Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First term EXAM.

Okay, I'll pass :) Haha.

I want to pass! but if I dont,
then I guess I'll be okay.
Hahahaha. last minute study,
pandai illa PANDAI! =.=

notice how this year's exam post and last year's exam post
are different?
Last year I want to ACE.
this year, I just want to pass!
Hahahhaa :D

thats all.

Inter zone Athletics 2010

Yeah, I should have updated lastweek.
but, time wasn't on my side. sorry.
So here goes.

Monday, 22nd March 2010.
The bus departed at 8am.
Based on the schedule,
100metres is at 8.30am.

Eyka and I talked about not being
able to run, blablabla.
I said "100m lah ade chance nak menang! :("

As soon as Uncle bas pulls the bus
to a stop in front of Stadium Mini SMK Bndar Tasik Seri Permaisuri,
I ran out. worried about missing my event :(
Thankfully, they were still calling L-12.
Oh oh and I'm in category Under 18 now!
Hahahaha. Of course I was scared. I'm considered a junior :)

So anyway, when they finally called P-18,
I sat down beside a girl in SESERI tee.
So I broke the ice :) Her name is Pavitra. I think.
Then I talked to another SESERIan. this time a chinese.
Haha so multiracial righttt? :D

100m Heat.
I got first! hahaha :D
100m Semi Finals.
I had to run with Xin Ru(the girl from KB) =.=
She got first and I got second. I swear she was only
one step ahead of me! :/
100m Finals.
I whined about not winning. I said "xin ru's gonna win! :("
Thennnnn, while I was running with two of Sentul's
fastest girls, Xin Ru and Vanessa(Chong Hwa);
I saw xin ru in front of me. a few metres to the finishing line,
I sprinted. I asked xin ru "you first right?"
she said " i dont think so. i saw you in front of me"
"really? :/" I looked at Mr.Balan and signaled "1 or 2?"
then he said "we'll find out later" and smiled.
So I walked with Eyka. then Mr.Balan called out
"Nabilah!" I turned and saw him pointing "1" finger.
I jumped up! :D omg omg omg my first Sentul goldddddd.
weeeee XD

so anyway, I broke my own time
and also Maluri's record. (too bad)
My time was 13.8s and xin ru's was 13.9s
when Vanessa's was 14.0!
so freaking close right?! :O

Tuesday, 23rd March 2010.
I was 100% sure my event was at 9am.
guess what? I was wrong. Hahahha
200m P-18 is at 4.30pm =.=
eyka and I thought of the things
we could do. one of it was watched longkang!

Unfortunately, longkang was no where to be seen.
Haha. You should have seen the disappointment
in Eyka's eyes! :D
so I cheered for Maluri, KB and Jinjang all day long.
Until, it was my turn.
I had to run with Vanessa.
So I got second. cause er, I kind of pancit. hehe. :D

Wednesday, 24th March 2010.
200m Semi finals.
I had to run with vanessa. AGAIN! =.=
how annoying is that? so i got second, again :(
200m finals.
NGAHAHHAA I saw xin ru and vanessa cutting me,
and i couldnt chase them back. was too weak :)
HAHA. so i got third.
4x100m Semi finals.
we got second or was it third?
4x100 finals.

I ran a total of 600m :)

Oh and when I was taking my 200m medal,
SMAKLians shouted "illa! illa!" then did some zikir thingy.
=.= bangang betul diorang ni. sajee je! hahah.

anyway, I talked to the SMALKians. guess we're friends now?
HAHAHAHAH. but, I only know three of their names. sorrrryyy!

Thursday, 25th March 2010.
4x400m Semi Finals.
We got second place. Jalan Ipoh got first.
Their last runner is freaking superb =.=
4x400m Finals.
We got fifth. :( Supergirl sprinted Chai Meng
200m to the finishing line :(
Ergh, so close.

I hanged out with SMAKLians :D
Hahaha and the smaklian girls
gave me a 'look'. haha

anyway, I got a gold for 100m :D
a bronze for 200m. and I shall be representing
Sentul in 100m, 200m, 4x100m. :)
the Chong Hwa coach talked to me.
He said I MIGHT be running 4x400m.
he said MIGHT. haha. Well anyway,
I'm so nervous! MSSMWP (yes, it changed from KL to WP)
is not a joke! and I'd like to represent KL.
It would be soooo cool! :D Haha.
So I ought to start training soon. :)

After four days without school, I;
-grew close to xin ru, jiak ying, vanessa & my olahraga friends.
-clicked with smaklians. haha :D
-talked to mirul, the kiaramas star :P
-met dyja! amir and dee's 'bestfriend'.
-talked to seserians. :)
-built a PAKATAN. haha. Maluri, KB and Jinjang :D
-felt annoyed with dee's 'bestfriend'. I mean come on! "mukabuku? ruangsaya? =.="
-missed school and my bestfriends :(

I had fun! and now I'm super dark :(
Yes, I'm not tan. I'm freakishly RED!
damn it. :(


Monday, March 29, 2010

not so small anymore now huh?

Joey Yep Tee Nee;
Happy 16th birthday jo!
I know we grew apart these couple of years,
but we're still goodfriends right? :)
anyway, enjoy a BERRY sweet sixteen.
and love you! <3


Saturday, March 27, 2010

you are..


Happy 16th birthday qin!
Sweet sixteen! :)
I called you at 12am++ and wished you!
HAHAHHA :D jangan rempit rempit sgt.
hahahhahaha. yen la ketua kan? haha
well anyway,
have fun being sixteen! the song fifteen
doesn't fit you anymore ;)
Love you! <3

I like this picture, sooo CUTE! :D


Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday loves! :D

this post is special for my lovely friends :)

Priyatharsini Ramasamy;
Happy 16th birthday pri pri!
welcome back to maluriiiiiiii hehehe :D
anyway sorry for not wishing you earlier today.
I didn't see you until school's over. :(
Anyway, enjoy being sixteen! hahah
love you! <3

Khiang Min Wen;
happy 16th birthday min wen!
waaa old la wey! hahaha XD
i mean 'matured'. sorry sorry.
hahaha. anyway sweet sixteen!
love you! <3


Sandy Quah;
I'm so so so so soooooo sorry
for not wishing you on your birthday :(
I don't have your number :(
anyway, happy belated birthday sand woman!
hahaha love you! <3


I'm not racist!

Do you have..
Malay friends?
Yes :D

Chinese friends?
Yes :D

Indian friends?
Yes. :D

Lain lain friends?
Yes! haha :D

Have you ever had feelings for..
A Malay?
Yes. hahaha

A Chinese?
Yes! haha

An Indian?

Lain lain?
err, so far, nope. haha

so there you go, I'm not racist.
Infect, I hate racism.
I mean come on! We live in Malaysia people!
We're suppose to be united!
Haih. I just don't get racists.


that's what this post is about. someone called me a malay bitch.

P/Ps; you don't know me. you have no right to judge me. And I didn't do anything to you.

ILLA (the MALAY BITCH!!!!!!!!!)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

I didn't forget.
Yet, life decided that
history repeated itself.

So hmm I guess we're not friends anymore.
Really. It's fine by me.
Like I said, I don't need you in my life.

What I'd like to know though,
why you would even have thought of
doing such things.
You said so yourself, you wanted us to be 'bestfriends'
again. I treated you the same way I treat all my friends.
And if that's not good enough for you,
then screw it.

Your much much, much different now.
And you said I've change?
Well what about you?
But it's okay. Everyone change. right?
At least I'm bold enough to admit it.

I would have apologized,
but there's nothing to be sorry about.
I'm just sorry for you I suppose.
You lost yourself. and that's the worst
nightmare anyone could possibly think of.

And to everyone who cared;
chill. this is my problem not yours.
This thing is between me and him.
So don't get yourselves involved.
I don't give a shit about him anymore.
So just leave him be kay?
He'll realized his mistakes once he found himself.
and to you, I'm not going to say sorry.

*this is not a hate post.

I'm just typing out what's on my mind.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Wanted to post this on sunday night.
but I was too busy comforting someone :)

Ohmygod. Please stop hurting yourself
because of me. Really. I like you, not him. okay?
And I know I settled things with him and everything.
but stop worrying! I don't think it will be EXACTLY
like it used to be. It's different now. I have you :)

you have no idea how tension I got
when I found out you were so
stressed out about this.
I told you not to worry didn't I?
so don't okay?

oh and thanks for caring :)

I'll stand by YOU

why you look so sad?
tears are in your eyes
come on and come to me now
don't be ashamed to cry
Nothing you confess could
make me love you less,
I'll stand by you.

Went to ou with them yesterday!
Minus liy and ismah. plus dhiya.
We went there around 12.

after Chemistry class
with was FUN! right sya? riss?
It was wasn't it?! HAHHAA
Walked to school with rissy
and got to tell her stuff :)

WALKED TO MANJALALA(that's right, i said lala not lara)
under the HOT beating SUN!
DAMN. what's the weather nowadays anyway?
Gave Muq a call to confirm his being.
Haha. Rested at Sarah's for a while.
Then sya, eda and I walked to Muq's.
Eeeeee muka tak mandi! hahahaha menjijikkan
bluekhh :P
We returned his water bottle(penuh dgn taik gigi)
and stinky outfit. Hahaha XD

anyway, eda put on eyeliner on me!
And I said she'd have to put on Qin too.
but there wasn't enough time.
So I got eyeliner on one eye -.-'
Yeaah, my eye nampak lebam.
Thanks a LOT :P

We ate at BBQ chicken.
and sarah kept on complaining how
horrible she felt for eating at a korean
restaurant with KPOP playing in the background.
Hahah I know how you feel babe! XD

Oh and Dhiya and Azal joined us.
Awwwww, I swear azal is the cutest lil
kid I've ever met! :'D
And, as my darling friends know
(but would not admit) I have this EFFECT
on kids. they just LOVE me =)

Walked around OneU and we were
at DIVA when azal said he wanted to
naik elephant! hohoho how cute is that?!
so Sya, dhiya and I looked at him ride the ELEPHANT.
then Qin came downstairs and off they went to buy
the weird MadHatter's hat popcorn at TGV -.-'
damn childish wey. haha
Said goodbye to dhiya and azal
and we ran inside to watch Alice In Wonderland 3D.

which, was not a major waste =)
it's quite nice actually. alice falls in love with
the Mad Hatter. AWWWW. but isn't he a lil old for her?
:P sorry. and OMG! anne hattaway is so funnyyyy
oh and I <3 the queen of hearts. her and her BIG head (:
Hahahhaa XD

Reached home around 7.
I was a little sad.

Then he called :)
and I had to go to kumon.
Then he called after kumon.

hmm. Well anyway, off he goes to Singapore :(

Saturday, March 13, 2010

222 (:

Hahaha this is my two hundred and twenty two post (:

so hmm I went to KB today for the jemputan thingy.
but the boys won. they got second place!
WOOHOO! Was so very proud of them (:

and I just ended up spending the rest of the day
with him. He accompanied me when I was looking for
my spikes. I lent my spikes to yu yu's friend.

Oh, and I met vivian and her little sister =)
Yu Yu, Amirah, Aman and my olahraga friends :)
Isaac told me about some girl named Erniz.(?)
then he bought me a 100 plus!
Awwwwww thanks Isaac :')

Reached school.
Just sat there at pokok cemerlang
talking to him. It was somewhat nice :)

then he walked me home.
Thank you :)

After that, I sat in front of the computer
He came online so I chatted with him.
Then he had training so off he went.

Okay, most of my friends know
that I had this 'problem' with Haziq Manaf.
right? well everything's fine now.
I guess we're friends again.

One less person I dislike.
thank you ;)



Thursday, March 11, 2010

'L' relationship (:

Yesterday during PEEJAY Vanny (my girlfriend) sat at my place.
Beside Qin (her wife) while I sat across them beside Riss(my wife?)
Hahahahha It's complicated! AHHAHAA

And today we found out that..
Qin and Riss are cheating too! (gasp!)
HAHAHHAA. Therefore, Qin is with Vanny.
But Vanny is cheating on her with me and I'm cheating on riss
when riss is cheating with Qin.
ohmygod. crap. XD

Vanny thinks a snake is a pest.
how cute is that?! HAHAHHA xD

So hmm spent my recess with him today.
and sya called me a ditcher.
thank you, best friend :P

oh and 'abang' muq!
jangan marah adik tau :)
haha sorry for hanging up on you =)
Get well soon;

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Is it possible to feel this way?
Everything's happening too fast!

But I sort of like it.

Oh crap.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sports Day 2010 :D

6th MARCH 2010, SMKTBM 17th Sports Day.

I was so NERVOUS!

Hahaha I know I say that all the time,

but I was trying to break a school record.

you ought to be nervous right?

Anyway, I woke up at 6 am and
I swear my heart went THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!
I can't put in words how nervous I was.
First person I saw was of course,
none other than SYA :D
She came running to me practically
shouting "Illllll! ohmygod! I ingat you tak datang!"
Hahahaha then she went all
"ira dtg tak ni? omg ira tk dtg eh? that means I'll be alone! ohmygod illllll!"
-.-' gelabah kan? HAAHHAAHA

then i saw ira and I went all "iraa! sya! sya! ira's here!"
HAHAHAHA :D after that, I talk to Khae Shen a little.
About school records, blahblahblah. haha KS damn lansi wey :P

they march. the prefects were awesome!
Hahaha Librarians were nice too, aww. it's okay. maybe next year? ;)
Rumah sukan, Rajawali definitely cracked me up! =)
Plus KRS didn't do such a bad job. they were quite okay.

After they finished marching,
I suddenly recalled that I was suppose to find Pn Sanda
for my number. I freaked out and started walking all over
school. I'd stop at every Jentayu I see.
"have you seen pn sanda?" I would ask.
and most of them would shout out
"illa! pn sanda cari! go take your number!"
anyway, found her at KHEMAH PESERTA and
got my number; 3073 :)

When I reached the finishing line,
a teacher, can't recall who, said
"Nabilah. awak tak pecah rekod.kurang laju hahaha"
I was like, "oh."
One of the teachers told me to wait at the
winners' spot. so i did.
And I chatted with my adik, zul! hahaha.
and dikson :)

Then the teacher in charge of the winners
was asking me "200m 1p?"
and I took a look at the paper and next to my name
wrote, in capital, RBK.
"RBK tu ape cikgu?"
"RBK.. oh! rekod baru"
"saya pecah rekod ke cikgu?"
"Ye lah"
WOOHOOOOOO! HAHAHHAHAHA I broke a school record!
OHMYYYY how freaking cool is that?! :D :D :D :D
Oh and got my fourth GOLD!

Tarik Tali.
I shouted for Kasawari
and my Jentayu friends hit me on the arm :(
"Oi! why you shouting for the enemy?!"
hahahhaa. SEEE ? Jentayu+Kasawari=RIVALS

4x400m FINALS
Chai Meng was determined to break the record.
So I said "okay. let's do it."
So Jing Min, Chai Meng, Meng Qi and I
shouted "JENTAYU!" before the big run =)

Before that we sat down and watched all
the other KELAS-es relaying.
It was madness.
All the cheers I mean.
Damn. We're so SEMANGAT!
go Malurians! hahaha :D

I sat next to Fahlevi and Muq.
My 'abang's. AHHAHAHHAA
We (jentayus) would cheer;
"run! run!" or "jentayuuuuu!" or "hijaaaaaaaau!"
or "rajawali!". hahaha.

Fahlevi semangat! he would cheer
for GARUDA. So everyone cheered along!
Is this the first time I say GARUDA?

I cheered like hell for my 'adik'.
Hahaha. Oh and also when I saw ayip running.
Damnnnnnn. that guy is fast! hahah

so then it was our turn.
I swear i wanted to pull out my thumping heart!
Breathe, I told myself.
I took a look at pri then turned behind to look
at bavani and shen2. I'm running with them.
And i thought, okay. let's do this thing.

So when I heard the whistle I ran as hard as I could.
Not caring about anything else in the world.
After running for 250m, I started feeling tired.
And I could hear footsteps behind me!
I told my self not to slow down.
So I kept my pace and I heard someone shouting
"Bavani!" First thing that came across my mind was,
crap. she's right behind me.
reached the 100m point, I sprinted as fast as I
possibly could. Pushing away all the negative
thoughts. RUN. Just run! this is for the record. just a little bit further.
I stopped immediately when I reached Meng Qi.
I took a second to breathe then I moved to the side
and saw Shen2 coming up to Rajawali's second runner.

Paula was sprinting! I shouted for Meng Qi.
She actually tried to sprint!
with her stomach ache and sprained leg and all.
See? I'm so proud of Jentayu ;) We have the spirit!
when Jing Min got the baton,
both wanie and her sprinted!
I looked at wanie and wondered.
what is she doing? is she trained to sprint? I hope she's gonna be okay.
200m i think, Jing Min sprinted harder and she
finally beat wanie. but then, wanie fell!
bam! another friend of mine gets injured.
first berlin, now wanie.
I stopped looking at green then. I just stared at wanie.
The St.Johns rushed to her and pulled her aside.
So I dragged my eyes back to the run and saw Chai Meg sprinting.
Wow. Ika was faaar behind.
I ran to the sideline and cheered "CHAI MENGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!"

WOOHOO! Jentayu won! then I shouted for Ika.
although she's a kasawari, she's still my friend :)
HAHAHA. after 4x400m 1p was over,
I saw Chai Meng at talking to a teacher.
so I walked to her to congratulate her
then she ran to me and started shouting
"We broke the record!!!!!"
I was like, "what? we did?!"
"Yeah! by three seconds!"
hahahahhaa aint that COOOOOOL?
I broke two school records in one day!
AWESOME-nessssss :D

After that I watched the boys run.
And I cheered for Muq :D
HAHAHAHA yes he is a yellow house
and he is annoying and lanc, but
he's still my friend -.-'
then ohmygod you should have seen Berlin run!
and you call me cat woman?! superman!
haha :D

so in the end I got 5 golds and broke two school records.
I'm as happy as a lark =)

anddddd, I'm the Olahragawati! hehe :)
Aww, Jentayu :')
Eventhough we lost this year, (second place)
you guys are still the best alright?!
Love you jentayus! :D

*I stayed up till 4 in morn texting him :)*


Friday, March 5, 2010

Raptai sukan.

I sat with sya, ira and yus.
Marchers were on the field.

Usually I would say KRS is the worst,
but omg! rajawali's march was so FUNNY!
SERIOUSLY. We were laughing our heads off!
KRS was agak messy.
the lembagas did a great job :)

Tarik Tali.
Blue vs Red.
"you nak I support red ke?"
at on point I said "go blue!"
because my friends were there.
juliet, shashy, darsh.
And Sya hit my almost instantly.
"sokong lah RED!"
"go red", I said. hahahhahaha

Yellow vs Green.
Jahat gila sya! I shouted MERAH2.
and she go shouted "KUNING!"
I hit her back and she shouted
"WHAAAAT?" "ei. I sokong merah en tadi!"
"alaaa ill. hijau always wins. :("
"you tau tak rumah kuning tgh first. red second?
if kuning menang, mesti lah kuning punya marks naik. harder
for red house to win :P"
"a'ah eh"
so anyway, green lost. hahaha they were all so SKINNY!
And teacher said I couldn't join tarik tali because I was skinny?
-__________-' yellow house seems to be the least skinny team.
hahahaha. they're going to fight tug of war with the red house.
HAHAHA and I'm pretty sure KASAWARI's gonna win :(

Red vs Green.
all the way! hahahha. Sya was shouting "MERAH MERAH!"
WOOHOO! all my shouting paid off =)
Yellow vs Blue.
As all malurians could see, there's this MAJOR
rivalry between Jentayu and Kasawari. Hahah.
So all the Jentayu's were shouting "BIRU BIRU!"
HAHAHAA Sya, Ira and I were shouting for Garuda
like crazy. Aina was the only one shouting "KUNING!"
hahahhaa xD :P
so, GREEN VS BLUE on sports day!

After recess.
Encik Mutofa came into 4A and called me.
I was like, "saye ke?"
and he wanted me to baca ikrar! on sports day!
in front of EVERYONE! with my sore throat and all.
He said he wants last year's olahragawan or olahragawati
to red the vow. crap! no way am I doing it!
So I asked "Maha cikgu?" he said no because
Maha has some discpline stuff. "oh. chai meng?"
"siapa chai meng?" "Khae Shen cikgu?"
"khae shen form brapa?"
"same dengan saya, 4amanah"
"kamu pergi cari dia sekarang"

so i did.
haha I kept on saying
"khae shen, you do la!" and he kept on
saying "no. you la! i dont want la"
We were fighting all the way.
HAHAHA until we finally convinced teacher
that chai meng would do better and it's her last year
here and all. haha :D
When she finished the vow, both KS and I
clapped our hands. "BAGUS BAGUS!"
hahaha. and when teacher asked,
"setuju? takde bantahan?"
we shouted out "SETUJU SETUJU!"
Hi five KS! :D

HAHAHA ruzain mcm budak kecik!
Haha I sprinkled drops of water on his head
and he threatened me. said he would tell teacher.
I was like "bagitau la :P"
and I ran to my seat and sat down.

ruz pn.roslina me
Cikgu! tgk nabilah! dia campak air dkt saya!
Ish. macam budak kecik awak ni!
Tah ruzain! Cikgu! ruzain memang! mcm budak kecik! ahahhaa
Ohhhhh takpe kau nabilah! tunggu kau!
BLUEK! *tunjuk lidah
Hah! rasakan!
*felt water on my tudung* OKAY RUZAIN!
*spraying water at each other*
Ewwwwww taknak!
ee. nabilah cikgu? :P

After school,
TUNGGU KAU ILLA! aku bawak pili bomba datang!
Kau lah tunggu! Rem kepala KECAI! *laughing*

at the stairs,
Ruzain cite good good je.
eh. aku cte bad bad je :P
taaaaaak cite good good je. homework tak SIAP!
Ish. tunggu kau! REM kepala

omg rempit language is so much fun (Y)

anyway, this post proves that my best friend


so far so good.

i'm here to blog about sports.
Okay so we began all the saringan on Monday.

sunday night.
I was so nervous I did the hand gesture thingy.
The giving air to yourself thing.
then I accidentally hit my nose
and bam! I took a look in the mirror
and saw red liquid coming out of my nose.
hahahha. and I just starting laughing.

I jumped up and down, running to my mum
and little brother saying
"look at my nose! OMG OMG it's my first nose bleed!"
HAHHAHA. Aa freaked out. he was like "ohmygod kaklang!
is that your blood! it's so RED!" *my blood is beautiful :)*
My mum simply said "your weird. people usually freak out. not get excited -.-'"

You have NO IDEA how freaking nervous I was!
Ask Sya or Riss or Qin. they would know.
I was so nervous I forgot how to breathe.
I felt like my brain wasn't getting enough oxygen.
Felt like falling down. (I'm being dramatic aren't I?)

I was so nervous and Ika went all
"dah dah. cukup la illa. aku tau; kau first aku second. cukup"
So then I got into finals.

100m FINALS.
I got first. alhamdulillah.
but If only I was 0.3 seconds faster,
I would have broken the school record!
ARGH. So close. :(
i'm still greatful anyway.
so okay, first GOLD.

400m meet.
I didn't get into the same meet as Jing Min.
got first. Freaked out on having to run with jing min
in the finals on wednesday.

200m Separuh akhir.
Ika said she wasn't in 200m race!
I have to run against her, AGAIN.
I got first. and I was 0.1 seconds slower
than the school record. damn kan?
so, sports day nanti. insyaallah. =)

4x100 FINALS.
first runner; Jing Min.
second runner; Chai Meng
third runner; Ira
Last runner; Me.
The first runners; Jentayu was leading. but Rajawali
wasn't far behind.
Second runner; Kasawari was ahead. Rajawali second.
Jentayu third.
Third runner; Rajawali was leading far ahead.
Then I heard Isaac calling me
"Nabilah! Kau kena pecut. kita sekarang nombor tiga"
I nodded and shouted for Ira "IRAAAAAAAA!"
Got the baton.
SPRINTED. Got pass Ika. Divyaa was in front of me.
all i thought was "what the heck. just run!"
Div was FAR ahead. I ran faster as she got closer to me.
Almost 10m to the finishing line,
I sprinted as fast as I could.
Reached the finishing line. Chai Meng came to hug me.
"Nabilah!" she said. I was so blur. "number 1 or 2?"
"ONE!" "huh?" the teacher came up to me and I saw the
card in her hand. I thought I saw the number 2 and I was
about to protest, when I had the card in my hands and saw 1.
I was like, "oh."
I checked our timing and I was 0.7 faster than Rajawali.
SO CLOSE! We came so very close to losing! damn.
so there, I got my second GOLD.

when people asked me what I was nervous
about, I pointed at Jing Min and shouted out
"JING MIN!" and she was pointing at me shouting
"NABILAH!" hahaha.
Div went "what the hell? these two green house are afraid of each other?"

400m FINALS.
As I heard the whistle or the pistol
(I'm not sure what I heard. haha),
I sprinted. Reaching 150m, I heard
Farhan shouting "illa! lepak dulu illa!"
"crap. why am I sprinting 200metres?", i thought.
I didn't want to lose my rythm I think.
So I kept my pace. Usually, when I reach the 100metres
point I would sprint, so I did.
Ah screw it. 50metres left to the finishing line,
I couldn't sprint anymore.
my legs were killing me.
I beat Jing Min in 400metres! FIRST TIME
EVERRRRRR! I was in 7th heaven =)
Dharmesh and Kishen said Div went from last to first.
They said they were shouting everything that crossed their mind.
Third GOLD.

Hahaha and Dharmesh was so proud of how he
beat Kishen xD He went all,
"dude! did you see me run? I was FREAKING AWESOME!
I was like PHEWWWWWWWWWW" or whatever
way he put it. haha. kishen went all "shut up"
HAHHAA.then Dharmesh said the funniest thing.
"I was running like a C*CK"
Div and I said at the same time
"a c*ck can run?" and we bursted out laughing.
that will never get old. Kishen said "he's the c*ck that runs"

Okay so I spent my recess with Sya,
as usual =) and when I went to change
into my school uniform, I saw that my bag
wasn't there. the only that WAS there was
my tudung. "Crap! where's my a bag?!!"
Vicks came and said "what?"
"My uniform! It's gone!"
"not you too!"

So I told Pui Li and she said the same thing
"oh no. not you too! yesterday there was a case"
"A case?"
"yeah. someone lost her school uniform and
they found it in the boys' toilet"
then she told me to report.
So qin accompanied me.
First, we looked for the bag.
you know, just in case I misplaced it.
We even checked the dustbins. nothing.
so then we went to see Mr.Kumar
and he told me to ask a guy to check the boys' toilet.
so I went downstairs and saw Yit How.
I asked him if he could check the toilet for me.
And he came out saying "no black bag whatsoever. so how?"
I thanked him and went back to the discpline room
and wrote my report.
got a slip KEBENARAN memakai pakaian PJ :)

serious this is bull wey.
I like that kain =.= and my blue lotion is in it too :(
Got chop your hands off you THIEF!

after school. as the library was close
and Bilik Media was occupied,
Riss and went to my house
and onlined! =) HHAHAAHA
It was fun kan bestie? :)