Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cross-country 09

I awoke with a nervous feeling in my stomach
hhahaha. i WAS nervous and i ate only one piece
of IKO for breakfast ;D

and a few sips of guara.

I arrived on school grounds around 7.30-ish
and looked for 3A but could not see the sign.
And that's when I saw dickson and Johan.
And Johan said "hey" and pointed where 3A is.
So I went there and thank god mandy was sweet enough to come !
I don't want to mention names, but edasaraheyshaliy lazy bums :P
hahah . (i've no idea why i like doing tht lately; saying idntwanttomentionnames and then mention the name)

Anyway during the school anthem,
johan and dickson made stupid jokes
I had to control myself from laughing !
teachers were looking okay.

After that was the hoedown throwdown session !
haha okay not really , it was the warm up session
but ismah and me hoedowned instead .
and pn.sanda shouted my name through the
loudspeaker thingy infront of every Jentayu members !
That was funny + embarassing cause everyone was looking
at me hahah. and ismah laughed =.= useless friend :P
And then during the exercises , we counted our lungs off.
and again , people were looking at us. kan farhanaa ? gahaha.
I saw isaac and johan looking and they kept on smiling and laughing :P

So The Run .
Oh mannnnnnnnnnnn !
It was super duper duper tiring !
I have NEVER felt so tired in my 6 years of merentas desa-ing.
And usually when I'm so close to school,
i wouldn't stop but just now i can't help it. it was freaking tiring !
then joey riss and guan cheered for me .
they went, "go illa goooooooo !" hahah.

Everyone kept on asking the same question .
This conversation is spoken in chinese style.
Me People
Nabilah , awak dapat nombor brape ?
Hahaha. Teruk laa
Tak apa la, saya pun teruk juga
Hahaha I got number 6

Unexpected ? I actually expected that .
Haha of course ! I didn't train for so long.
For sure lah pancit :S

Me Ismah Johan
Johaaan !
Hey :D
Kau dpt number brape?
Heh, number 7. nasib baik. kau ?
enaaaam . teruk en ?
haha hey okay la tu . kau ismah ?
lapan ! lagi teruk hahah
nasib baik .......................
heheh okay bye
ape die ckp ? aku tk dgr

Me Ismah Zol Nerv
Illaaaa ! ismaaah :D
Zol ! Nervyy !
Zol ! Nerv ! heyyy !
Tadi aku pecut kau
Ye ye . aku cm , eh tak boleh jadi ni. pastu aku kejar kau
tapi aku penat sgt so last last aku jalan
tu la . aku nampak kau , aku pun , *peace action
tu lah . kurang ajar betul . aku tgh penat boleh lak kau ngan farhan peace kat aku
illa, kau olahraga long distance ke short ?
aku short distance laaa
aku pun , sbb tu tak boleh merentas desa
ek ele ! aku pun short , boleh je
*makes faces

Oh yes , congrats to those who beat me .
Especially Farhan and Zol.
since I told them to meet me ;D
Overall, it was a tiring but FUN daay :D
Red is my colour Ismah :P


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