Thursday, September 11, 2008



i woke up early and i went to school early to ganti :)
and dunno y , i was soo RAJIN .
i arranged my rack very neatly , thts rack 10 :D

then time recess ,
oh my gosh !
hahaha .
i usha him , and and he usha balekk !
best jee , :D
ehh , his my EX crush jee .
hoho =D

ergh , after recess i went to sit with ismah , zoul and syah .
bosan weyyyyy , :/
and we made many stupid jokes :)
and andd me and ismah made ths sorta gravity of the students of ,

bm bm bm :D
tatabahasa . ahah .
gado ngn iqin jap , :)
then siapkan keje .


okay , bck to the story :)
hee , mase agame ,
kena sound ngn ustazah .
no , not me .
but us //
2 amanah muslims and 2 cekal's muslims . :/

hahaha .
best best .
i'm the AJK of sejarah ,
so i had to collect the books .
so i did .
hahaha .
ape aa . ramai gile tk glue the papers teacher gave ,
and ruz hantar gitu jee .
tk tampal .
pemalaaaas =.=
johan's book , ya ALLAH , mcm kene gigit tikus !
saros hantaar , terharuuuuuu :'D
saufi borrowed my glue . hakhak (:
eja tk complete pon keje . :/
edric borrowed guan shen's .
hahaha . :D
yg lain , tkda mslh . (:

i went around the school with the sejarah note books in my hands (escorted by iqin . haha)
looking fr teacher ,
it was agama pafa time ,
but we came to the surau , very very very lateee :)

just as i entered ,
eja said something insulting ,
i was like , "ergh . WHATEVERRRRRRRRRR" ahhahaa
eda was soo perasan-ing tht she's a bitch .
ismah lagi laar ! she can never be a bitch weh !
not around us at least .
but she claims tht she's a bitch to certain ppl la ape lah .
eleh , blaa la kau ! hahaha :D
after the recess bell rang ,
ruzain suroh i pg hanta his pafa book to class .
and i tknk .
so i cmpak the book .
the he was all emotional saying tht its agama ah ape ah .
hahaha .
then i took the book back ,
and gave it nicely to him
hahahha . puas haty kau ? :P

me , eda & sarah were like agents !
we ran here and there .
okay fine , i ran here and there ,
they just followed .
hahaha :D
then we went to the library cause mls nak pg surau .
there , we spotted iqin & ismah .
and it was BULLY ismah timeeee <333
hahaha . it was so funny !
then ade ths one time ,
i placed my face next to her arms .
and when she turned around , she saw me and she kinds jumped a bit .
ahhahahaa . FUNNY FUNNY :D

ahhaha .
whts up with him and B-T-W all of a sudden ?
thank god he didnt mention TAPIAN :)
but he was super bullying gan . pity him
ahhahaha .
but agak lwk ah !
my groupies asyik gelak jeh !
hahaha .
then ruz bwt lwk bodo .
and joey laughed gile .
and i said laa , "ruzain ! tgk joey da kene penyakit kau . sampai merah muke die ."
hahaa .
and he said , "tu la . joey bergaul lagi ngn kau "
haha . ciboon ! xDD
johan ttbe je gelak cm gila ! hahhaa .
shashi pon always laugh laugh laugh je (:
nav didnt talk much eh ? haha

err , mr. thanga tkdee !
so me and syira coloured our 2 Amanah name list (:
lawaaaaaa :)
but belom siap . :/

heeeee .
before riss went downstairs ,
she hugged me ! <333
btw , yesterday i HUGGED RISS , JOEY and RUTH <333

haha . thts all fr now ,
cheers ! xDD

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