Monday, May 30, 2011

Glowing dim as an Amber.

I am in Cherating right now.
Saw pui's doppelganger. Pretty cool.

Having fun.
Also, I did a little Maths before lights off.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

All that you touch, tumbles down.

Tell me, what do you do when you're good
just isn't good enough?
When you've tried your best, your very best,
and you still can't get it right?

What can you do when your good isn't good enough?

I'm afraid SPM is getting closer.
And I am much closer to the edge now.
The weight of the world is on my shoulders.
I don't know what do to..

But you know, when life knocks you down on your knees,
do you know that, that's the perfect position to pray?
Down on your knees everyone. For God is listening,
He shall listen to you. Tears or no tears, happy or unhappy.
You are blessed. Be grateful.
Pray. Pray for a better life.

Seek forgiveness for the sins you've done.
For He is forgiving, oh the Great One.

I'm not perfect. I know that.
I've sinned, yes. Everyday I shall pray to seek forgiveness
and find peace in my heart.
Until it is as pure or maybe, almost as pure as The Chosen One.
maybe. just maybe. someday.

Sorry. Emo post. pretty emo nowadays.
Too stressed out. Way too much pressure on me.

I do look out the window sometimes.
Thinking. Reminiscing. Predicting.
What am I do. I'm just human.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Paramore Love.

Paramore's very first album:
All We Know is Falling.

Then they came up with:

And of course, taped in Chicago:
The Final Riot!
The fourth album:
Brand New Eyes.

The Rock Zone,Free Standing crowd.

And then the Farros left.. They are still a BAND.

No matter what happened between them,
I still love them all. Paramore will always be PARAMORE.
They went so far with their dream. Look at where they are now.
Amazing. Inspiring.

Hayley Nichole Williams, Lead Singer.
Taylor Benjamin York, Rhythmic Guitarist.
Jerermy Clayton Davis, Bass.
Josh Neil Farro, Lead Guitarist.
Zac Wayne Farro, Drummer.
So now all that's left are Hayley, Jeremy and Taylor.
Gotta love them for not disappointing Parawhores. <3

We lose ourselves in a symphony.

BAM! I'm blogging. After weeks of not blogging,
I felt like posting something up.
Life's okay I suppose.
If you count being exhausted, not getting enough sleep,
being sick of everything, especially the pressure as okay.
Then I suppose life's good.

Truth is, I am EXHAUSTED.
Actually, i think that would be an understatement.
No, I'm not sleepy or anything, I'm just tired. Extremely tired.
Of what you may ask?
Most people would answer drama and whatnot. But I don't have
any dramas happening in my life right now.. So yeah.
I firmly believe it's SPM.
SPM caused our energy to be drained.
Yes. I said 'our'. Honestly, it's not just me.
My friends around me are like that too.

Our emotions are not balanced.
One minute you'd see us laughing like nobody's business,
The next we'd be shouting with rage.
And out of the sudden we would look upset.
I mean come on, it can't be a coincidence if everyone feels
the same way, could it?

I've been enjoying tuition classes.
And the hours spent in school.
I just really dislike homework.
Why teachers,why?
Yeah I know it's for our own good and all,
but we're tired.
Also, teachers put to much hope and expectations on us.
It's so petrifying.

Well at least music soothes me.
Just dancing around the room, singing to the top of my lungs,
although I am certain I sound horrid, at least it makes me feel better.
Even if it's just a tiny bit better. It's good enough.

Ah yes, exam. Midterm. 9 more papers to go.
Including PJK and Sivik of course.
I calculated the number of papers I'll be taking for SPM.
It's 23 papers. and I'll be done in 9 days. what the.. I know right.
K whatever.

What I would do to be standing between these two awesome chicks.

PARAMORE <3 Never felt so much love for a band before.
Please take note. Although The Farros are gone now,
New album coming out, STOKED!