Saturday, October 31, 2009


So here I go again,
blogging i mean.

Let me get things straight first.
So hmm I need to post four stories.

First, to the all-mega aquaria in suria KLCC.
Which turned out to be super fun :)
We were all so , what's the right word for this?
Erm, jakun? HAHAHA.

We went bloop bloop bloop and had a great time ;)

Sitting down on this moving thingy was so much fun, we even got a personal tour :)

After that, everyone of us headed to Sya's.
Lulu and Qin wanted to watch Orphan.
So there we were, watching that wicked Esther killing people,
AGAIN. =.=
I felt really really tired, so I end up sleeping.

I woke up to the sound of Izzie's screams.
She was screaming because she got an outfit she wanted
so badly on Sorority Life. WTH O.O
Sya kept shouting back at her,

And spoke nicely to me ,
"Illa, tidur la. sian you"

I tired though, but couldn't.
Then only did I notice Lul and Qin weren't there anymore.
And we got a major news from eda *gasp*
That night, we end up going to DPC after all.
We met most of our old school mates,
and some new friends.
It was sort of a reuninon thingy.
I said SORT OF. Sandra was super tall,
and she was wearing flats! danggg.
John had gotten taller too. Eventhough I met him the week before.
Navee grew her hair. It was SUPER long!
Kels didn't change much (maybe cause I often see her?)
And Ellis sat beside me,
she hasn't change much either.
Meryl had gotten really pretty.
Oh wait. they all did.
Plus Meryl and Ellis brought their boyfriends along.
Over all, it was nice seeing my old friends again.
Oh how I miss primary school :')

Next was the trip to KL tower.
It was very exciting at first,
then I grew bored watching the same scenery
over and over again as I walked around .

Isaac taped our journey to the forest.
His show is called ISAAC dot TV.
It was so funny :D
I walked with Rissy and as usual, we crapped
(crapping is a must when I'm with her! hahaha)

Finally, we went to Telekomuzium.
Which, again was FUN! :D

AND FINALLY, we went to Sky bridge KLCC
and Petrosains.
The skybridge was quite fun.
HHAHA being jakun all over again :D

And petrosains was sooooo much fun!
They had all these rides,
wee :)

The 1000th shot. Haha :D

So anyway I just got back from Taekwondo.
And let me tell you this,
The phrase NO PAIN NO GAIN is very much correct.
My leg still hurts over kicking Ju Lian.
Dang him for kicking me man.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

R and R :)

So here I am, blogging,
once again. :)

I owe Daa a few posts.
She got all dramatic when I said I didn't want to blog.
Knowing me, I still hadn't blogged up till now. :D

Two of my closest friends, might you call them my bestfriends
recently turned 15.

26th October 2009;
RUTH TEO or as I call her, Roo :)
Daa's dramaforlife partner,
a MAJOR weirdo but also a great friend ;)
My ice cream buddy and also my Muhhibah geng :D
HAHHAHA. And and my Friday walk pal!
Man oh man, am I gonna miss you ROO!

Anywho, your finally 15 roo! so old :P
HAHAHA don't lose the drama in you,
it might come in handy one day :)
Love you! <3

27th October 2009;
RISSARA KHONGSUWAN or as I call her Rissy :)
My walk home buddy, my pepsi drinking buddy,
my one and only cowphant siamese friend :D
My jinx-you-owe-me-a-soda friend
and best of all, my bestfriend :)
Awh, I'm so gonna miss you riss!

Anywaay, hehe your finally 15!
Like I said in my text, just because your
15 does not mean your out of the CHILDISH LIST.
Yes, there is such a list. hahaha :D
I love you babe , MOO OUT! <3

I love you guys so very much!
Have fun being fifteen! :)


Friday, October 23, 2009

Dearly beloved

On the 18th of October,
We had a sleepover at Sya's ;)
During the day,
Izzie , Lulu and myself went to Eril's open house.
I shall blog about it later, when I get all the pictures. :D

So anyway,
I got home around 8 o'clock.
I rushed to get ready as Daa said she'll pick me up around 8.40.
When she finally did, we went to DPC
to get a birthday cake for Sya and Secret Recipe.

While waiting for the cake,
we thought of ways to hide the cake from sya.
And we thought Izzie would be at Sya's,
so I dialed sya's house.

Me Sya
Hello? Aisyah ke ni?
Ye. ni..
Ismah ade tak?
Huh? Ismah tak ade kat sini la.
Oh okay bye
eh ni sape ?
takpe la BYE!

So we tried lulu next.
She said she's gone inside.
So I asked her to help us hide the cake.
When we arrived, we managed to hid the cake
behind one of the couches in the living room.

When everyone finally arrived,
We watched Orphan.
I am serious, that esther girl is so ANNOYING!
Everyone of us (Sya, Lulu, Daa, Sarah, Izzie and myself)
kept on shouting "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH" whenever
she goes all innocent. (which she is NOT! grr)

Lulu was supposed to set the alarm at 12 am sharp.
But there was some technical error,
so at 12.05 (i think) , she shouted
And we all ended up wishing her a happy birthday :)

Then Daa said,
Hey pause kejap. I nak pergi tandas
Lulu: me too. *raises from her seat*
Sarah: me too.
Me: Oh yeahh! me too. ttbe rase nak..
Izzie: *raises*

Sya was about to follow
when I quickly told Izzie the real deal.
So Izzie stayed in the library and stalled away.
And just when I worry she'll get all suspicious,
I entered library and she was making a face.

So i said, WHAT ?
And she replied, I pun taktau. Everyone suddenly pergi toilet =.=
I laughed and we crapped.
And then, jeng jeng jeng!
Lulu entered the room holding the bday cake in her hands.
We sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Sya shouted "Ooh, cake! cake!"

Photo moments :)
The birthday girl ;) I love you SYAAA ! <3

haha look at me. xD


With the 15 year old Aisyah ;)

I've no idea what Izzie was trying to do. After all, she IS weird :D
HAHAHA comel KAN ? :D

Lulu went home early, around 12-ish ?
I was already seated on the sofa when Izzie tried
turning on the dvd after a very long pause.
Sya Sarah and Daa were surfing the net.
Izzie sat with me on the sofa and complained how the dvd
won't turn on. And I started asking her what she pressed and stuff.

She told me she hit play several times.
At the exact time the two of us turned to face
the tv, ESTHER's face showed up
And we ended up screaming!
which eventually led to a burst of laughter.
We were so shocked we shouted out loud.

ESTHER (not even her real name)
got what she deservedddd ! :P
I slept during I Love You Beth Cooper.
They told me in the morning they didn't watch it till the end.

Sarah went home around 9,
and Qin arrived around 10.
We waited for Lulu and headed for OU :)

Sya insisted on watching Sorority Row.
Since it was a PG 18 movie,
she claimed that Izzie, Qin and myself would not pass for 18.
And lulu and daa halau us. :S

After the successful ticket purchasing,
We satisfied our tummies with food.
Izzie, Qin and myself went to Shihlin.
While Sya, Daa and Lulu went to Old Town's.
Initally, I followed them to Old Town.
But my stomach wasn't empty.
so I didnt want to waste my money.

I was not ready for the shot, and i dont think Lulu is too.

I watched Sorority Row with such pain.
HAHA. OH the violence!
It's plain cruel man! Daa practically closed her eyes. xD
but the overall, the movie wasn't bad.
It was actually great the screaming part was funny :)
I mean our screams not the victims, haha.

Look at our height difference! HAHAHAHA. Sorry Daa. Can't help it :P
Topshop. before kena marah. HAHAHAAH
After a very tiring session of window shopping,
we rested on the bench and Izzie and I took funny shots of ourselves ;)

the laughing shot :D

We went home around 7.
I had an awesome time!
Once again,
Love you ! :)


Friday, October 16, 2009

I Think About You Everyday

Hah. yeah rightttt. hahaha . no no, the title is not dedicated to anyone. but it's not exactly random either.

I came to school QUITE late,
so I sat at the back of the line.
After singing the boring-old-school anthem,
the prefects finally released pelajar lewat

Shav sat behind me,
followed by Johan.
what you're about to read may not be funny,
but it was at that time :O

Johan Shav me EX=Shav's number one fan :)
*turns behind*
WEHHHH ! *laughing*
Asaal ? *shocked by the sudden call*
EX senyum kat kau! *talks to shav*
Haha siape?
EX la. tengok die
Oh. hahaha . shav, she likes you la
*laughing so hard*
Terima je la dia
TAKNAK. aku nak nabilah sorang je
HA-HA so funny *makes =.= face*
EX suka kau la shavin ! *still laughing*

And with that, I had a laugh :D

Riss Me
Your such a cow
Heyyy ! Oh don't you start!
hey teman me go return the form
I see you and i'm ready to make my move *singing Baby We're Invincible by A Rocket to the moon*
what so is that eh? Ohh! baby we're invincible *babbling to myself*
by the way, I kind of like I Think About You Everyday
Whaat? It's okay la, but I still like baby we're invincible better
Ohhhhhhhh. I thought you said you think about me everyday
haha nooo. so perasan la you :P

Syaa gave me a book to read :)
*since I am able to read story books now!*
Ergh, seems like a long time since I last read
story books. hehe I like being free :)

Also, we had to bring ALL our textbooks. FREAKING HEAVY WEY !
All 14 books returned to it's rightful owner, the school's SPBT and all in awesome condition :)

That's the last time I'll be looking at those stack of FORM3 books :(

So anyway, Today we had more fun in school compared to yesterday!
First we played Sahiba (which lulu was super excited about)
I played with Lulu, Izzie, Square and Roo.
Yes, Sahiba's maximum number of players is four.
But roo joined forces with square . =.=

Oh and Izzie used her letters to write the word Bra
horrible minded little yzma heh?
HAHAHHA. but IT was sort of funny
Ustazah captured a picture of us ;)

After the prefects had left,
I played speed using UNO with Sarah.
And of course , Sarah won
but heyyyy, I havent played speed in three years :P

During recess,
we played snakes and ladders ? (whatever the title of the game is)
I played against Syaa and Sarah (square said it was childish)
Syaa kept on going down,
so she ended up saying "AHHHH AKU TAKNAK MAIN!"
Haha. sarah and I had to say "chill la. game ni mmg cmtu la"
several times. haha. even I went up and down so many times. xD

And then bell rang,
so we couldn't finish our game :(
we went back to class and played UNO stack-O
HAD A BLAST ! :D Daniel caused the stacks to drop ! wahhaha~
During the second round,
Qin wanted the UNO to fall faster than before
So each of us took out numbers and colours from below
so that it'd be less stable :D

Next we played a game of UNO
which, let me tell you in advance, I HATE!
I was like the Queen of Blurness cause I couldnt remember
how the game goes, or even worst, how it works.
I ended up saying I remember why I hate playing UNO
*which made lulu laugh*

Square was the first to say "UNO"
We weren't about to let that happen!
So we bullied her. HAHA.
We knew what colour and number she had
So we avoided giving her the right card at ALL CAUSE!
It was so funny to see her in a tension state and all :D

I was the third to say UNO GAME
which wasn't half bad of how I started :)
And in the end, square won to Izzie.
Which cracked us up.

The second game of UNO,
I was the first to win! *so prouddd*

Miss Tang 3A
Class, why are you so noisy? You guys were noisy before PMR,
and now you're worst
HAHHAHA *noise*
It's like you guys je got out of prison. Like you guys were caged
It's true teacher, we were caged.
This is what we call, FREEDOM!
I don't know what to say *laughed*
*continues making noise*
Class, you are the noisiest class ever

As she said that, I turn my head to Sarah
and said,
Such an honour :)

And finally, we did dominos or something
HAHA it was EFF YOU AND ! had a blast!

After school,
I played football (while waiting for my non- punctual little brother)
with Edric, Ruz, Johan and Saros.
They bullied me! =X
but when I go the ball from edric,
Ruz was surprised and said boleh tahab gak nabilah ni
AHAHAHHA syik joined me several minutes later
I've no idea how boys are able to play football.
I'm exhausted ! :S

In saw Eunice as in Eunice my standard6
crapping neighbour :)
when she got out of the car I shouted,
EUNICE ! Hey, remember me?
and she said she did :)
I brought her to where sarah was sitting and
it was like 2006 all over.
except sabby wasn't there :(

Oh and John and Vishwin came too!
We talked and stuff :D
And John has grown much much TALLER !
John wanted to belanja me bubble tea,
but I was fasting so I couldnt drink.
What a shame huh? :(

I had a great day at school!
(without having to study!)
And it was great meeting my former classmates again :)


Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 14th

I woke up listening to my mum's angry voice
"Dah habis PMR tak nak sembahyang dah ke?"
"Huh? sekarang pukul berapa?" *turned my head to see the clock
"zzzzzzz. seven? shoot! SEVEN!"

I was so SLEEPY !
We had to stay in the hall and listen to teachers
talking about after PMR programs .

I can't wait for the school trips !
They ought to be fun :)
Lulu asked us to go to zoo negara,
but I hate going to zoo negara.
So i declined.
so did izzie and syaa.
Sorry :(

Lulu went all emotional =.=
Each of us took a new form,
to the National Science Centre!
Weeeeeeeeeee :)

After recess,
sya izzie lulu and myself helped
pn.isya with next year's geography papers.
While our classmates were watching BOLT!
I watched that movie twice,
so I wasnt interested :)

After THAT,
we went to the APD room.
Miss Chai helped us confirm our real interest.
Most of us got Investigatif as in observant
And yeepeedeedahdah! the best course for us
is Science stream ! It was funny .
Miss Chai made a few jokes :D

I had a horrible headache when I got home,
So I slept :)


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Thousand Splendid Suns

just dropped by to say;

PMR is finally over! :)

13th October 2009, Tuesday, 9.40 a.m
"Baiklah calon, waktu sudah tamat. Sila letakkan pensel di atas meja.
Berhenti menulis. Dilarang keluar sehingga diberitahu. Tunggu sehingga semua kertas telah dikutip"

As the examination prefects took our papers,
i can't help but glance around the hall.
In my point of view, everyone looked excited,
and happy.
I too was smiling happily.
Woah. PMR dah habis. mcm tak percaya
Ya Allah, PMR dah habis.
Alhamdulillah, sempat aku menyiapkan PMR,

one major task in my life is done .
Wait, so that means I'm free?
No more burning midnight oil!
No more going to tuition, no more worrying about PMR.
*monolog dalaman

Havines my PMR neighbour,
somehow I'm gonna miss you !
I'm gonna miss your annoying snickers ,
your erupted sounds; laughing at me
when my slip and ic fell on the floor =.=

Lulu! I'm so gonna miss turning back and saying
goodluck to you. Your my southern neighbour,
we've been exam neighbours since last year ! :'(

Oh yes, the final moments.
I looked at Roo and saw her making silent screams
(which looked super weird and freakyy !)
I couldn't help but laugh :D

Havines Edric Me
Nabilah, nabilah. Kenapa dia keluar awal? *pointing at Nav's seat
Huh? Mane aku tau. girlfriend kau tkkan taktau kot
EH ! bukan girlfriend aku la! cepat ah asal dia keluar awal? *kecoh*
HAHAHA aku tktau la. aw, dia tk bgtau kau ke? sian :P
HAHA dia kan girlfriend awak, takkan awak tktau
EEEEEEEEH *wants to throw things at me and edric*
*mumbling something*
Whatever ! :P Aku lak, edric boyfriend aku. kan edric?
YE :)
*mumbles with a dirty look on his face*

Practically everyone hugged each other !
*too happy , i presume ? xD
Everyone wished Syahirah goodluck cause she's the
only one in 3A taking Chinese.
Syahiraaah ! *hug* goodluck! make us proud!!
Hehe. thank you :)

SARAH'S HOUSE for a japanese marathon!
Shashy asked us to join them.
they were going to OU. but we declined :)
Syaa Lulu and Izzie went to Sya's house.
While Square Sarah and myself, went to Sarah's.

We agreed on watching Hanazakari No Kimitachi E (Hana Kimi)
It was a blast ! It's the funniest Japanese series
I've ever watched ! :)
And Nakatsu Shuichi is super cute! Haha :)

showing off Nakatsu's face :)

I love the part when he shouted
"I am not homo!!!! I love women!!!!"

OH, there's this thing called
After PMR syndrom . ever heard of it?
Well, if you were a PMR candidate and you just
finished PMR, you'll know :D

Exhibit A: SAEDA IMAN a.k.a SQUARE
She was so weird on 13th Oct.
then again, she's always weird.
But on 1310, she was SUPER weird!! :P

Exhibit B: NABILAH a.k.a ILLA
I chased after an ice cream van .
Pretty courageous huh? :D

She took hold a stick
And laughed her ass off .
Rolled on the floor, laughing at square's

When Sya and Izzie came to visit,
we told them what had happened.
And together we laughed.
And they left Lulu at sya's house.
so evil kan? =.=

Anyway, my mum picked me up around 7.
Ergh, tinggal the last episode kot !
So anyway I had a great time
and pmr candidates 2009, beware of
the after pmr syndrom;
it's highly contagious ! :)

