Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Raya rayaa ! :)

20th September, Saturday.
Raya eve ! Wahahaha.
We were suppose to wake up early and go to wan's house
like we usually do every year, for RAYA preps.
Somehow this year was different.

INSTEAD, we went to Selayang Mall with nenek.
My sister and I managed to sneak our way to Famous Amos
and bought ourselves some rock candy and a candy cane :D
I had a laugh . :)

After Zohor prayers,
My dad brought us to KL for a-supposed-to-be raya shopping.
Only Naz, angah and myself followed.
Aa and ma stayed home doing whatever :D

As we were browsing around,
my phone rang. it was ma.
I answered and gave the phone to ayah.
After he hung up, he said
"is there anything else that you guys want?"
the three of us shaked our heads
"then let's head home"

As he said that, it started raining cats and dogs.
Seriously ! It was so sudden ! We had to buy two huge umbrellas
to cover ourselves. haha while we were walking, the umbrella angah and me
were using hit someone's head and he practically shouted "aduh!"
i turned right and saw his shocked face
dont get me wrong, i wanted to say sorry,
but the laughter went out first. HAHAHA xD

Since it was raining HEAVILY and we couldn't find a way to cross the road,
we stopped by at Pertama complex and guess what we saw.
A pink heels that's super nice!
but it's also not our size. ceh besar gedabak ! *angah's words

That's the shop. my dad were chatting away with the owner
when i took this :O

We reached home at 7,
so my mum cooked maggie for break fast.
I missed maggie . hahah

Around 8.30, we went to wan's house
and this year i didnt follow the takbir thingy.
Heh. I sat in chaa's room and studied geo ;)
Oh and I almost finished the kuih kacang my maklang gave me :)
I couldn't help it, they taste awesomee !

21st September, Sunday.
I woke up and heard the takbir playing on the tv.
"Ma, why does takbir have a such a sad tune?"
":)" *smiles with a sad look
"Is it because Ramadhan is over?"
"I'm not sure la yang."

Oh guess who I saw while I was praying Solat sunat hari raya?
Amirah ! my old friend from SKTBM
I kept on telling my mum she looks familiar and said that i think she's amirah
and my mum persuaded me to say hi.
So I did. (thank god i was right or not it would have been embarassing)

First off, Wawan's house.
Ate away then it was arwah atuk's grave.
We saw this group of girls who apparently did not wear
tudung . Your in a cemetry for peep's sake. RESPECT LA SIKIT!
My cousins + my sister and myself were talking about them
when they suddenly stared at us.
and ayong anis said "tu la. kutuk kuat2 lagi" haha xD

But they kept on staring so Ayong A said
"mesti diorang rase, uish. lawanya kakak2 dan adik2 kat sane. jealousnya aku"
hahaha we had to control ourselves from laughing out loud :D

Next, nenek's place.
Nothing was there so we went to Makcik Esah's house.
(with nenek) and ate Malaysia's greatest laksa johor :)

22nd September, Monday.
Woke up early in the morning and headed to Port Dickson!
Weeeee . I was so excited ! :)
Family trip. Haha. kinda .
Three cars to one destination
hahah macam convoy la plak . xD

First car, the PAKLONG family (which is mine)
Aboy and amee joined our car :)
Second car, the MAKLANG family (which is chaa's)
-joined by wawan
Last car, the MAKSU family.
-they're family minus two (aboy & amee)

Reached toksu's house.
a few things happened *family business
Then we watched Upik Abu dan Laura together
HAHAHA and complained how all Indonesian senatrons
are practically the same. (people die, people is sick. tears tears and more tears)

Next house, Pakboy's.
Checked aunty dahlia's new baby out.
He's so frickin' fragileee ! His hand is like 1/2 of 1/4 of my hand.
Oh yes, dinah looked so tired and thin.
I feel so kesian for her. She's a real good sister.
you should have seen her taking care of naughty little Arissa.
And she's only 9! I was never that good of a sister.

HAHa I took care of haziq again!
I think it was two years ago when I first saw him and took care of him
HAHA he even pooped in his pampers !
And now he's what, 5 ? and so cute!
also, his younger brother Hariz manja with me too.
HAHA Hariz bold head is so cute ! If felt like picit2-ing his head! xD

Danish is super handsome now :D
He's gonna grow up to be a hot guy.
He's 10, so he's got years ahead of him. :)

The final house was our very own,
MAKSU :D all the mums cooked together.
And I split a balang of kerepek.
Which, was not my fault! Paklang called me a klutz =.=
somehow didnt close the jar properly. and i didnt even touch the crackers
so it's definitely not me -.-'

Dinner was awesome. Maklang's ayam asam pedas
was greattttttt ! everyone refilled their plates :D

23rd September, Tuesday.

Brought nenek to her favourite house,
aunty ape tah i cant recall.
But the aunty just adore me :)
Because i was this cute little girl
who kept on scratching her hands and body
because did not like the aunty's mum house.
(trying to say that mosquitoes are biting me so we should get a move on ASAP)
When I reached her home,
which have air-cons everywhere and actually said out loud,
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH " *with a grinning face (cant believe i did that)
Every year, she'll repeat the same old story.

And I would just smile, i cant help it, it is funny.

Then we brought nenek to see wawan.
And we watched congkak (wawan and nenek not included)
And ayah made some jokes that cracked us up
(not a new thing)
Finally, it was nenek's sister's house.
Which, i did not get any duit raya =.=

That night, ayah and ma gave us our duit raya
Around 9 , we went to wawan's house again
we watched the incredibles and i was playing a game with the boys
when uncle molob and his family came.

I was not wearing tudung neither was angah.
So we quickly ran into chaa's room and told the boys
to go get our tudungs in the living room
and when we went out, TADAA !
transformers! wahaha. abby and kak tasha laughed :O

And that's the end of my RAYA :D


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