Saturday, October 31, 2009


So here I go again,
blogging i mean.

Let me get things straight first.
So hmm I need to post four stories.

First, to the all-mega aquaria in suria KLCC.
Which turned out to be super fun :)
We were all so , what's the right word for this?
Erm, jakun? HAHAHA.

We went bloop bloop bloop and had a great time ;)

Sitting down on this moving thingy was so much fun, we even got a personal tour :)

After that, everyone of us headed to Sya's.
Lulu and Qin wanted to watch Orphan.
So there we were, watching that wicked Esther killing people,
AGAIN. =.=
I felt really really tired, so I end up sleeping.

I woke up to the sound of Izzie's screams.
She was screaming because she got an outfit she wanted
so badly on Sorority Life. WTH O.O
Sya kept shouting back at her,

And spoke nicely to me ,
"Illa, tidur la. sian you"

I tired though, but couldn't.
Then only did I notice Lul and Qin weren't there anymore.
And we got a major news from eda *gasp*
That night, we end up going to DPC after all.
We met most of our old school mates,
and some new friends.
It was sort of a reuninon thingy.
I said SORT OF. Sandra was super tall,
and she was wearing flats! danggg.
John had gotten taller too. Eventhough I met him the week before.
Navee grew her hair. It was SUPER long!
Kels didn't change much (maybe cause I often see her?)
And Ellis sat beside me,
she hasn't change much either.
Meryl had gotten really pretty.
Oh wait. they all did.
Plus Meryl and Ellis brought their boyfriends along.
Over all, it was nice seeing my old friends again.
Oh how I miss primary school :')

Next was the trip to KL tower.
It was very exciting at first,
then I grew bored watching the same scenery
over and over again as I walked around .

Isaac taped our journey to the forest.
His show is called ISAAC dot TV.
It was so funny :D
I walked with Rissy and as usual, we crapped
(crapping is a must when I'm with her! hahaha)

Finally, we went to Telekomuzium.
Which, again was FUN! :D

AND FINALLY, we went to Sky bridge KLCC
and Petrosains.
The skybridge was quite fun.
HHAHA being jakun all over again :D

And petrosains was sooooo much fun!
They had all these rides,
wee :)

The 1000th shot. Haha :D

So anyway I just got back from Taekwondo.
And let me tell you this,
The phrase NO PAIN NO GAIN is very much correct.
My leg still hurts over kicking Ju Lian.
Dang him for kicking me man.


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