Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Windy ;)

Today we had our first sketch practice!
which,was fun !

Hahaha. the jokes are kind of lame,
so it's funny in the lame kind of way.
right darsh? haha :D

So hmm my part is kind of lame.
So if your reading this,
please pretend to laugh :D thanks.

Anyway, bio was all about fooling around :D
Hahha then I joined the boys' meeting cause
they was a missing item case. pity them :)
but hey, you have to admit it's kind of your fault =)
anyway, sya, riss and I were all "chill lah!"

then I went and disturbed Khae Shen.
then he ask me "ni yao sei ah?"
hahaha I said "bu yao!"
Hahahah XD
sei lo! sei lo! hahaha inside joke ;)

Sya and I were walking towards the canteen
then I saw Johan and he looked at me and said
"weh! Aku malu lah!" HAHAHAHA Sya and I started
laughing. and we were lah "wey! johan lah! hahaha"
Then we passed by him so he was right beside him and
we both said "hi johan! :)" *the (we know you did something funny) hi*
Hahahhahaa omggggg bestnya kacau him! :D

4A,4B and 4E had to listen to this talk about
TRANSFORMATION. Haha at first I was sleepy.
Then sand, jo, sya, rissy, roo and I voluntered to do some stuff =.=
We were so quiet compared to the boys. they were like "sia! sia!"
anyway, each of us got FREE RIBENA :D
Haha some of the clips they showed us were funny :D
Ruzain said I was too western! what the heckkkk =.=
fought with su again just now. hahaha
Juliet said "why you always fight with him one?"
then I said "he la! ostrich kurap!"
HAHAHHA Ju, Mei Yee and Yee Mun laughed like hellll.
eh babs ah ruzain and suraj =.=
they were like "d!d!" jealous lah tu :P -.-

then just before the bell rang, we sat on the floor.
Sya, rissy, jo, sand and I.
and guess what?! Sya bitch-slapped US!
at one point, she closed her cheeks with both her hands
and the three of us just starting slapping her. HAHAHA
that was fun (Y) :D

We stayed back until the form2s recess.
hanged with Ezad, Acap and Muqriz.

Oh and! Fahrul jahat! ade bini baru!


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