Thursday, June 4, 2009

Camping Cramps

"Kami Menyot !
Hidup Menyot !"

-In Orang Asli language, MENYOT means orang yang berjaya

Therefore, we were forced to shout MENYOT at the top of our lungs after
a successful journey to the super super high plus FAR waterfall.
Though i gonna admit, It was a hell of an adventure!
So far the toughest hike I've ever been through.
And dang was the hike worth it.
It was one of those moments where you wish you'd capture them in pictures

I may have failed to capture in photo,
but I captured a pretty strong image
of the waterfall and the happy faces.
All in my memory . It was so beautiful :')

Anywaay , full story of the camp .
So here goes.
After sending off Naz to tuition,
Me , Angah and Aa set off to OU.
We watched Monsters Vs. Aliens ;)
Hey, the movie was quite nice .
I enjoyed it.

And when the movies ended,
we R-U-S-Hed home.
And I manage to reach school before 1.30.
I got out of the car and opened the boot.
And haha , Wei Nian a.k.a bellboy
suddenly came up to me and said,
Boleh saya tolong?
And with that, he carried my luggage
out of the boot.
Haha . When Sarah came, Xiang Zong
sincerely carried hers too.

Me Sarah
Ceh, aku ingat die nak angkat naik bas
Haha dah memang kena letak semua beg kat sini
Macam pergi hotel la pulak
Tu la pasal. hahaha . terharu

But when Da (Eda-I'm gonna call her that now) came,
No on offered to carry hers.
Haha it was sort of funny (in a way) ;D

Moving ON,
In the bus I sat alone behind Da and Sarah.
I offered to sit alone cause Da and Sarah
are inseperable (at the camp) because mostly
I enjoyed wandering by myself and listening to
chinese jokes that I seldom understand .
Well duh, I only understand basic chinese
Not the super duper high level -.-'
Anyway, Sleeping on the bus was greattt~
Tak sempit, Luas juga Selesaaa~ !
Hahahaha .


We reached our destination around
say , 3 maybe ? Idk
Da walked infront of me
and doosh ! her leg fell into a hole.
Haha Da terperosok !
And the first guy to greet us (in an army manner)
was jeng jeng jeng Abang Rambo !
It was scare-ry ! (get my tone?)

And then we met Tuan Jebat and whatshisname.
Oh oh ! Kak Hidayah was there too !
From last year's Kem MAS ;D
The one who thought us chicken dance :D
And three more Kakak2 facilitator (fesi)

That night we learned 5 greeting songs :D
It was super duper funny ! xD
Tuan Z thought us these funny moves
that cracked us all up ;D

Then Abg Rambo thought us this
freaky retarded dance moves. -.-'
And everytime we heard him blow
the whistle, we gotta get down on the ground!
It's the army I tell you !

After that we played a game.
The game goes;
Every team has one candle.
And two match sticks.
The candle must always be lit.
If it isn't, we can't continue our journey.
We must find 3 checkpoints from the fesi(s).
If we found the correct checkpoint,
the fesi will then sign our paper.
To know whether we got the right checkpoints or not,
there's a password to each checkpoint.

Checkpoint 1; Air pasang dalam surut pukul lima
Answer; Nyonya bangun pagi, siram pokok bunga.

C 2; Walaupun muka mu tidak ku kenang,
A; Namun lubang hidungmu tetap menjadi pujaan hatiku.

C 3; Apa yang penting?
A ; Kerjasama.

Initally Min Hua did the whispering.
And then my group, Helang ;
Ling Sze (ketua (:)
Min Hua (penolong (:)
Sok Fen
May Peng
Xian Zong
Hello(cant remeber his real name. but he likes saying hello)
placed the responsibility on me.
So I did the whispering .
And everyone was trying hard protecting Ling Sze.
She was like the queen , because she was holding the candle.
And there were so many obstacles.
A lot of them were trying to blow off our candle light ! -.-'

So we ended up with 2 signatures.
I had to sing the school anthem , Matahariku,
mimed to a chinese song and duck walked ! Ha-ha.

Oh yes.
whatshisname kidnapped Da.
It's funny + gross. HAHAHA
But funny beats gross . Sorry Da~ :D

Me Sarah Eda
What did he say ?
He said I reminded him of his sister. It was sweet
But then he started asking personnal questions
and it crept me out.
Personnal ? Eee
Yeah , exactly ! He even asked me to massage him
geli gila !
tu la

# Do you think he lost his sister?
Whaat ? *blur
*makes weird faces.
well ?
entah . haha if yes, macam cerpen Tina hahahaha
omg thats sad
really ? i think it's funny.
Sarah sarah, whatshisname and Da macam cerpen Tina
Haaaaaaaaaa ! *makes excited face with enthuatism
*drinks tea
Nanti if eda pengsan kat dalam hutan
Dia jerit, Tina tinaaa !
HAHAHA. did you ask whats his sister's name?
Skali Tina jugak ! hahaha
=.= not funny guys.

I took the first watch.
I sat down in a circle with Chai Shin,
Zi Jun, Mendez, Isaac, Khae Shen and twochineseguy(s)
They made chinese jokes and I listened.
The ones I understood, I laughed alongside with them.
And when I don't get it, I'd turn to Isaac and say,
Ta men chang she mo? Wo bu mempai.
And then he'd translate in English/BM for me.
Ceh , Isaac's not even a PPS . And yet his in the Inner Circle ;D

We exercised like woot woot !
Hahaha. We even did Tai-chi.
Sofea couldn't stop laughing about it afterwards. -.-'

Woah ! Super tiring !
I went up mostly with Chai Shin and Ying Hong.
I also walked with Mendez and Zi Jun.
CS and Yingying thought me a few chinese words.

In the river
Me YingYing
Brrrrr *cold
Eeyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so cold!
Ya laa . eh eh what's cold in chinese?
Len .
Wo hen len .
Haha ke ai aaa ! me too me too :)

Up the hills
Man man lai .
what does that mean ?
Come slowly
Haha :)
So if someone says , Ni hen man aa !
means you are very slow la ?
Yes, smart girl :)

And then me and CS sang I had a Dream ,
Love Story , mamma mia and moneymoneymoney
together . hahaha . It was fun :D

I even managed to crap with Sarah and Yingying
and bully Da , of course ;)
Oh and the 10 year old Haziq was so cutee !
Haha . Anak Pn.Hamidah~
He was so excited and full spirited,
even more than any of us ! :D

That Afternoon,
Tuan Z thought us how to dance.
Group 1 aka Helang
danced to the song Sway.
Woah, shake it shake it ~

Obstacle Course
Woah. we had to meniarap in the river!
It was so so SO cold !
And then we had to crawl in the river with
all the big rocks sticking out and it hurts.
Next we had to crawl on tyres.
Then jumped through holes of a tyre thingy.
Crawl under the military dawai2 thingy
And lastly, roll over mudddddddddd !
And the mud smells like cow poop. -.-'
But still, It was fun ! Haha
We perfomed that night.
I was so nervous, I think I went
at high speed. HAHAHA
And may have forgotten a few steps -.-'
G2 aka Gajah danced to a Malay song.
It was okay, kinda catchy ;)
G4 aka Monyet (=.=) danced to dotdotdot
G5 aka Harimau danced to Don't Stop the Music
and Tadaaaaaaa~ G3 danced to an English song.
And they rocked the hall man ! :D
HAHAHA Isaac , centre of attention again ? :)

Burung Hantuuuuuuuuu !
Erk. It was suppose to be creepy !
But they talked. so a lot of people wasn't scared.
But some were.
One little girl cried .
She even shouted Cikgu ! Cikguuuu !
Saya tak mau main sudaaaa! *shouted super loudly
~doing that, lagi la fesi kacau =.=

One of them made a growling sound
right in my right ear.
Err. Meremang bulu roma !
And pfft. someone pulled my blindfold.
I was shocked ! -.-'

so me, da and sarah had to sleep in our tudungs .
while I was on watch, Wei Nian , Merr and CS
talked about the burung hantu game,
about how sleepy they were and laughed
at the little girl who cried super loudly.
We had to sing the camp's theme song, Gemuruh
a couple of times because we weren't loud enough.

To Templar's Park !
It was beautiful, we took pictures and stuff
Then we played a game entitled, Sayang Sahabat.
The first game was, close your eyes.
The ketua will have to shout your name
And there will be people that'll disturb youThey'll use every bit of their shotuing and pushing power to confuse you.
Then each group were divided in two,
each line of four faced each other were seperated.
The first person had to run backwards to the other four and pass on.
the first person on the other line had to continue running backwards .
The second person had to duck walk, third jump like a zombie and last frog jump.
And since Sok Fen didn't join us, our group
was outnumbered. so one of us had to represent
Sok Fen and do twice.
First, I duckwalked. Real fast.
Haha Thank You taekwondo ! :D
Then I frog jumped. again,
thank you taekwondo ! ;D
by then , my leg hurts so bad it's hard to walk
Helang swept the floor.
Oh man , was it tiring ! hahaha :D
Everyone decorated the dewan and it turned
out looking awesome !
Pn.Hamidah officially ended the camp.
It was quite touching,
Sok Fen, Min Hua and Ling Sze cried.
Merri almost cried.
Haiih, I'm gonna miss those scary looking faces.
Ha-ha . I think. ;)
So there you go.
Eventhough , It wasn't all that challenging,
but It was FUN ! :D
And painful . haha

Wow. Not that flexible ~



srhfny said...

ape yang penting? kerjaaasamaa!
ahaha nice post! :D
likee it looooveee it!
ececeh ;P

一粒橙 said...
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一粒橙 said... ask saeda those personal question o?haha...u all happy den good loh...i so scare will hv pps complain to me about that camp is 2 strict..=)

p/s..tat guy u cant remember (in our group)is yong jie...hehe...XD

illa :D said...

sok fen; hahaha . yeah yeah, yong jie ! now i remember xD

hahaha. ;D

i still cant believ you found my blog.

illa :D said...

kak sarah; wonder pets comel xD
HAHAHAHA . thanks btw :)