Wednesday, September 17, 2008

TUESDAY bitch :D

heeeeeee :)
tuesday bitch bitch bitch .
hahaha .
wtf is my problem weh ? tk tauuuuuu !
ahahhaha :D

today , i ate siket gila fr sahur , :D

before i got ready fr school ,
i was super bored so i tried on my old white baju .

weeeeeeeeeeeeee xDD
heee (:
nampak baek or bitchy ? idk !
hahahahhahahhaa :D

2 AMANAH kena moles wehhhhhh !
ahhahaa .
prefects ! haha . tkda kje laen ke ha ?
hahahhaa .

hahaha .
iqin & amanda evillllllll !
they were frickin bullying me maaan !
then thre was once ,
mase cikgu tiba2 call out johan and saufi's name ,
me and iqin mengelabah . cause we thought cikgu nak suroh hantar latihan geo.
ahhahaha :D
silly us , (:

hahaha .
penat je turun ,
bilik wuduk was locked !
so me and sarah went to 2G to see if ustazah was there ,
no such luck .
hahha . so me , liy and ismah chatted with hzq and muqx .
ape korang btw kat dlm surau again ?
oh yeaa , tadarus .
heh , hahaha . tadarus tidur ade ah ! :P

then mase tgh jalan back to class ,
i saw shafiq and i was like ,
ismah did the same .
then both of us cepat2 naek atas .
hahaha . i knw , tk leyh bla en .

-ENGLISH lesson
teacher aid LOUDLY ,
"selamat kembali shafiq !"
ahahha . and she was saying thngs about evryone of us must help him get a hold of thngs and catch up .
blablabla . but it was sorta funny doeee .
then teacher pulled saros hair with a ruler .
and KANTOI rambut panjang !
ahhhaa . then i dnt really knw ht hppen ,
she ttbe je kluarkan sume brg dlm saros' pencil box .
(like , on purpose .) then she did to johan's
and because eysha laughed so hard ,
she did to sarah too .
and she said ,
"sbb tgk dan ketawa"
hahaa . you should have seen her face !
cheeky gila !

hahaha .
cikgu buli shafiq oh .
but mule2 he was sorta upset .
kan joey ?
he was saying things psl melayu kene ade rase malu lah .
thngs like tht .
haiiih , nak bwt macamane kan ? :/
then cikgu suruh johan pergi belakang and basahkan rambut cause his hair mcm ultroman TARO !
hahhaha . cikgu suruh penyekkan mcm pisang .
and joey said ,
"bile johan bwt rambut mcm tu muke innocent"
haha . its true ! muke baek gilee oh .
as usual , byk laughing :D

sembahyaaaang ! xDD
lepak lepak disurau (:

heeeee (:
best gila duduk in computer lab , (:
i had to count brape byk students ade .
ade 39 ! :D
and and cikgu explained psl gerakan pan-islam,
gerakan islah and all those kesedaran yg membangkitkan kesedaran org MELAYU (:
haha . sejarah interesting doe xDDD

ahahhaa .
i finished pafa !
okay not yet , but tnggal azan & iqamat je
ustazah suruh ktorg tadarus .
shit ! mls doeeeeee
eysha and iqin missing .
mane tah diorg pegi .
idk . ?
aku gila !
ahahhhahaa . wtf is my problem doe ?
tk twu
and and sarah jht !
she said "kau tkkan dpt thomas daley punye lah"

btw , i saw FATIM kat DPC and she said hai to me !
awwwww , terharuuuu :'D
then i went to pasar ramadhan with my father and i saw JOHAN , SHAFIQ & SAROS :)

withour further ado , i took pictures ,heeeee (:

AT SCHOOL , everyone adored my deary fatty cat , MUSHU (:
i placed a picture of her in the current book i'm reading ,

HAHAHA . btw , me and liy ANAK PIBG , so we got ths letter inviting our parents to majlis berbuka puase . ergh , serious mls nk pergi weh .
HAHA . thts all fr today ,
and FYI ;

CHERATING , (: haha . nampak cm skater en ? yeaaaaah , (:

sincerely ,

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