Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sports Day 2010 :D

6th MARCH 2010, SMKTBM 17th Sports Day.

I was so NERVOUS!

Hahaha I know I say that all the time,

but I was trying to break a school record.

you ought to be nervous right?

Anyway, I woke up at 6 am and
I swear my heart went THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!
I can't put in words how nervous I was.
First person I saw was of course,
none other than SYA :D
She came running to me practically
shouting "Illllll! ohmygod! I ingat you tak datang!"
Hahahaha then she went all
"ira dtg tak ni? omg ira tk dtg eh? that means I'll be alone! ohmygod illllll!"
-.-' gelabah kan? HAAHHAAHA

then i saw ira and I went all "iraa! sya! sya! ira's here!"
HAHAHAHA :D after that, I talk to Khae Shen a little.
About school records, blahblahblah. haha KS damn lansi wey :P

they march. the prefects were awesome!
Hahaha Librarians were nice too, aww. it's okay. maybe next year? ;)
Rumah sukan, Rajawali definitely cracked me up! =)
Plus KRS didn't do such a bad job. they were quite okay.

After they finished marching,
I suddenly recalled that I was suppose to find Pn Sanda
for my number. I freaked out and started walking all over
school. I'd stop at every Jentayu I see.
"have you seen pn sanda?" I would ask.
and most of them would shout out
"illa! pn sanda cari! go take your number!"
anyway, found her at KHEMAH PESERTA and
got my number; 3073 :)

When I reached the finishing line,
a teacher, can't recall who, said
"Nabilah. awak tak pecah rekod.kurang laju hahaha"
I was like, "oh."
One of the teachers told me to wait at the
winners' spot. so i did.
And I chatted with my adik, zul! hahaha.
and dikson :)

Then the teacher in charge of the winners
was asking me "200m 1p?"
and I took a look at the paper and next to my name
wrote, in capital, RBK.
"RBK tu ape cikgu?"
"RBK.. oh! rekod baru"
"saya pecah rekod ke cikgu?"
"Ye lah"
WOOHOOOOOO! HAHAHHAHAHA I broke a school record!
OHMYYYY how freaking cool is that?! :D :D :D :D
Oh and got my fourth GOLD!

Tarik Tali.
I shouted for Kasawari
and my Jentayu friends hit me on the arm :(
"Oi! why you shouting for the enemy?!"
hahahhaa. SEEE ? Jentayu+Kasawari=RIVALS

4x400m FINALS
Chai Meng was determined to break the record.
So I said "okay. let's do it."
So Jing Min, Chai Meng, Meng Qi and I
shouted "JENTAYU!" before the big run =)

Before that we sat down and watched all
the other KELAS-es relaying.
It was madness.
All the cheers I mean.
Damn. We're so SEMANGAT!
go Malurians! hahaha :D

I sat next to Fahlevi and Muq.
My 'abang's. AHHAHAHHAA
We (jentayus) would cheer;
"run! run!" or "jentayuuuuu!" or "hijaaaaaaaau!"
or "rajawali!". hahaha.

Fahlevi semangat! he would cheer
for GARUDA. So everyone cheered along!
Is this the first time I say GARUDA?

I cheered like hell for my 'adik'.
Hahaha. Oh and also when I saw ayip running.
Damnnnnnn. that guy is fast! hahah

so then it was our turn.
I swear i wanted to pull out my thumping heart!
Breathe, I told myself.
I took a look at pri then turned behind to look
at bavani and shen2. I'm running with them.
And i thought, okay. let's do this thing.

So when I heard the whistle I ran as hard as I could.
Not caring about anything else in the world.
After running for 250m, I started feeling tired.
And I could hear footsteps behind me!
I told my self not to slow down.
So I kept my pace and I heard someone shouting
"Bavani!" First thing that came across my mind was,
crap. she's right behind me.
reached the 100m point, I sprinted as fast as I
possibly could. Pushing away all the negative
thoughts. RUN. Just run! this is for the record. just a little bit further.
I stopped immediately when I reached Meng Qi.
I took a second to breathe then I moved to the side
and saw Shen2 coming up to Rajawali's second runner.

Paula was sprinting! I shouted for Meng Qi.
She actually tried to sprint!
with her stomach ache and sprained leg and all.
See? I'm so proud of Jentayu ;) We have the spirit!
when Jing Min got the baton,
both wanie and her sprinted!
I looked at wanie and wondered.
what is she doing? is she trained to sprint? I hope she's gonna be okay.
200m i think, Jing Min sprinted harder and she
finally beat wanie. but then, wanie fell!
bam! another friend of mine gets injured.
first berlin, now wanie.
I stopped looking at green then. I just stared at wanie.
The St.Johns rushed to her and pulled her aside.
So I dragged my eyes back to the run and saw Chai Meg sprinting.
Wow. Ika was faaar behind.
I ran to the sideline and cheered "CHAI MENGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!"

WOOHOO! Jentayu won! then I shouted for Ika.
although she's a kasawari, she's still my friend :)
HAHAHA. after 4x400m 1p was over,
I saw Chai Meng at talking to a teacher.
so I walked to her to congratulate her
then she ran to me and started shouting
"We broke the record!!!!!"
I was like, "what? we did?!"
"Yeah! by three seconds!"
hahahahhaa aint that COOOOOOL?
I broke two school records in one day!
AWESOME-nessssss :D

After that I watched the boys run.
And I cheered for Muq :D
HAHAHAHA yes he is a yellow house
and he is annoying and lanc, but
he's still my friend -.-'
then ohmygod you should have seen Berlin run!
and you call me cat woman?! superman!
haha :D

so in the end I got 5 golds and broke two school records.
I'm as happy as a lark =)

anddddd, I'm the Olahragawati! hehe :)
Aww, Jentayu :')
Eventhough we lost this year, (second place)
you guys are still the best alright?!
Love you jentayus! :D

*I stayed up till 4 in morn texting him :)*


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