Friday, September 18, 2009


Last day of school.

Arrived on school grounds around 7.15,
walked straight until Mandy stopped me.
Couldn't see eysha and sarah anywhere.
figures. those two lazybums =.=

During Geo, pn.isya talked about sarah and eysha.
About HOW LAZY they are. HAHAHA
Ismah told pn.isya about their lazy plan ;)
Pn. Isya 3Amanah
Kalau cuti hari Sabtu, mesti diorang tak dtg hari Jumaat
Ni dah cuti hari Jumaat, hari ni pula tak dtg. Sikap pemalas mcm ni..
Diorg memang cam tu cikgu ! PEMALASSSSSS

During agama I sat next to Square and Ismah sat infront of her.
I was just doing my own work when suddenly I saw Ruz and Johan laughing.

Me Square Ruz & Johan
Why are they always laughing? =.=
I've no idea.
*pointing at them. i wonder what they're laughing about
*looks at them with a puzzled look
*signals me to keep quiet but were gigling
Huhh ? Ape?
Shhhh *laughing
What? Why? *to me not them
I dont know. maybe about the chipmunk thing kot
What chipmunk thing?
Oh. Hahaha. They said your voice is like a chipmunk's voice
What the hell?
HAHAHAHHAA I'm so sorry. I can't help but laugh !
Okay if you insist *still laughing
*gasp. evil
HAHAHAHHAHA Hey chipmunk is cute la!
=.= *makes weird face

After recess we went back to class,
I walked with yen , square and syik
When we reached 3A, I saw a bunch of people looking at the notice board.

Ismah Me 3Amanah
Illaaa !
What? *looks at the board.
OH MY GOD ! Wehhhhhhhh !
Illa illaaaa !
What's that? What's that? Omg
WEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *trying to take off the picture
No no ! leave it thereee !

-Ismah helped me to take out the picture.
And vicks took the pic and kept it.
And I sat down. almost shaking.
I was in shock. I laughed too hard, almost felt like crying.
Hahaha. And I was, i admit, EMBARASSED !

After I cooled down a bit,
I went to Ruz and Johan.
Asked them what they wanted to say
"Kau bagitau die eh?" *laughing
"Huh? bagitau ape?"
"Pasal. suara. dia" *points at square while trying not to laugh
"Ohh. hahaha a'ah"
"Ape la kau ni, dah la scandal ngan shavin tak bagitau aku"
"Wehhhhhhh ! TAK LA !"

I wanted to go back to my seat but Guan stopped me
Me Guan
Guan! tepi la. saya nak duduk
Tak boleh !
Siapa suruh awak curang !
Hahah tak curang laa !

Had a fight with guan.
Haha it was a blast ! We threw one particular pen to each other.
And lulu said, "Illa. stop acting childish"
"I am NOT"
"Yes you are :P"

I turned behind and saw shashy looking at THEE picture
And she said "bagitau johan! ade scandal baru ye"
She stood up and shouted "JOHANNN ! tengok ni! jangan nangis ye!"
ran to him and gave the picture

"Wehhhhh ! tak payah laaa! "
I ran to Johan and Ruz's place and try to get the picture back.
And dickson snatched the picture form Johan's hands.
"Dickson! bagi balikkkkkkkkk"
"Sabar sabar. aku nak tengok muka shavin ni."
I took it from him and quickly kept it in my pocket.
That'll stop them. Fuh. what a tiring day. Hahah
I managed to study.
A little. HAHA xD

Because I find geography so BORING,
the first thing I did after I reached home
was sleep. Ahh, the joy of sleeping. ;)

I woke up at 6.30 and slapped myself for missing Zohor prayers.
I quickly cooked rice and boiled water for break fast
and prayed Asar.

We had tomyam for break fast. YUM :D
Oh and Mee Udang . NICE !
Big eyes, huh ?
I've got big eyes and proud of it ;)

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