me watch this.

Every time I see you falling,
I get down on my knees and pray.
Waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sisterhood 101

Because I am an AWESOME sister,
I was the FIRST to wish ayong.
Yes nazhan, I WISHED FIRST :P

Happy 25th Birthday to my BIG sister,
Nadiah K.

Nabilah K.

He won't let me win but he's a sucker for my charm,

The title says it all.
I want to say this to you,
but I don't want to be mean.

I don't like you, I don't like the person you've become.
I do not appreciate the sarcasm, the taunts, the names you've called me.
I do not want to hate you, or dislike you for the matter.
Unfortunately, feelings can not be controlled.
What we feel, is unexplainable.
I do apologize for troubling you in any way.
Sometimes, I do regret the decisions I've made.
But I have come to realize that all those bullshit you put me through..
Gave me the strength and courage to stand up for what I think is right.
So in a way, I thank you.

I went through somewhat 'hell' last year.
I do not forget, I'm truly sorry to say this, but I can not find
the formula for 'forgive and forget'.
In my world, there is only forgiveness.
So, I forgive you. I truly mean it this time.
It's not that I do not want to have anything to do with you for the rest of my life,
it's just that right now, I do not need you to hang around.

We have very different path of lives.
So go. Go live your life, and I shall live mine.
I am very much happy with the people around me.
I'm sorry if I am ever rude, mean or inconsiderate.
You were a wonderful friend to me, but in due time,
you turned everyone against me.
I will not forget what you did.

I'm sorry and thank you.

Moving on,
It's so hard for me to remember why we were even friends.
It was great while it lasted though, it really did.
I'm just so annoyed by the fact that you do not realize
you've scarred me. You were supposed to be my friend.
You never stood by me when I needed you to.
I would not be mad at you for choosing him.
It's the way you handled the situation.
You made it worst. You gave me hell.

You contributed a lot in hurting me last year.
I've forgiven you for that.
But when you start talking about judgmental human beings,
didn't you judge me? So who are you to say such things
when you yourself judged me?
You disappointed me in ways I would never have thought of.

I'm sorry if it was painful to watch me hurting your best friend.
But I believe I didn't have any misunderstandings with you before.

I am most saddened by the fact that you've changed.
We were such close friends, almost sisters.
I still love you, so I won't say much.
I'm trying to imagine myself in your shoes and all.
But sometimes.. I just don't know what to say.
Seeing you the way you are, I'm stunned.
Come back please.

Speak Now. inspired by:
Taylor Allison Swift.

You gotta let your feet off the ground.

After five years of friendship,
This is where we are now. :)
The SEVEN of US, hanging out together.

The journey begins with Ismah and I,
walking to out destination (:


Hahaha why was I making that face? :|

I like this a lot :)

Fake smile. Obvious fake smile.

Seven! <3

Support JAPAN <3

Hahahah cehhh.

Heels =.=
Helping or laughing? Haha!

click new tab to see qin laughing at eda.


Laughing Out Loud.

I'm a potential cheerleader, NOT. Hahaha


And then we saw.. LIYANA!

Location: Sya's house.
Time: After Ismah left.

Doing Add Maths. Haha.

Location: The Park.
People: Sya and I.

On the way back, we bumped into..

Note: I make the weirdest facial expressions
when I'm with them. :O

I bid you, FAREWELL.