Monday, September 28, 2009

The final wave

This shall be my last post.
Next week, on Wednesday,
I'll be sitting for my PMR examination

Pray for me :)

Haziq Manaf came to school just now!
Me Haziq Syaa Yzma
Illaaaaa !
*turns left* *looks up*
Haziqqqqq ! Heyyyy !
Haha hey :)
Haha hey :)
Tengok crocs haziq
Hey janganlah. malu la
Crocs tuuuuuuuuu !
Dengan shades lagi
Mahal TUUUUUUUU ! *laughs*
Lama tak jumpa kau !
Yeah , hey asal rajin sgt? *pointing to my BM book*
*looks at him*
Aku dulu tak pernah study for exam
Ye laaaa kau da PANDAI .
TAH, kau da pandai !

HE IS SUPER TALL! Btw haziq, nice seeing you again :)

Oh yes, I must stop playing this.
I blame my darling Syaa for this addiction.

Hello PANDA :)
HAHAHA I love eating
hello panda while studying!

To all PMR candidates 2009;
All the best~
May this year's results be the best year
in history! haha especially to my exsktbm and smktbm
friends , lets rock it ! :)


PMR : 7th Oct 2009-13 Oct 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Raya rayaa ! :)

20th September, Saturday.
Raya eve ! Wahahaha.
We were suppose to wake up early and go to wan's house
like we usually do every year, for RAYA preps.
Somehow this year was different.

INSTEAD, we went to Selayang Mall with nenek.
My sister and I managed to sneak our way to Famous Amos
and bought ourselves some rock candy and a candy cane :D
I had a laugh . :)

After Zohor prayers,
My dad brought us to KL for a-supposed-to-be raya shopping.
Only Naz, angah and myself followed.
Aa and ma stayed home doing whatever :D

As we were browsing around,
my phone rang. it was ma.
I answered and gave the phone to ayah.
After he hung up, he said
"is there anything else that you guys want?"
the three of us shaked our heads
"then let's head home"

As he said that, it started raining cats and dogs.
Seriously ! It was so sudden ! We had to buy two huge umbrellas
to cover ourselves. haha while we were walking, the umbrella angah and me
were using hit someone's head and he practically shouted "aduh!"
i turned right and saw his shocked face
dont get me wrong, i wanted to say sorry,
but the laughter went out first. HAHAHA xD

Since it was raining HEAVILY and we couldn't find a way to cross the road,
we stopped by at Pertama complex and guess what we saw.
A pink heels that's super nice!
but it's also not our size. ceh besar gedabak ! *angah's words

That's the shop. my dad were chatting away with the owner
when i took this :O

We reached home at 7,
so my mum cooked maggie for break fast.
I missed maggie . hahah

Around 8.30, we went to wan's house
and this year i didnt follow the takbir thingy.
Heh. I sat in chaa's room and studied geo ;)
Oh and I almost finished the kuih kacang my maklang gave me :)
I couldn't help it, they taste awesomee !

21st September, Sunday.
I woke up and heard the takbir playing on the tv.
"Ma, why does takbir have a such a sad tune?"
":)" *smiles with a sad look
"Is it because Ramadhan is over?"
"I'm not sure la yang."

Oh guess who I saw while I was praying Solat sunat hari raya?
Amirah ! my old friend from SKTBM
I kept on telling my mum she looks familiar and said that i think she's amirah
and my mum persuaded me to say hi.
So I did. (thank god i was right or not it would have been embarassing)

First off, Wawan's house.
Ate away then it was arwah atuk's grave.
We saw this group of girls who apparently did not wear
tudung . Your in a cemetry for peep's sake. RESPECT LA SIKIT!
My cousins + my sister and myself were talking about them
when they suddenly stared at us.
and ayong anis said "tu la. kutuk kuat2 lagi" haha xD

But they kept on staring so Ayong A said
"mesti diorang rase, uish. lawanya kakak2 dan adik2 kat sane. jealousnya aku"
hahaha we had to control ourselves from laughing out loud :D

Next, nenek's place.
Nothing was there so we went to Makcik Esah's house.
(with nenek) and ate Malaysia's greatest laksa johor :)

22nd September, Monday.
Woke up early in the morning and headed to Port Dickson!
Weeeee . I was so excited ! :)
Family trip. Haha. kinda .
Three cars to one destination
hahah macam convoy la plak . xD

First car, the PAKLONG family (which is mine)
Aboy and amee joined our car :)
Second car, the MAKLANG family (which is chaa's)
-joined by wawan
Last car, the MAKSU family.
-they're family minus two (aboy & amee)

Reached toksu's house.
a few things happened *family business
Then we watched Upik Abu dan Laura together
HAHAHA and complained how all Indonesian senatrons
are practically the same. (people die, people is sick. tears tears and more tears)

Next house, Pakboy's.
Checked aunty dahlia's new baby out.
He's so frickin' fragileee ! His hand is like 1/2 of 1/4 of my hand.
Oh yes, dinah looked so tired and thin.
I feel so kesian for her. She's a real good sister.
you should have seen her taking care of naughty little Arissa.
And she's only 9! I was never that good of a sister.

HAHa I took care of haziq again!
I think it was two years ago when I first saw him and took care of him
HAHA he even pooped in his pampers !
And now he's what, 5 ? and so cute!
also, his younger brother Hariz manja with me too.
HAHA Hariz bold head is so cute ! If felt like picit2-ing his head! xD

Danish is super handsome now :D
He's gonna grow up to be a hot guy.
He's 10, so he's got years ahead of him. :)

The final house was our very own,
MAKSU :D all the mums cooked together.
And I split a balang of kerepek.
Which, was not my fault! Paklang called me a klutz =.=
somehow didnt close the jar properly. and i didnt even touch the crackers
so it's definitely not me -.-'

Dinner was awesome. Maklang's ayam asam pedas
was greattttttt ! everyone refilled their plates :D

23rd September, Tuesday.

Brought nenek to her favourite house,
aunty ape tah i cant recall.
But the aunty just adore me :)
Because i was this cute little girl
who kept on scratching her hands and body
because did not like the aunty's mum house.
(trying to say that mosquitoes are biting me so we should get a move on ASAP)
When I reached her home,
which have air-cons everywhere and actually said out loud,
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH " *with a grinning face (cant believe i did that)
Every year, she'll repeat the same old story.

And I would just smile, i cant help it, it is funny.

Then we brought nenek to see wawan.
And we watched congkak (wawan and nenek not included)
And ayah made some jokes that cracked us up
(not a new thing)
Finally, it was nenek's sister's house.
Which, i did not get any duit raya =.=

That night, ayah and ma gave us our duit raya
Around 9 , we went to wawan's house again
we watched the incredibles and i was playing a game with the boys
when uncle molob and his family came.

I was not wearing tudung neither was angah.
So we quickly ran into chaa's room and told the boys
to go get our tudungs in the living room
and when we went out, TADAA !
transformers! wahaha. abby and kak tasha laughed :O

And that's the end of my RAYA :D


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Here In My Home

So I woke up at 9.30 in the morning.
Solat sunat , recited the quran and texted Ruz.
Then I tried studying,
but somehow I couldn't .

Eventually I managed to study after Zohor prayers.
I didn't online all day!
*that is something to be proud of,
since I am a game addict (LB said, not me)*

After Asar prayers, I accompanied my mum
to Bazaar Ramadhan.
It was raining heavily ! Ergh, the one kuih I desired
most was not there! :S
Oh and I saw a dead rat .

And when I walked pass the dead rat
again, I saw that it's position has changed.
That means someone actually kicked that thing
By accident or not, it's still gross.
I hate rats. like, a LOT. they are so hairy and fat.
Ekkk .

Broke fast with my family~
Angah joined us :D
But nazhan and ayong didnt
since ayong is still in Indonesia and naz went
to sleep in legend hotel with aunty.

Ayah made some jokes that was super funny ;)
Haha it was by far, the most cheerful
break fast i've ever had with my family !

I went to Tarawikh again
Oh guess what was there for moray ? (dont know how to spell)
KFC ! haha feels like it's been ages since I last eaten KFC

MUHHIBAHHHHHH ! ;) One MALAYSIA , malaysians ! :D

Ramadhan is coming to an end.
Sebak rasenye :(
I regret for not doing as much good deeds as I could have
Well, Syawal's arriving soon.
And I worry I won't be able to online tomorrow.

so, wishing all muslims

salam aidilfitri,

Friday, September 18, 2009


Last day of school.

Arrived on school grounds around 7.15,
walked straight until Mandy stopped me.
Couldn't see eysha and sarah anywhere.
figures. those two lazybums =.=

During Geo, pn.isya talked about sarah and eysha.
About HOW LAZY they are. HAHAHA
Ismah told pn.isya about their lazy plan ;)
Pn. Isya 3Amanah
Kalau cuti hari Sabtu, mesti diorang tak dtg hari Jumaat
Ni dah cuti hari Jumaat, hari ni pula tak dtg. Sikap pemalas mcm ni..
Diorg memang cam tu cikgu ! PEMALASSSSSS

During agama I sat next to Square and Ismah sat infront of her.
I was just doing my own work when suddenly I saw Ruz and Johan laughing.

Me Square Ruz & Johan
Why are they always laughing? =.=
I've no idea.
*pointing at them. i wonder what they're laughing about
*looks at them with a puzzled look
*signals me to keep quiet but were gigling
Huhh ? Ape?
Shhhh *laughing
What? Why? *to me not them
I dont know. maybe about the chipmunk thing kot
What chipmunk thing?
Oh. Hahaha. They said your voice is like a chipmunk's voice
What the hell?
HAHAHAHHAA I'm so sorry. I can't help but laugh !
Okay if you insist *still laughing
*gasp. evil
HAHAHAHHAHA Hey chipmunk is cute la!
=.= *makes weird face

After recess we went back to class,
I walked with yen , square and syik
When we reached 3A, I saw a bunch of people looking at the notice board.

Ismah Me 3Amanah
Illaaa !
What? *looks at the board.
OH MY GOD ! Wehhhhhhhh !
Illa illaaaa !
What's that? What's that? Omg
WEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *trying to take off the picture
No no ! leave it thereee !

-Ismah helped me to take out the picture.
And vicks took the pic and kept it.
And I sat down. almost shaking.
I was in shock. I laughed too hard, almost felt like crying.
Hahaha. And I was, i admit, EMBARASSED !

After I cooled down a bit,
I went to Ruz and Johan.
Asked them what they wanted to say
"Kau bagitau die eh?" *laughing
"Huh? bagitau ape?"
"Pasal. suara. dia" *points at square while trying not to laugh
"Ohh. hahaha a'ah"
"Ape la kau ni, dah la scandal ngan shavin tak bagitau aku"
"Wehhhhhhh ! TAK LA !"

I wanted to go back to my seat but Guan stopped me
Me Guan
Guan! tepi la. saya nak duduk
Tak boleh !
Siapa suruh awak curang !
Hahah tak curang laa !

Had a fight with guan.
Haha it was a blast ! We threw one particular pen to each other.
And lulu said, "Illa. stop acting childish"
"I am NOT"
"Yes you are :P"

I turned behind and saw shashy looking at THEE picture
And she said "bagitau johan! ade scandal baru ye"
She stood up and shouted "JOHANNN ! tengok ni! jangan nangis ye!"
ran to him and gave the picture

"Wehhhhh ! tak payah laaa! "
I ran to Johan and Ruz's place and try to get the picture back.
And dickson snatched the picture form Johan's hands.
"Dickson! bagi balikkkkkkkkk"
"Sabar sabar. aku nak tengok muka shavin ni."
I took it from him and quickly kept it in my pocket.
That'll stop them. Fuh. what a tiring day. Hahah
I managed to study.
A little. HAHA xD

Because I find geography so BORING,
the first thing I did after I reached home
was sleep. Ahh, the joy of sleeping. ;)

I woke up at 6.30 and slapped myself for missing Zohor prayers.
I quickly cooked rice and boiled water for break fast
and prayed Asar.

We had tomyam for break fast. YUM :D
Oh and Mee Udang . NICE !
Big eyes, huh ?
I've got big eyes and proud of it ;)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


should auld acquaintance be forgot

and never brought to mind?

should auld acquaintance be forgot

and days of auld lang syne?
-Auld Lang Syne

I reached school and saw eysha talking with sarah at the back of the line
I went to them and asked,
"don't we have to line up there?" *pointing to a particular spot
"it's raining la!"

"I was just asking"

Therefore, I went to stand at eysha's usual standing spot.
Haha . And crapped with Shav the Perv. *gross conversation SHAV !

After exchanging spots with 3H,
everyone got their huge hands except me :'(
Apparently, dickson was using mine
=.= but he gave me back in the end xD

Oh yeah, the guy who sat beside
me started off being super annoying
Me Eysha
Omg annoying gila that guy
Haha you cakap la baik2, excuse me? can you be quiet?
Kang die bwk gangster belasah you baru tau

let's call the guy TG, shall we? :D
TG took a piece of paper and pasted it on his friend's back.
And he saw me looking .
I just made my weird face and looked away

And then he took that paper and showed me,
said something in chinese
and i replied in chinese, i dont understand
HAHA and he turned his back and told his friend
in chinese, she can speak chinese !

Er then he taught me to say the words on the piece of paper
HAHA i just followed obediently :)
And thennnn he said something that i didnt understand
so i laughed.
You understand what i say aa?
Yerr. you dont understand dont laugh aa *in chinese
Biar la i want to laugh :P

During the bye bye thingy
Dickson fake-cried
HAHA i couldnt help but laugh :D

Oh yes, IMON was funny today!
Kan saraah ? hehe :D

After THAT, we lined up to prepare to go for recess
And TG was there, beside me. AGAIN
And he looked at me and..
What's your name?
*showed my nametag and smiled
NA-BI-LAH ? Ohh :)
:) What's yours?
*showed his. Ve Vin
Ohh :)
hai :)
haha hai :D

I turned behind I saw syahirah laughing :S

Edric Dickson Eysha Sarah Me
*dickson bullying Presanth
Weyy jgn la kacau die
Ye la ye la. nanti nabilah nangis pulak
Haha aku tkkan nangis la.
Kau suke presanth . ye la ye la
HAHA aku dgn edric la! kan edric?
*edric nods
HAHA . Eysha eysha! edric admitted that he's with me
EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH ! *hits me. I hate you edric!
Hahaha SARAH SARAH ! aku dgn edric la ^-^
Haha tkde kerja la kau :S
Hahaha edric edric , eysha jealous
siape cakap? *hits me again
die pukul saya
haha kesian awak hahaha



Thursday, September 10, 2009

I hate

love songs.

as in today,

this precise moment,
I don't feel like listening
to love songs anymore

Haha that may sound a little emo,
but really I'm fine :D
I guess the only song I want
to play OVER and OVER again is
How To Save A Life.

Huh . wonder why :S

Sarah told me to stop.
Hahaha she said she hate singers that mumble.
True true, but hey! If you listen closely,
you so can catch the lyrics ! ;)

'I'll never post something so emo on my blog'

'Whatever :P'

Eysha came to school today!
And as usual, she shouted :D
Haha the symphony of eysha's voice :)
LOL. I laughed a lot during Maths class.

Me and Ismah talked about
Dang it's funny xD the two of us cracked up

Oh yes, I chatted with John yesterday!
I miss SKTBM so much.
Haiih, childhood memories just don't fade,
and apparently I'll always laugh when I remember :')

I met tini! omg it feels like ages
since I last crapped with her
And to my surprise,
she has not changed A BIT !

It made me feel young and restless
HAHAHA. As if I'm so old =.=
But her inmaturity made me feel 3 years younger
Good times good times~
Heheh :D

I would like to wish my kor kor
a sixteenth birthday :)

Lol. tua tua ! :P
Cannot perasan didi anymore la
Yes ! Wo kay chiang hwai yi ^-^
Bu yao xiang se yeah. Study first !
Forget all the leng lui-s . Haha
Jai jian kor kor :)

this flushy toy is so CUTEEEEE !
I'm gonna buy it someday.
Can't. RESIST.It's.Cuteness!
Haha xD Dang I'm good ;)

I blame you, syaa :P

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How To Save A Life

I liked this song when I was like, 12.
I had fun singing it emo-ly with eysha :D
And nowww I like this song again ! :)

see. he looks frickin' hot :O

The Fray rocks :)
full song <3

Fly With Me

Omg I love this guy <3

check him out in youtube!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Lights off !

and let's burn midnight oil :D
to avoid studying at the eleventh hour of course .
So go get yourself a cup of coffee
and let's get highhhhh ! :O

Take note. Do not do this at home.
15 and above only.
Hahaha XD

Once upon a night,
I can't recall on what day.
We (yen,qin and myself) were the only ones
who'd attend the 10 to 12 class.

Yen bought herself a boss coffee ;
and we suddenly had this idea of
buying coffee and camwhoring with them.
So we did. I bought , of course my favourite canned
caffaine, nescafe mocha.
-my old bestf hanif thought me to drink that. :O

In class yen and I (qin however did not feel the same)
weren't at all sleepy! We felt so highhh
Hahaha xD

Anyway, let me tell you how my week went.


We went to surau during recess.
Had to recite yasin.
After we had finished, and the bell had rung,
we went back to class.

And surprise surprise~
Pn.Joginder was in front of our class.
Prefects were outside of 3A.
We whispered to each other "omg what happen?"
"why is pn.joginder here?"

She was scolding the class for making noise i think.
We lined up properly :D
*ceh baik tak? :)

When she finally let us in
everyone bid her a good morning
and sat down quietly and our own seats.

Then she took her marker and wrote on the board,
2006 -A
2007 -A
2008 -A

And spoke about how the number of straight As achievers
increase year by year.
And apparently, she expects us to score better.
Anyway her speech gave me a hit.

She was right, dang it.
PMR is just around the corner.

Miss Chai went in.
She told us about our form4 options
(which, for a few obvious reasons made me nervous)
She, as the school counselor wants us to really understand
how the form4 form5 education works.
IT made me think.
What do I want to be in the future?

Oh yes, apparently EDA and SARAH wants to
disguise themselves as guys so they can apply for RMC
=.= RMC seems like a super cool school.
too bad it's a no girls school. :S
Ps; you guys would be surrounded by guys!
Omg they would thinkyou guys are gays! haha
What do you say to that, eda and sarah? :P

Okay okay. guess what's eda's new name is.
Histerical, dont you think?

So from here onwards,
I'm gonna call her square
cool name huh? :D

Dang those 3A boys.
Since it's Ramadhan and we were fasting,
I didnt bring my PJ clothes.
So we sat at the side of the padang
and did our revision
but all the boys played football.

I sat beside Lulu.
After I lost my focus,
I chatted with lulu.
And then the ball came towards me.
"Woahh !"
I managed to avoid the ball.
And then suddenly the ball hit the back of my head
=.= doosh !
I laughed like hell afterwards.
It was just so funny xD

And non of them wanted to admit -.-'

I'll stop here.
so, kor kor; are you happy ? :P
