Wednesday, September 16, 2009


should auld acquaintance be forgot

and never brought to mind?

should auld acquaintance be forgot

and days of auld lang syne?
-Auld Lang Syne

I reached school and saw eysha talking with sarah at the back of the line
I went to them and asked,
"don't we have to line up there?" *pointing to a particular spot
"it's raining la!"

"I was just asking"

Therefore, I went to stand at eysha's usual standing spot.
Haha . And crapped with Shav the Perv. *gross conversation SHAV !

After exchanging spots with 3H,
everyone got their huge hands except me :'(
Apparently, dickson was using mine
=.= but he gave me back in the end xD

Oh yeah, the guy who sat beside
me started off being super annoying
Me Eysha
Omg annoying gila that guy
Haha you cakap la baik2, excuse me? can you be quiet?
Kang die bwk gangster belasah you baru tau

let's call the guy TG, shall we? :D
TG took a piece of paper and pasted it on his friend's back.
And he saw me looking .
I just made my weird face and looked away

And then he took that paper and showed me,
said something in chinese
and i replied in chinese, i dont understand
HAHA and he turned his back and told his friend
in chinese, she can speak chinese !

Er then he taught me to say the words on the piece of paper
HAHA i just followed obediently :)
And thennnn he said something that i didnt understand
so i laughed.
You understand what i say aa?
Yerr. you dont understand dont laugh aa *in chinese
Biar la i want to laugh :P

During the bye bye thingy
Dickson fake-cried
HAHA i couldnt help but laugh :D

Oh yes, IMON was funny today!
Kan saraah ? hehe :D

After THAT, we lined up to prepare to go for recess
And TG was there, beside me. AGAIN
And he looked at me and..
What's your name?
*showed my nametag and smiled
NA-BI-LAH ? Ohh :)
:) What's yours?
*showed his. Ve Vin
Ohh :)
hai :)
haha hai :D

I turned behind I saw syahirah laughing :S

Edric Dickson Eysha Sarah Me
*dickson bullying Presanth
Weyy jgn la kacau die
Ye la ye la. nanti nabilah nangis pulak
Haha aku tkkan nangis la.
Kau suke presanth . ye la ye la
HAHA aku dgn edric la! kan edric?
*edric nods
HAHA . Eysha eysha! edric admitted that he's with me
EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH ! *hits me. I hate you edric!
Hahaha SARAH SARAH ! aku dgn edric la ^-^
Haha tkde kerja la kau :S
Hahaha edric edric , eysha jealous
siape cakap? *hits me again
die pukul saya
haha kesian awak hahaha



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