Thursday, November 27, 2008

Modesty is one's BEST virtue (:

It's the circle of Life that's hunting us all .
We just can't help it. We're only HUMAN :D
-Modesty is one's BEST virtue .

Friends and Family ,
The wonderful reason why each of us open our sore eyes in the morning ,
they are the shoulders we lean on ,
the wipers of our salty tears ,
It's they're smile we wish to see each and everyday .

Yesterday was most wonderful !

Iqin , Ismah and ME :D .
only we knw eh ?

oh oh and karim's text :D

agagaga . yeaah , i support you gila doeh !
sorry ismah :D


at lunch break , we walked to TAJ using another way .
and EEEEEEEE ! ade tikus mati with it's perut waay open .
agagagaga .
geli kot !

oh yea , remember tht time i said i like someone or wtv shit ,
agagaga . saje jee .
i knw eda would read , nak kenakan dieeeee .

yeaaaaaaaay :) it worked !
wuuhuu (:

yes yes , no crushes whatsoever .
PMR ppl PMR ! study dulu !
agaggaa :D

best tadi besttttttt !
i got 30k fr Fantastic :DThey are the Greatest Value :D
cheers ,

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