Monday, September 7, 2009

Lights off !

and let's burn midnight oil :D
to avoid studying at the eleventh hour of course .
So go get yourself a cup of coffee
and let's get highhhhh ! :O

Take note. Do not do this at home.
15 and above only.
Hahaha XD

Once upon a night,
I can't recall on what day.
We (yen,qin and myself) were the only ones
who'd attend the 10 to 12 class.

Yen bought herself a boss coffee ;
and we suddenly had this idea of
buying coffee and camwhoring with them.
So we did. I bought , of course my favourite canned
caffaine, nescafe mocha.
-my old bestf hanif thought me to drink that. :O

In class yen and I (qin however did not feel the same)
weren't at all sleepy! We felt so highhh
Hahaha xD

Anyway, let me tell you how my week went.


We went to surau during recess.
Had to recite yasin.
After we had finished, and the bell had rung,
we went back to class.

And surprise surprise~
Pn.Joginder was in front of our class.
Prefects were outside of 3A.
We whispered to each other "omg what happen?"
"why is pn.joginder here?"

She was scolding the class for making noise i think.
We lined up properly :D
*ceh baik tak? :)

When she finally let us in
everyone bid her a good morning
and sat down quietly and our own seats.

Then she took her marker and wrote on the board,
2006 -A
2007 -A
2008 -A

And spoke about how the number of straight As achievers
increase year by year.
And apparently, she expects us to score better.
Anyway her speech gave me a hit.

She was right, dang it.
PMR is just around the corner.

Miss Chai went in.
She told us about our form4 options
(which, for a few obvious reasons made me nervous)
She, as the school counselor wants us to really understand
how the form4 form5 education works.
IT made me think.
What do I want to be in the future?

Oh yes, apparently EDA and SARAH wants to
disguise themselves as guys so they can apply for RMC
=.= RMC seems like a super cool school.
too bad it's a no girls school. :S
Ps; you guys would be surrounded by guys!
Omg they would thinkyou guys are gays! haha
What do you say to that, eda and sarah? :P

Okay okay. guess what's eda's new name is.
Histerical, dont you think?

So from here onwards,
I'm gonna call her square
cool name huh? :D

Dang those 3A boys.
Since it's Ramadhan and we were fasting,
I didnt bring my PJ clothes.
So we sat at the side of the padang
and did our revision
but all the boys played football.

I sat beside Lulu.
After I lost my focus,
I chatted with lulu.
And then the ball came towards me.
"Woahh !"
I managed to avoid the ball.
And then suddenly the ball hit the back of my head
=.= doosh !
I laughed like hell afterwards.
It was just so funny xD

And non of them wanted to admit -.-'

I'll stop here.
so, kor kor; are you happy ? :P


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