Friday, March 19, 2010

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

I didn't forget.
Yet, life decided that
history repeated itself.

So hmm I guess we're not friends anymore.
Really. It's fine by me.
Like I said, I don't need you in my life.

What I'd like to know though,
why you would even have thought of
doing such things.
You said so yourself, you wanted us to be 'bestfriends'
again. I treated you the same way I treat all my friends.
And if that's not good enough for you,
then screw it.

Your much much, much different now.
And you said I've change?
Well what about you?
But it's okay. Everyone change. right?
At least I'm bold enough to admit it.

I would have apologized,
but there's nothing to be sorry about.
I'm just sorry for you I suppose.
You lost yourself. and that's the worst
nightmare anyone could possibly think of.

And to everyone who cared;
chill. this is my problem not yours.
This thing is between me and him.
So don't get yourselves involved.
I don't give a shit about him anymore.
So just leave him be kay?
He'll realized his mistakes once he found himself.
and to you, I'm not going to say sorry.

*this is not a hate post.

I'm just typing out what's on my mind.

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