Sunday, August 16, 2009


school life.

Mood : singing ?
Status : happy :)

Lets begin with monday, shall we ?

Woke up with a nervous stomach .
Arghhhhh i hate BM . Why is Bm so hardddd ?
Plus I'm a frickin malay !
So it should be a piece of cake, right ?
but NOOOOOO , I could never ace BM . (emphasis on the NO and never)
It's so frustrating pfft .
Paper 2 was the hardest ! My hands were shaking .
Literally ! My right hand felt numb but i kept on writing anyway .
Cikgu, kalau tak faham , maaf ye . Cakar ayam kan ? :S

English , i sat for the exam with ease .
Who would have thought =.=
Ergh, nevermind

Maths ! I was so excited for maths :)
Oh and I crapped for factorise part b .
I completely forgot how to answer =.=

Ohhh yes favourite subject ! Science <3
who knew who knew .
It was super HARDD ! Argh felt like screaming .
Oh wait, I did . Haha but during recess, of course .
Paper1 was better .
Next we sat for our Geography paper.
I remembered a few , so I could answer .
Haha dickson was funny xD
He sat next to me and when his head went blank he fell asleep
Joey and I silent-laughed

Sejarah <3
Agama . Adoi tak study .
Haha I told you syaaaa ! mesti keluar Abu Hurairah xD
I was right . :P
Sat beside Ruzain during Agama .
and Ya Allah , dotdot actually tiru !
Heish , when will *** stop ?
It's not fair tho . Eysha sat behind me .
So after we finished our papers , (eventhough masa tk habis lagi)
We silent-talked
and ruzain dgn perasaan tidak puas hati
said ; Cikgu . tengok ni. diorang tiru
Us ; ruzain ! menipu gila
ruzain ; haha xD

During tuition I ate papadam (how to spell ?)
HAHA cikgu watched Nur Kasih
And lulu drew this particular thing on the board -.-'
And she captured it using my phone and forced me
to use it as my phone's wallpaper . =.=
Haha oh yeah we practically forced Z to read the effects of smoking.
Sape suruh smoke -.-'
And I shoved the cigarette box to his face so that he's see the picture.
And he went all ; Illaaa jangan la ! geli laa
I replied so numbly ; siapa suruh smoke -.- ngok la kau

Saturdaaaaaaaay !
I woke up feeling ; ergh malasnya nak pergi sekolahhhh
But I still went anyway unlike (I don't want to mention names)
but Sarah Lulu Eysha Roo Ruzain Saros Johan =.=
Eda, quite forgivable .
Around 7, I checked my phone and saw an unread message.
It was Eda saying she don't have any baju to wear to school .
Haha xD so funny .

I went to school and talked with Syik
Daniel was thee only malay guy to attend school
School started with the singing of the National anthem .

In class , we sat wayy at the back .
Colouring our bunga raya and bendera
I sat with Ismah and Riss
and the table next to us ; Jo Bren Qin
And all of us suddenly started singing xD
We began with Jalur Gemilang
due to the fact that bulan Patriotisme is here .
And at the part " Jalur Gemilang" we stopped.
Haha no one remembered the lyrics !
We burst out laughing .
and continued the song
And we sang a bunch of other songs xD

Then came Sejarah..
My heart went dup dup. dup dup
And En. Sulaiman announced my result .
He said, "Nabilah, 45"
I rushed to the back of the class ,
took out my calculator and speed-typed
45 times 100 divide 60 = 75 %
Monolog dalaman "75 % ? Omg I got an A !"
Dialog "Oh my god I got an A ! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
And I jumped around with a smile across my face :)
That was my very first time to ace History .
Woahhhh xD
Ismah , Riss and Syahirah was proud of me :')
Thank you guys. Haha

And pollution started saying these things .
God, can't she be happy for me ? Like this once ?
Ergh , it's like she doesnt know the word "CONGRATULATIONS"
You own a dictionary , don't you ? Ish .

After recess , jo said something and suddenly
started singing "We're All in This Together" by HSM
and we joined in (you know, the 3A choir of the day)
And this time Mandy joined us.
And jo went "Follow Ismah ! She's the LEADER !"
And Ismah walked funnily up the stairs and we followed
laughing non-stop (me and jo)
A few people saw us and made faces
but we continued on anyway (haha we could careless)

In class we sang loads and loads of songs .
Haha not caring what people think of us .
It was super fun . Guan kept on shushing us
And we ignored him of course :D
And when it was Miss T's class ,
she said "girls, why are you singing ?"
HAHAHA "semangat teacher"

Then she told us our objective paper results.
I scored 31/40 .
I know teruk gila =.=
And my BM a 24/40 .
I told you my BM teruk . =.=

Oh yeah, Ismah Riss and Moi
made a safe zone to talk about other people.
Haha more la gossiping xD
I know it's sinful ! but hey , everyone need
to express their feelings right ?
Like the disney channel comercial ; EXPRESS YOURSELF !
Haha there was one part when guan joined in
Haha sebok je . We tried halau-ing him
and he started being emo =.=
HAHA it was funny then when we
continued gossiping about someone he didnt really know,
he decided to leave and the three of us blurted "finally"
haha XD oh yeah , sorry bren you dont deserve to be on the list .
The Prey List ! HHAHA

While we were talking and expressing ourselves ,
pollution came . HAHA
And we wrote ,
"so called" safe zone
and now it's polluted

We burst out laughing
We P finally went away ,
we said ; finally altogether .
Haha and I said "jinx !"

Then it was goodbye .
We said gbye to riss and headed for the
Agama class .
I walked with Daniel

Me Them
Syahirah, daniel is minee !
Eh tak baik tau. Awak curang
Curaang ? Haha daniel is my pet la !
Bukan boyfriend :P
Haha daniel kuda aku !
Heyyyyyy ! Daniel pet aku la !
So his my kuda !
*I held his bag
Gee-dee-yup daniel !
Daniel gelak je =.=

Ustazah told us about the ajaran sesats (with a 'S')
Teruk betul la.
They actually drink people's bekas mandian
Grosssss .
And we read the form5 book about ajaran sesat.
And seriously , teruk nya .
Sedih gak dengar orang melayu sendiri cmtu .

Overall ,
I had a fun school day :)

Then we went to Wawan's house
and I sat beside ecah while she was playing the laptop.
I was about to doze off when sarah called.
We chatted and laughed .
And then lunch .
Wawan made ayam masak lemak

Me Wawan
Dah konyang ka ?
Podehh la wan
Ape yang podehh nya ?
Lauk kuning xD
Takdo la -.-'
Pedas la wan !

Haha xD
then we went to KL.
Walked and walked and WALKED .
I hate shopping !
HAHA xD i hate walking so far and not having a seat to sit on =.=

Aa was having the time of his life.
Naz was there to eat any of the food we bought,
so he ate all of them ! haha :D

Long day :D

Peek-a-boo !
Introducing , the Pureen babywipes girl :)

cheers ,


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