Sunday, December 19, 2010

Little Brittain

I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
once again. After so long, I actually
remembered some of the lines :P

All through the movie, I can't help
but notice how cute they are, or were.
By them I mean Daniel R, Rupert G and Emma W.
I was not able to deny their 'cute factor'.

I've been listening to a lot of British words lately.
As of right now, as I'm typing all these crap,
these words are pronounce using British accent.
Haha. I watched a lot of British movies.
It started with Angus,thongs and perfect snogging.
Oh and my current favorite game,
Sherlock Holmes. Let's not forget he's British.

So anyway, check them out :D AWWWW

when Hermione wanted to answer Snape's questions. (:D)

Harry Potter beats Twilight any day.
That's all.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tales of Change and Desperation

All children mythologize their birth.
It is a universal trait. You want to know someone?
Heart, mind and soul? Ask him to tell you about
when he was born. What you get won't be the truth:
it will be a story. And nothing is more telling than a story.
-Diane Setterfield.

If someone were to ask you,
"Do you remember anything about your birth?"
You would not know how to answer.
Because the answer to the question belongs
to those who were alive and awake at the time of our birth.
Which, in my case, is 16 years ago.
Who remembers something of 16 years ago?
That's right, no one. Not the full story anyways.

I'm not sure who this is for,
but I miss you.
Whoever you are.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Don't you worry your pretty little mind.

People throw rocks at things that shine.
And life makes love look hard.
The stakes are high, the water's rough but this love is ours. :)

You know I love you.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I see sparks fly

And just like that, another NON-productive day passed.
I was watching TV the whole day.
When I wasn't, I was eating or drinking.
And possibly playing The Sims(3) Ambitions.
There goes my little 'SPM resolution' =.=

But I can't really stop myself.
If I was a sim, my FUN would be "Having too much fun it's almost criminal"
or "Entertained". YES. My sims family: The Langraabs now have a baby girl.
Her name is Laura.
Okay stop. I'm talking to myself again. greaaaaaaaaaat.

Okay check my next post, I bet I still haven't started
studying HHAHAHA BOOO.

Emma Watson, all grown up. YES. This is the girl
who still look pretty even though she was all bloody
in Harry Potter (7) Part 1.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Can't turn back now, I'm haunted.

Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I say to you
He will try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

I can't stop listening to Taylor Swift's new album,
Speak now. Awesome stuff :)
She's truly amazing (:

This is what she wrote,Prologue:
These songs are made up of words I didn't
say when the moment was right in front of me.
These songs are open letters, Each is written
with a specific person in mind, telling them what
I meant to tell them in person. To the beautiful boy
whose heart I broke in December(1). To my first love
who I never thought would be my first heartbreak(2).
To my band(3). To a mean man I used to be afraid of(4).
To someone who made my world very dark for a while(5).
To a girl who stole something of mine(6). To someone I
forgive for what he said in front of the whole world(7).

So I think those songs are:
1.Back to December
2.Dear John
3.Long Live
6.Better than Revenge

She's so pretty. Just saying.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Won't you write a song about Me.

An acquaintance of mine wrote a song for Taylor Swift.
It's really nice. :) I really like it. It's entitled 'Miss Taylor Swift'
but apparently, rai doesn't =.=

Have you ever felt nervous about something,
and you've no clue what about?
Or any other feeling. Scared, Excited, Sad.
Sometimes, my heart start thumping rapidly.
I put a hand to my chest and wondered why it happened.
What am I so scared about? So worried about?
Is it life, or something that awaits me and the ones I know?
It is an odd feeling. A feeling I cannot describe.

Today is the last day for my fellow Fifth Formers.
I bid them goodbye, of course.
It is petrifying to know that it's our turn.
In two months, we'll be the FIFTH FORMERS.
And SPM is going to haunt each one of us in our dreams.
Soon enough, we're going to have dark circles, massive eyebags.
But hey, look on the bright side, we're also going to have smart brains :)
Multi-functional haha :)

ohhhh how I wish that would happen. :/
Isn't she pretty?!! Urghh so sickening! =.=
Fact 2# I get hungry often.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The World is an empty place

"I'm missing you so much,
can't help that I'm in love,
a day without you is like
a year without you."
-A Year Without Rain, Selena Gomez
Next year would be different.
I will study and I WILL pass with flying colours.
Just you WAIT. All of YOU.

Today, Qin,Eda and I wrote a song.
Haha. It's from Paramore's Decoy actually.
We changed the lyrics :P

I apologize for ditching my blog for so long.
I intended to blog, i did, I'm just too lazy to get my
ass on the chair in front of my desktop. :)

Fact 1# I get jealous sometimes.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My guard is up

Sometimes, we just gotta be selfish.
I'm sorry, but truthfully there is nothing
I could possibly do to make it better.

Monday, October 4, 2010

To Move On is To Let Go

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong,
but sometimes it is letting go.”
Herman Hesse

I have written a letter
to ex-best friend.
I didn't write much,
I guess it's cause part of me
had already let go.
Which is a good thing.

What he did, God knows why,
left all of us clueless.
He wouldn't tell us anything.
Not even a knock on the door
to say; hey, I'm gonna leave you.
Okay, I admit, we can't expect everyone
we love to do that.
But a girl can dream, can't she?

Anyways, we burnt it after school.
Qin and I. Sya was being a big talker again.
She's always doing that.
And in the end, she herself take a step behind.
Sand and Roo were there though, to support us.
:) Haha. Ahh, it was fun hanging out with them.
MAMAK, and my god roo sucks at speaking BM.
HAHHAHAHA. Ask any of us :P
Riss,Bren,Su,Sya,Qin or myself.
We were the witnesses to her HORRID 'Anneh!Anneh!'

Awh, I love them so very much :)

Make me feel good, when it hurts so bad.

Friday, October 1, 2010


If you feel like leaving,
Well I'm not gonna beg you to stay.
Soon you'll be finding.
You can run, you can hide,
but you can't escape my love.

I went to Ira's just now.
Chatted with Ira,Aina,Ayum and Wan.
Oh yes, Ayum is bald. AGAIN Hahaha

Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
-Mother Teresa

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Shakepeare Secret

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain,
and most fools do.
-Benjamin Franklin

is never the right way.

Please, with all due respect,
or at least what's left of it,
do not, i repeat do not be racist.
No matter how many diplomas or PHDs
you've gotten yourself, once you look down
on one's race, you are nothing but a piece of meat.
You shall contribute nothing to this world.
Your presence bring nothing but pain and misfortune to others.

But I'll prove you wrong.
And when I do, I'll look into your eyes and say;
HEY! Thanks for all the support! Thanks for looking
down us. Don't stop looking down on students alright? And you'll have EVERYONE
loving you SO VERY MUCH :) *not*

I shall, however, skip saying not.

I am burning with ANGER.
But I have managed to control myself.
Yes, I admit, I cursed in school :)
But I've gotten over it.
So no more swearing.
Sorry eda. for all the swearing hahaha

I'm always wrong but baby you're never right.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

You're Raining on My Parade.

Experience is how life catches up with us
and teaches us to love and forgive each other.

- Judy Collins

I have come to realize that life has it's way
of teaching each and every one of us a
valuable lesson. :)

Sometimes the road gets pretty bumpy,
but with the love and support from
our Family and Friends, we ought to survive.
So, No worries. Haha

Something blue, for luck.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

In blind sight

Sometimes, my mind wander off
to things I've never expected would
ever cross my mind.
And the little voice in my head
would say; Uhh, reality check,
quite day dreaming!

Truthfully, I just want to figure
everything out.
I am not God, I am merely
a lowly, imperfect human being.
I do not possess magical powers.
However, I do possess luck.
In the sense of being able to walk, talk,
listen, see and all the gifts God gave us.

All I really want is, to know what everyone
expects out of life.
I have not figured that out yet.
What I want to do for a living.
Writing is also one of those things I would like to do.
I shall not expect a fortune out of it.

Yesterday, I asked my English teacher
the meaning of masochist.
Oh dear, I am in desperate need of a dictionary.
I need to enrich my Vocab. :(

Ahh yes, I would also like to apologize for abandoning
this innocent blog. I do, ever so sincerely apologize :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So they're actually coming to Malaysia! Ahh! Ahhhhhh!
I wanna go so baaaaaaaaad :(
The ticket prices are out and everything.

Woah. It's very pricey. But for paramore,


I watched 40 days of Riot! :D

And The Final Riot Live in Chicago :)

I love the part where Hayley said; and in case you don't know already, well my friends, i'll tell you. We are.. PARAMORE!! :D (I actually shouted)

Oh and we got our hairs washed :)
Sya Qin and I. Trios.
Eda was SUPPOSED to join us.
But she didn't. cause she wanted to study.

Oh and last friday, Ismah came.
And it was pretty awkward.
you know, since Sya Qin and Eda.. yeah.
So it became awkward for me too.
Boo. and then we got into a fight. haha

Before Taylor York joined PARAMORE;

omg look at hayley's hair! :O Ahhh
Five of them <3

Loves <3

Sunday, August 29, 2010


What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you
and what am I suppose to say when I'm all chocked up and your okay?

She's AMAZING I tell you, AMAZING!

Anyways, I went to The Curve with Qin and Daa just now.
We watched; Vampires Suck! OMG FUNNYYYYYYYYYY
HAHAHAHA. Sya Liy Sarah and Ismah were supposed to join us =.=
Pffft. so it was like Form2 all over again :)
The three best friends :D <3>

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Can we pretend that airplanes
in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now.

The trios. <3
Awwwwwwwwwwwww :')

We desperately need a FOREO picture! HAHA
foreo as in oreo. No? Hahah lame, i know. :P

Monday, August 2, 2010

Camp! :D

I went camping during the weekends. :)
Haha I should have brought my own camera.
At least I'd have my own photos.
So these are a bunch of photos I took from other people's
cameras and phones. hehehe :D facebook. duhh.

so hmm minus the lame-ness of my team,
My team was full of joy! Haha it's just when it comes
to presentations and stuff, lame!
Okay shouldn't get mad. haha chilll.
Anyway, they are so much fun! All of them.
My team, not my team. Haha mostly my gang of course. :D
We eat together every meal time :)

So, story time. Right? right. Haha.
I was ready by 6.30. Texted Daa. Called sya around 6.50
and guess what? She just woke up. Haha typical.
It was almost 7, got a text from din.
He said Aina was freaking out. Hahaha.
So when I reached our school, Daa and Aina called me over.
Then we waited for sya. Then the four of us went inside.
Sya and Eda went out before Aina and I.
We had no idea where they went, so we sat down with Din, Isaac, Benjy,
Johan, Atuff, Saros, Shafiq and you know, the usual crowd.

Bus 2.
Sat with Aina. Shafiq and Ayai not too far away.
Hahaha. couldn't sleep in the bus. Neck hurts.
Okay whatever. so my group members; Aina Shafiq Benjy Tze Wei Merrisa Chee Weng Boby Navin Rajan Shane Sin Yee Michelle Sweet Yee Xin Yan and etc.
We were called; The team. I know right? =.= Haha.
Oh yeahh. I'm also in group 2A. get it? As in 2A is in group 2? haha
So anyway, the four of us didnt get the same dorms. Ahh shucks.
Daa's and Sya's were facing each other while mine and Aina's were facing each other.
I got to be in the same dorm as sin yee! (same group and bus and dorm heeee :D) and sofea ;)

Where we slept.
The secretary and vice secretary of Librarians :)
We had to create story lines based on 15 paper cuttings. Ngehhh, boring. Haha.
The fun began once we took it outside!
The dutch lady toilet bang watermelon
Dragon Tail ;) So fun. We were split in 8 groups. 1a,1b,2a,2b,3a,3b,4a,4b.
We shouted like little kids. hehehe so fun. oh yeah, since we had to hold on to each other's
shirts, we could see everyone's tummy ;) And I called Ala and said; Ala! seeeee (showed him my flat tummy) Ngahahaha I'm so bad. :P

After that we played a game called Mind-Your-Bussiness.
Each team were given a long pipe(with holes) and balls were placed in each tubes.
We have to work as a team and let the ball out without touching it.
Just by using water :D heee. wet time! :D
The team was the first/second team to succeed! Yeyy :)

After! :D

Then, we took photo with the gang!
HAHAHHAA. But then, Ayai threw water at us! so this is the result.
quiet nice, no? :D
Wet wet wet :)

I just wanna say, the food were greatttttt!
Never ever ever ever have I been to a camp with
such delicious food :) HAHA.
Oh yeah. During tea, I think? I sat next to Saros (the boys' table)
cause our table were full. Haha. Then naim,atuff, isaac got up and left their plates
on the table. Saros and Johan too. They said; Okay! Nabilah basuh! They left me standing there.
Haha so I made the why-are-you-doing-this-to-me-please-help-me face and
Saros and Johan came back and the three of us went to wash the dishes together. :)
Haha okay I watched them wash. Aww aww so proud :')

Nature walk. Senses.
They wanted us to use our senses. :)
Aina didnt join us. She had to stay with the nurse?
Cause she wasn't feeling well.
We were split in 8 groups again.
So the Alphas(that's us) walked first.
1alpha, followed by 2,3 and 4.
Navin was walking behind me.
I couldn't even be scared. =.= Navin kept pushing me and making noises.
I felt like punching him! gahh! haha. and shafiq. =.=
He kept singing Malay jiwang songs. Hahaha
so anyway, thanks to Johan and Isaac for shouting after they stepped into
a pool of mud with selut or something, our group 2 Alpha,
got out of the so called 'hutan' with clean shoes. :)
Which was what they wanted. Haha clean shoes.

Got back to camp ground. Went inside a room and saw Aina.
checked her health and everything. took care of her :)
Walked around waiting for miss chai. talked to ayai.
Haha then went for supper. Atuff stole other camper's supper.
HAHAHA bbq i think. sakai ah. hahhaa.
Sat next to Saros and Atuff. Benjy came from the back and delibarately hurt me! :(
Oh and surprised Miss Chai! It was her birthday :D
Yeyyy. fun fun fun.

Then everyone bathed. Haha in the shower room,
Sya(katy perry) sang California Girls.
Haha since us campers couldn't go to MTV world stage :P
HAHAHA. The shower was sooooo nice. It wasnt cold nor hot. :D
Just right. Hanged around Aina's dorm after that. (Eda sya aina and I)

Second Day.
Woke up in the middle of the night and crap!
It's so darn COLD!! I pulled my red blanket and wrapped myself
in two blankets. Darn. Woke up once again. It was darn cold. Tried rubbing myself to
produce heat. Wanted to get up and go get Daa Sya and Aina for subuh prayers but I
was too cold to do that. So i laid in my bed,eyes closed, practically freezing.
When sya and daa came to pick me up, we went to brush our teeth and ambil wuduk.
It was 6am. After prayers, we stayed in the surau till 6.40.
No sign of the boys. You know what that mean. Haha

7am. Jogging! Weeeeee :D
Before that, stretching.
We did this stomach thing. Haha.
I saw Isaac and Johan. they couldnt do it :P
so jogging. started off with Daa and Aina.
There were a lot of cow dungs! HAHAHA
Anyway, suddenly I realized aina and eda were missing -.-'
so I hanged around with the boys. tengok bulu kaki hahaha

Breakfast. It was my turn to wash the plates. haha right saros, johan? :P
Station GAMES! Best part EVERRR :D
There were four stations; Tower(split into alpha and b);wall climbing abseiling, Treasure of Linggi (acid pool haha), Electric Fence (bamboos) and Spider web.

Awww we look cute :)
Wall climbing. riddles (I answered most of them and Mejar said I was smart hehehhee :D)

OMG! HAHAHAA with sin yee <3

the team :)

2 Alpha was champion for something I don't know!
Haha :D But yeyyy
So end of activities. and camp.

Anyway after that it was photos photos and more photos!
HAHAHAHA The buses were late so this was what everyone did.

PPS plus some sibuk people :P
the team. spot me. candid! :D

Chee Weng. HAHAHA :P almost!

New AJK ;)
Awww :)

The team, again. :P

Gang photos! hahha :D
there was this huge see-saw thingy. so we played on it.

Isaac's idea of serious =.=

Candid shot


keep walking



Hahaha classic! :D

Oh god I miss them :(
Anyway spent four hours on the bus
talking,crapping,laughing, singing, joking around with bus2!
Mostly with Aina Ayai Navin Shafiq Zie Xin.

Reached home at 9.30pm.
skipped school the next day (Y) :D