Monday, September 28, 2009

The final wave

This shall be my last post.
Next week, on Wednesday,
I'll be sitting for my PMR examination

Pray for me :)

Haziq Manaf came to school just now!
Me Haziq Syaa Yzma
Illaaaaa !
*turns left* *looks up*
Haziqqqqq ! Heyyyy !
Haha hey :)
Haha hey :)
Tengok crocs haziq
Hey janganlah. malu la
Crocs tuuuuuuuuu !
Dengan shades lagi
Mahal TUUUUUUUU ! *laughs*
Lama tak jumpa kau !
Yeah , hey asal rajin sgt? *pointing to my BM book*
*looks at him*
Aku dulu tak pernah study for exam
Ye laaaa kau da PANDAI .
TAH, kau da pandai !

HE IS SUPER TALL! Btw haziq, nice seeing you again :)

Oh yes, I must stop playing this.
I blame my darling Syaa for this addiction.

Hello PANDA :)
HAHAHA I love eating
hello panda while studying!

To all PMR candidates 2009;
All the best~
May this year's results be the best year
in history! haha especially to my exsktbm and smktbm
friends , lets rock it ! :)


PMR : 7th Oct 2009-13 Oct 2009

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