Friday, September 26, 2008

a sacred heart may cross over a sacred soul ,

if you were a story book , what story would you be about ?

today , i will blog with ENGLISH language . (:

i woke up at 7 this morning , prayed subuh and waited until my mom went out to work .
around 8 in the morning , i heard the house phone ringing .
i didn't answer as i know it would be SARAH (probably trying to remind me to go duty),
i slept and woke a few times until it was 8.45 to be precise ,
i got up and gt ready fr school .

arrived at school around 9.25 ,
ran as fast as i could to the library ,
and yeah , i made it (:
the sarah told me she was about to pasrah .

dutying wasn't fun !
there were three fifth formers and they were making so much noise and it was just super annoying .
ergh , **** them . x|

but at least , i finished up all the days i have to replace my duties (:

i sat at the back with ismah & liy and ismah told us about her dreams of being called
"datuk" one day . hahaha .

yeah , i sat with darsh and we talked and talked till the bell rang (:

yeah we hanged in the surau (:
it was fun , we were laying around ,
talking , laughing & loads :D

yeah it was funny ,
experiment of a lifetime !
this time johan & i had to take hold the test tube and test it with wooden splinter .
it was so much FUN !
but i ws kinda nervous when i wanted to do it (:

me , joey , iqin & riss sat down together and talked .
cause joey claims she misses me and it had been a LONGG time since we last talked together (:

btw , I HUGGED JOEY , RISS & RUTH <333


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