Saturday, November 7, 2009


Shen me'?
Whaat ?
Apaaa ?
Nani ?

WhatsEVERsMajorsLosers. HAHAHAHA
What's up with all the SSS ? -.-'
Dang it, I lost my blogging skills.
I don't know why though, but I couldn't find the joys
of blogging anymore.

School was er, kinda fun.
I think. Haha.
Started of great though,
I stood at the back of the line,
Ruzain behind me, followed by Isaac.

I was talking to Daa about Overdose.
Since, her mum let her go only IF
her friends went too.
Too bad, huh? Cause obviously I won't be going.
Not that I don't want to,
or that I would not even TRY! (daa said I didn't even try -.-')
It's just that I don't usually join these kind of things.
Gig and concerts and stuff.

So anyway, Ruzain PERASAN GILA!
When I asked him whether he was going to Overdose,
he said "Tak. aku pergi masjid je, dengar ceramah."
Bajet alim lah tu =.= doosh.
Then Isaac went all,
"Tak payah pergi overdose. pergi gig aku je"
HAHA during the Wawasan song,
Ruz and Isaac sang in that funny tune.
Dang it, I had to control myself from laughing =.=

In the hall, we played a game of Cluedo.
Daa didn't join (EDA NO FUN~!)
Syaa skipped school today. She does that often :D
This time, qin won.
I was SO close to winning, dang -.-'

After we finished playing,
Lulu, Izzie and myself went out to watch the football match.
Followed by Daa, Sarah and Qin.
Johan's team was on.
They lost against the form4s.
2-nil. I cheered for them! It was sad that they lost.
They're like my life Arsenal. HAHAHA.

Izzie , (the traitor) cheered for the form4s.
BECAUSE, er, haha. no need stating it here, huh?
Next it was Isaac's team,
this time they won. YEAY~

After recess,
I felt moody. Apparently, almost everyone was moody.
(FOR NO REASON! weird huh?)
I got super pissed off after Qin scolded me for something ridicilous
(apparenty, she was moody too, and felt like scolding someone)
So I took a chair from the hall,
brought it to Laman Maluri and placed it beside Tyk.
(as if I was gonna sit there with me wanting to be alone)

Then I walked to LP,
sat at the corner alone,
sounds emo huh? I've no idea what got onto me.
I looked down, thinking of what to think .

Then patty sat next to me,
Asking if I was okay, Milky Way and Sand
was there too, I told them I felt so moody.
And Sand said she did too, as asked me If I was having it.

I followed them though,
into the hall and watched the dancers dance.
Sand sat down and invited me over.
Next thing I know, I was sitting next to Milky Way,
laughing away. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIM!
I was glad too, so thanks Aj :D

After most of my classmates joined us,
We sat on the stacked up chairs.
Which was about 10 metres high, i think.
It was close to the fan. Ruz stood up,
not realising he was high up, his hair hitting the fan.
We shouted for him to sit down, that crazy fellow =.=

I played a game of 41 with Syik, Din and Dickson.
Dickson won twice, eventhough it was his first time playing =.=

So I had a great day at school,
then during the farewell party for Librarians,
I was the MC. With my crazy friend, Gnitgnit :D
It was sorta fun, and the video was quite sweet.

After I could FINALLY get out of the library,
I saw Izzie, Rissy, Roo and Qin sitting down outside the library.
Hahaha. That's was SO sweet of them,
waiting for me *sob sob* AHHAHA

So we walked home together,
excluding Izzie of course.
Qin went home with me,
and we ordered Dominos. YUM!
She went home around 7.
She even tuned my classical guitar.

I went to taekwondo.
After a week of losing my bruises,
they're BACK now. =.=
Khae Shen didn't show, which was good
The only thing I love about taekwondo is sparring.
Which I did just now.
Haih, the joy of kicking a boy :D
NGAHAHAHA sorry. That sounds so sexist. xD
He was nice though, the boy I mean.
I didn't hate sparring with him like
I would if I was sparring with thatguythatican'trecallhisname

We really look like we're in an aquarium kan?


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