Sunday, July 12, 2009


Friday, 4th of July.

I had my usual friday walk with Roo again ;)
We talked while we jogged 2 rounds and we were exhausted !
HAHA . It was fun.
We talked about politics and tennis
Woah, watch out people !
We are the future Dato's of Malaysia.
Haha we dreamed about being a duo pro tennis players.
And we were able to travel the world and still beat everyone against us.
And , the best part of all, we were even better than Nadal and Roger F !
HAHA , that would be soooo cool even it came true, right Roo ?

After putting on our kain(s) in LP ,
we walked to the girl's toilet when Lulu came up to me and
asked for tissue paper with her eyes red with tears.
I simply said no and asked why .
And she just said "my finger" and went away.

So we changed anyway and found out that
there was a battle between Lulu and Eysha.
so that's how Lulu got herself injured.
Back in class,
Pn. Hamidah was busy with our exam papers so she let us do our own work.
So i sat with Eda, Sarah and Guan and we talked and crapped.
Eysha sat next to her darling (not hers actually) IZ
and L.O.Led . ;D typical eyshaa :D
Anywho, we (me and sarah) told Guan...

Me Sarah Guan
Eh eh ruzain suke eda kan ?
Oh oh ye ke ye ke ?
Haha ye kot..
kenape awak tanye ? saeda suke ruzain ke ?
hahaha ruzain suke eda kan kan ?
saya taktau. saya pergi tanye kejap
*walks away
eh eh jangan la tanye skrg! obvious la nanti
*came back
Ape die cakap ? ;D
ruzain kate mane ade
alah. die kan tau awak kawan dgn kitorg mesti la tknak bgtau
oh oh betul betul ;D
Hahaha ruzain suke edaaaaaaaaa

After recess , back in class.
Me, sarah, eda and eysha were chatting about *those moments when;

Me Sarah Eda Eysha IZ
*something red appeared on eysha's teeth
Weh, asal ngan gigi kau ?
Haaaaaah ?! *wiped her teeth
mesti yang smlm kopek tu kan
ye kot. wey sakitttttttt
haha terkejut aku nampak gigi kau merah
tu lah. aku pun
aku ingat vampire mane la tadi
omg eyshaaa
whaaaaaaat ?!
*IZ came and sat down
IZ tengok eysha ! tadi gigi die berdarah
ye lah sebab die cium saya
eeee hahaha
ganas nye !
hahah kitorang french kiss
korang french kiss gune ape ?
lidah ke gigi ?
eeeeeeeee geli ! hahahaaha tapi lawak la
ktorg kiss dkt library
oh ha-ha very funny
eh betul laa :)

During maths we learnt Linear Equations 2.
I feel smart knowing how to solve them xD
agagaga ;D

as usual Guan would sit in eysha's seat next to sarah and right behind me.
Then he would go on and on about dotdotdot.
Somehow, yesterday dotdotdot didn't do any funny stunts .
hah . guan guan . so weird la you ! :P

The 5th of July, Saturday

We went for breakfast at Manjalara.
Ohhh , the mee goreng taste great !
By the time I reached school for Softball practice,
i had my tummy filled with food !
And when I went in,
noticing the absence of Yen and Aina (since LiyIqinIsmah are at frim),
i quickly dialled aina's number.
and she said she wasn't coming.
I said hai to riss and bren then head off to softball.
and yeah , after 5 months without practice,
I suck.
I mean, i use to suck , but now i'm worst.
but that KL coach guy says my running and catching is good.
My throwing is unstable. sometimes okay ,
sometimes lontar-ing .

some of the KL team players were there too.
But I was Little Miss Quiet.
I laughed here and there but not often .

After the dang practice was over ,
I went to join roo riss joey guan bren.
They were doing the mural thingy so i helped them out.
And then me and guan and riss started fighting (the childish fight)
and guan held his brush against my face and said, "nak surrender tak?"
and i shouted, "neverrrrrrrr !"
it was fun .
me and riss chased guan but that little brat managed to escape :D
Anyways, thanks guys for letting me join you .
At least that way, I had fun ;D

Ayah picked me up using his Mercedes.
While walking towards the car ,
i noticed some of the KL players were still not on their way home.
I just kept walking .
They were all looking and when I opened the door ,
they shouted "Bapak diaaa !"
I almost burst in laughter ;D

Study study study~


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