Thursday, November 26, 2009

Out with the old

in with the new .

I'm so sorry for abandoning you dear blog.
Don't hate me please :/
It's just that, I always feel like NOT BLOGGING.
You know, just like feeling the urge to blog everytime
only the opposite.

So anyway, here I am,
blogging once again.

I just got back from Bali two days ago.
excuse the heat of course :D

Oh yeah, I went to OU just now with my siblings.
We watched Christmas Carol.
the one with Jim Carrey as Scrooge?
YOU, whoever YOU ARE, should watch it.
It's quite nice really, funny too.
I kept on picturing Jim Carrey doing the faces.
And can you believe I was actually scared during the
encounter of the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come?

Hmm guess that's pretty much it.
Oh and I have A LOT of blogging to do!
And I will, as soon as I feel like it.
heee. Daa and Sarah are so gonna yell at me for this xD

oh that's right!
I shall be going to Sunway tomorrow with Ismah and Sya.
only cause Ismah's paying. YES! *happy face*

DANGGGGG I want to watch The Women!
I was watching it on TV when my dad interrupted and
changed the channel to a sports channel =.=
Oh oh and I watched the clique.
haha. my god the so called Massie is hilarious!
I for one think in the clique movie of course,
Alicia and Kristen are pretty. The others, not so much.
Layne Abeley too and Fawn. Claire?
She looked pretty at first but as time elapse,
hmm. but none of them is ugly, of course :)

I best be off to bed now.


Saturday, November 14, 2009


I found out three things today;
1. *** (unvalid)
3. I got dikson's name wrong all along.
his name was actually dikson, not dickson. my badd. :S

I shall blog about Pusat Sains later,
well I feel like typing an essay.
thank you :)


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh Yeah ,

it's over.
It's finally over.
And I'm really glad too.
Lets hope it'll never come back.

Haih. TG and Jackson,
done and doneeeeee.
malas lah kan ?
whatever happens
or is fated for me to face
then fine, i'll suck it in.
I'll suck it ALL in.

I'm done.

Just felt like typing that out.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blue Day :)

Hey hey.
We went to Subang Jaya to visit our "beloved" sister.
It was such a coincidence that my whole family was wearing BLUE!
Haha. As in the blues; Chelsea.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Chelsea fan.
But I don't hold anything against them either ;)
I sorta like Chelsea. :D And since Naz is a BIGG fan of The Blues,
we made a video singing Blue Day,
a Chelsea song? HAHA. Ignore the horrible lip singing.
We didn't know the lyrics. HAHAHHAHA

It was fun though, I laughed a lot. :D

No, he was not touching my father's back.
11.55 p.m, Sunday, 8th November 2009.

Guess who won?
CHELSEA! So the wearing blue shirt,
singing BLUE DAY (even though we don't know the lyrics)
and my dad almost buying a Chelsea Fan On Board was all worth it ;)

John Terry shot the goal.


Gold Digger!

On thursday, Ismah told us she could go out on Saturday.
So we decided to go to OU.
Lulu couldn't go for reasons i don't know of
and Qin have piano lessons that she can't skip.

I went to Sya's house around 12.
And we waited for her mum to get home.
Around 12.45, her mum called to say she just got out of her medical check up.
Sya's brother said he could send us,
then Sarah and Daa arrived.

They were both wearing heels. -.-'
Sarah looked very feminine and Daa, well, ehem.
Sya wanted to watch Paranormal activities so badly,
but belum keluar? haha. and since the three of them
REFUSED to watch Jennifer's body.
We were left with two choices; PAPADOM and PISAU CUKUR.

Sarah said both were comedies, so we chose Pisau Cukur
which meant Gold Digger in English. (haha i didn't know that until Sarah told me)
We looked for a place to eat and finally settled with Dave's Deli.
I ate
lasagna , which was a bit salty, but still delicious.
The only problem with my meal was,
well, the diet coke. Eww, it tasted AWFUL!
I prefer light coke (with calories) or vanilla coke.

The best meal was Sarah's.
She ordered grilled fish and it was simply mouth watering!
Sya ordered fish and chip while Daa copied me! (HA-HA)
Ohh, before I forget. Ismah didn't even hang with us.
She came early, and so did Muqsit and Farol.
So she hang around with them instead.
I don't hold anything against her, but Sarah and Daa
seemed super PISSED OFF.

It ended up being the four of us,
walking around One Utama.

The movie was surprisingly REALLY funny!
Even Syaa loved the movie!
HAHAHA Oh My Gucci, it's so funny xD

After the movie, we went window shopping!
Teehee =)
We tried on clothes at Kitschen. (is that how you spell it?)

And I got to eat BR! yeah.
I have no idea what's up with me and ice creams these days.
And just before leaving OU and Daa (her mum was picking her up),
we stopped by Auntie Anne's and Sya and I got to eat our favourite pretzel!
scrumptious :) Hohoho. :D

Oh and I bought Sya her gift.
I bought her a necklace at Forever 21.
That leaves me with Roo's gift.
I'm still thinking of what to buy for her. Hmm.
Any thoughts? ;)

My very own Monopoly Here And Now edition CREDIT CARD :D


Saturday, November 7, 2009


Shen me'?
Whaat ?
Apaaa ?
Nani ?

WhatsEVERsMajorsLosers. HAHAHAHA
What's up with all the SSS ? -.-'
Dang it, I lost my blogging skills.
I don't know why though, but I couldn't find the joys
of blogging anymore.

School was er, kinda fun.
I think. Haha.
Started of great though,
I stood at the back of the line,
Ruzain behind me, followed by Isaac.

I was talking to Daa about Overdose.
Since, her mum let her go only IF
her friends went too.
Too bad, huh? Cause obviously I won't be going.
Not that I don't want to,
or that I would not even TRY! (daa said I didn't even try -.-')
It's just that I don't usually join these kind of things.
Gig and concerts and stuff.

So anyway, Ruzain PERASAN GILA!
When I asked him whether he was going to Overdose,
he said "Tak. aku pergi masjid je, dengar ceramah."
Bajet alim lah tu =.= doosh.
Then Isaac went all,
"Tak payah pergi overdose. pergi gig aku je"
HAHA during the Wawasan song,
Ruz and Isaac sang in that funny tune.
Dang it, I had to control myself from laughing =.=

In the hall, we played a game of Cluedo.
Daa didn't join (EDA NO FUN~!)
Syaa skipped school today. She does that often :D
This time, qin won.
I was SO close to winning, dang -.-'

After we finished playing,
Lulu, Izzie and myself went out to watch the football match.
Followed by Daa, Sarah and Qin.
Johan's team was on.
They lost against the form4s.
2-nil. I cheered for them! It was sad that they lost.
They're like my life Arsenal. HAHAHA.

Izzie , (the traitor) cheered for the form4s.
BECAUSE, er, haha. no need stating it here, huh?
Next it was Isaac's team,
this time they won. YEAY~

After recess,
I felt moody. Apparently, almost everyone was moody.
(FOR NO REASON! weird huh?)
I got super pissed off after Qin scolded me for something ridicilous
(apparenty, she was moody too, and felt like scolding someone)
So I took a chair from the hall,
brought it to Laman Maluri and placed it beside Tyk.
(as if I was gonna sit there with me wanting to be alone)

Then I walked to LP,
sat at the corner alone,
sounds emo huh? I've no idea what got onto me.
I looked down, thinking of what to think .

Then patty sat next to me,
Asking if I was okay, Milky Way and Sand
was there too, I told them I felt so moody.
And Sand said she did too, as asked me If I was having it.

I followed them though,
into the hall and watched the dancers dance.
Sand sat down and invited me over.
Next thing I know, I was sitting next to Milky Way,
laughing away. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIM!
I was glad too, so thanks Aj :D

After most of my classmates joined us,
We sat on the stacked up chairs.
Which was about 10 metres high, i think.
It was close to the fan. Ruz stood up,
not realising he was high up, his hair hitting the fan.
We shouted for him to sit down, that crazy fellow =.=

I played a game of 41 with Syik, Din and Dickson.
Dickson won twice, eventhough it was his first time playing =.=

So I had a great day at school,
then during the farewell party for Librarians,
I was the MC. With my crazy friend, Gnitgnit :D
It was sorta fun, and the video was quite sweet.

After I could FINALLY get out of the library,
I saw Izzie, Rissy, Roo and Qin sitting down outside the library.
Hahaha. That's was SO sweet of them,
waiting for me *sob sob* AHHAHA

So we walked home together,
excluding Izzie of course.
Qin went home with me,
and we ordered Dominos. YUM!
She went home around 7.
She even tuned my classical guitar.

I went to taekwondo.
After a week of losing my bruises,
they're BACK now. =.=
Khae Shen didn't show, which was good
The only thing I love about taekwondo is sparring.
Which I did just now.
Haih, the joy of kicking a boy :D
NGAHAHAHA sorry. That sounds so sexist. xD
He was nice though, the boy I mean.
I didn't hate sparring with him like
I would if I was sparring with thatguythatican'trecallhisname

We really look like we're in an aquarium kan?


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Zoo Negara

Woot Woot! Today's form3 trip was to Zoo Negara.
Which I went when I was seven, I think.
I swore to myself I'd never go again,
(after the slippers incident)
but knowing my best friend, Lulu has NEVER been to the Zoo,
I gave in. (you should be really grateful :P)

I was on bus B, along with my closest friends :)
Apparently, the teachers decided to place us
according to classes :D *isn't that great?*
which means we were together, on one bus!
US 3 Amanah-ians I mean. ;D

Initially, Miss Liew wanted to separate us
3As and 3Cs. We begged , and thankfully,
they paid off. So again we were on one bus
3A and 3C are quite close so it was great!

I sat WAY at the back with Daa, Qin, Sarah and Izzie.
Sya was safely seated with Lul. :D
When we reached The National Zoo,

We had to wait outside
cause APPARENTLY, the Zoo did not open at 8 -.-'
Lulu and Sya went online through Lul's phone
while we laughed about Hana Kimi
(which made us laugh all over again knowing Izzie is clueless)

So after we finally decided to sit down,
I sat next to Lulu and Raja (with space in the middle)
And then we saw a bunch of school kids like ourselves
walking our way. Dickson sat down next to me,
pulled the most supposed-to-be "cool" face.
I started laughing, he looked ridiculous !
Then he stated flatly "Sekolah rendah ah." with a disappointed face
"TAKKKKKKKKK. SMK Sri Aman lah wey"
"Ye ke? Tak macam skola menegah pun. pendek je, lagi pendek dari kau"

I remembered why I hated Zoo Negara,
the SMELL! The horrible intense SMELL of POO! *yuck!*

Instead of animals, I ended up taking photos of flowers :D

BLOOP BLOOP BLOOP! LS, (haha not Leong Sheng)
but Liyana Shaharoom! :)

After the wild boar (which STANK like H!)

*I am not exxagerating when I say this,
but the smell was super BAAAAAADDD !*
We got separated. Daa Qin Sarah and Izzie went off together.
Leaving us, Sya , Lulu and myself with the boys.

It was quite fun ;D
The boys were so hungry that they insisted on eating first.
So we went to this fast food restaurant called The Wild.
Listen when I say this, TAK SEDAP!
And it's expensive! Mcd is so MUCH better :S

My used to be enemy (standard6-HAHA), AM,
Aisyah Muhammad. or as I call her,
Syaa :)

After having the "so called" lunch or brunch,

we continued our journey and saw them!
The foursome i mean.
We had to move FAST,
(Lul, Sya and myself)
We wanted to see the baboons and gorillas.
And the animal show was about to start in 30 minutes.

During the speed walking,
Johan pointed to a little girl and said
"Sepupu aku doeh!"
I replied, "pergi la tegurrr!"
"Taknak la. segan ah"
And when that little girl spun around,
I shouted at her while pointing to Johan,
"Ni Abang Johan ni!"
She smiled a shyy smile. funny. hahah

During The Animal Show,
I sat next to Sya and on her left were a few Primary schoolers
while on my right were a few SMK Sri Aman's girls.
Those primary girls in front of us seemed like a clique.
Sya whispered to me " I bet they're the most hated girls in school"
I mean, they even have the same hair style -.-'

Sya Me GEDIKs (HAHAHA that's what I decided to call them)
Eh eh! that guy comel!
Where where?
Tu tu!
Which one? Yang pakai topi ke?
*GEDIK butts in* You guys tengah ckp pasal hanif ke? *in the most annoying tune*
(I laughed, answering her with a "TAKTAU")
You guys 12 years old ke?
*turns to me*Whatever la! three years younger wey!
Let's hunt for high school boys illa!
I saw a few just now,
When? Wheree?
Budak skola agama, hahaha
oh. tknk la. alim sgt la

HAHAHAH sya sya -.-'
The Animal show was grreatttttt!
the seals were so adorable! :'D

Squada Imon, SI; Saeda Iman.
Or as I LOVE calling her,
SQUAREMON! hikhikhik. :D
Hoedown Throwdown , deskmate !
IY, Ismah Yusmadi.
Or as I like calling her, Izzie./ Yzma
Or as Sya LOVESS to call her, SEMAHH!!!
Japanese-obsessed-freak. *stalker!*
AHHAHAHA. SE, Sarah Ezzurin.
Or as she'd HATE us calling her, Awin.
AHHAHAHAHA. Sarah, sarah xD
Skinny Qins! Or as people like to call her,
Childish best friend since seven,
RM, Raja Muinuddin :)
Hahaha, dickson
AE, Azrenne Ezzati, or as we call her Yen. :D
OR her glamour name, Erin.
Isaac dot TV host, ISAAC Yew Tze Yang!
Izzie with Isaac, *AWWW!*
The Hardest to take picture with.
SR, Saros Razif :)
Wait for it, one day your gonna end up watching him on TV!
Muhammad Johan :)

The Easiest.
His glamour name, Dean. or as we call him,
DIN. Haha
My sekampung friend, *sob sob* :')
SA, Shahirah Atiqah or Syik :D
My very own personal tutor, Syahirah :D
My red-ass girl friend, SC
Shashfiny Chua or Shashy :D
Rissara Khongsuwan, Rissy :D *MOOOOOO*

After that, we went to OU
to watch The Time Traveler's Wife.
Hahah we felt "SO COOL" wearing uniforms .

HAHAHA. Izzie and Sarah didn't follow us. :S
Just before buying the popcorns,
Daa and I saw Azri! my old friend during primary.
The one who moved during standard5.
We wanted to tegur, but decided to avoid humiliation.

It was FREEZING COLD in the cinema!
The time traveler's wife is a VERY sad movie :'(
Next we saw Fatim. (tegur lah)
and saw Leysha, i think?
she used to be my friend back in primary.
And finally, we saw Navee!
And she gave me the Overdose flyers.
Which was awesomely created :D
All the same, I had a fun day. But now I'm exhausted. Taa~


Monday, November 2, 2009

The Only Exception

Can you believe how fast time elapse?
I can hardly believe that it is November.
In a month or so, I'll be takind my PMR results.
Ergh, just thinking about it gives me the creeps.
Feels like only a few days ago I was a first former.

In about 2 months,
I'll be a fourth former.
Woah .

At school today we played Monopoly World Edition.
Okay technically I didn't play,
but I was merely the banker;
so I consider myself a player. wahaha :D

Who won the game you ask?
Daa did. I know, so unexpected.
Hahaha. but because of her soft voice,
I heard her saying her total money was 38.5 mil
instead of 48.5 mil.
Izzie got 41.5 mil, so I declared her the winner.

Sorry daa,
next time, speak louder :D
Weird how Johan doesn't mind us playing monopoly.
I mean, he brought the game and all
but he didn't play monopoly at all.
Tak menyusahkan diri ke? =.=
Anyway, I did not forget to thank him.
Oh and Yen broke a glass. haha ganas gilaa yen O.O

I was supposed to rejoin kumon today,
but I overslept. PFFT =.=

Haziq sent me this song the last time we met.
And I grew to somehow love this song.
It's different to the kind of songs Paramore
often sing, but I like em :D

Twisting and turning around, DPC
