Saturday, April 25, 2009


Blogging releases tension .
I write what's bothering me ,
or what I think is funny ,
Blogging isn't addictive, it's simply fun.
It's true isn't it ?
Blogging isn't addictive (except fr Eda & Ismah)
Oh yes, that website isn't a true website .
I created that . hahahha

Bitchminton was a fun game .
Thanks to Massie-like-Eysha .
Hahaha .
And whenever she misses the shuttlecock ,
I would scream at the top of my lungs ,
(She did that to all of us )
Yet , I still love her . haha until 2094 yeah eysha ?

Anyways ,
Intervensi 2 sucks .
I agree (in a way) .
I was expecting at least and A for Science .
75% would be well enough .
Instead I got a freaking C , AGAIN !
What's up with that , anyway ?
Science (I studied !) , Maths (I did too !) ,
Sejarah (fine) and Geografi (fine!) ;
C C C C ! Wednesday Thursday Friday much ?! (WTF)

I'm typing real fast .
I'm pissed off at the same time unsatisfied .
I better study from now ,
Mid Year is just two weeks away !
Ya Allah , kau kurniakanlah aku kejayaan dan kekuatan.
Amin .

Gotta Go .
My dad's taking me out .
taa for now ,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Embrace the natural look

"You should work hard ,
Revise and focus in class ,
Suffer now and when you get
your PMR results you will be able to enjoy"
-Miss Tang Mee Wah
Miss Tang your absolutely right !
Eda Me
Il, i hate intervensi 2
Intervensi 2 sucks !

Edaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Stop stop stop saying your stupid .
For all I know is your not !
Your not AT ALL close to being stupid .
All of these in fact ,
is a test from Allah .
And pfft . I got a D for KH too -.-'
Plus 3Cs . Hah , beat that =.=
And don't try to compare my English and KH
marks with yours you smartie pants .
KH-2 marks je okay ! Geez .
Your smart , face it -.-

And Ismaaaaaaaaaah !
Pfft .I know I didn't study and all .
But maths wey ! How can I not score at least a B pun ?
That's just sad . Yeah yeah , plenty of careless mistakes .
But stilllllllllllll ! I expected at least 75 . As long as it's an A .
And your not stupid either , :P
You got an A for Geografi and Maths .
I got only one A .
But still , syukur alhamdulillah .

Saros Razif
*was talking to eysha & sarah
Nabilah! *from a distance
Ape ?
Kau pakai make up eh ?
Haha yeah *laughed
Oh :)

HAHAHAHA make up ?!
I knw my cheeks are REDDD !
They'll get better soon okay :P
Kau mcm pakai blusher woh .

I take that as a compliment , thank you .
Surren Me Sandy
Wow , your cheeks are RED .
I know okay !
What happen ?
I got sunburnt , and now tgh mengelupas.
Woh . Can I take a picture of it ? It looks cool .
And painful .
It does hurt okay ! It hurts a lot actually =.=
Oooooooo can i please touch it ?
No ! -.-' Sandy , you see Surren !
I know he's annoying . :D
Shoot ! I haven't prayed yet
Gotta go !
A is for Amazing
B is for Brainy
C is for Cheerful
D is for Diligent
If I'm all these ,
then I'm perfect :D



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Life

Everyone has their ups and downs ,
But when will I get my UP ?
-The super freaking truth
That's right.
I need a new life .
Like Now ,
As soon as possible .
Seriously , I do .

I have to change .
I can't stand looking at my results .
Not anymore. It's time .
I clearly need a new life ,
a fresh start . A new habit !
I haveeeeeee to stop watching the freaking
wonderful TV shows !
I always laugh my ass of .
And now my result is an Ass .

Shoot .
New life illa ,

This may be harder than I thought .
Ya Allah , why can't I resist the temptations ?
Ya Allah , kau berikanlah kekuatan pada
diriku . Tiba masanya aku berubah ,
masa semakin suntuk . Semakin hari ,
PMR kian tiba . Kau berikanlah kekuatan ,
kesabaran dan kejayaan pada diriku ini .
Ya Allah , ampunkanlah segala dosa dosa ku .
Dosa ibu bapa ku , dosa adik beradik ku ,
dosa arwah arwah atuk ku , dosa seluruh keluarga ku ,
guru guru ku juga rakan rakan ku .
This is it .
A brand New life .
Close your eyes
And make a wish .
A wish you'd never regret,
A wish worth waiting for.
Yours faithfully,

Sunday, April 19, 2009


"Time elapse un noticed ,
And as they do
Memories fade bit by bit.
And all that's left is the untold"
So make every second of the day
Worthy of Honour :D
My skin has gotten better eh ?
Lol . :D

Friday, April 17, 2009


"While you were away
for 4 days playing softball ,
Guan and Ruth had an affair
and they got married "

-Hahaha 3A's latest gossip :')
17th APRIL 2009

Humans and non humans , Hello :D
Today i went in class , finally !
It has been about 4 days since
I last entered 3 Amanah , oh how i miss
my crazy classmates :D
Especially learning in class :')

16th APRIL 2009
Oh yeah Softball finals .
We lost against SBU ians .
8-13 .
We almost won ,
i swear we weren't far behind !

Me Iqin Ismah
even mananged to take our
class photo :D HAHAHA
I bet I look horrible but whatever la right ,
memories with my classmates matter the most :')

Ceh ceh Syikaaaaaaaaaaaa !
I'm happy for you tho
AHAHHAA ya allah syik was in 7th heaven :P
Luqman , hahahha
Syika Syik !
Syika Syik(Nashriq) !
Eh silap silap ,
Nashriqka !
Nashriqkaaaaaaaa !

Nashriq looked and smiled
Syik went ;
Babi ah kau maaaaaaaaan !

Adoi . My tummy still hurts from
laughing so hard :D
Oh yeah thank you firdaus
for the HUGE mineral water :D

Ps; Berg & Ban ,
you guys yang tk tegurrrrrrr :P

Anywaaay , back to 17th .
Hee. kau da tue woh !
Muahahaha . tapi aku still older .
adeh . sorry tak sempat wish kat skola ,
kau kan sesi petang . aku sesi pagi
lagi lagi hari jumaat , kau kan baik ,
pergi smyg jumat . so ta jumpe !
HHAHA anyway , happy belated budak kecik :D

Woh Pj best ,
we did Segak :D
Kan Ru WEML ?
I had fun , which can't be describe
in words .
so i guess that's it .

From left; Weirdo , Hankers, Antimoni, Japanese Terrorist

~Dah kate ,
Sunburn -.-

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Softball :D

"If you wanna say hey,
Just say it
Stop staring with scary stares;
It's as if as you wanna kill us ! -.-"
-To TWO scary staring people
Alohaaaaaaaaaa !
First I would like to talk about
yesterdaaaay , 13th April 2009 :D

I seriously thought our game was on !
I had a feeling denying though ,
but I trusted the wrong side .
I came to school wearing PJ clothes
and I brought my handphone !
Shoot , cuak gilaa -.-

I still went down anyway ,
we watched the boys play ;
Supporters yeah ! :D

First game; Raja Abdullah vs. Maluri
Guess who won ? Obviouslyyyyyyy ,
Raja Dolah (hahahha) won .
Too much pressure maybe ? -.-

B & B gave me super scary stares -.-
Seriously tho m if nak tegur tegur je la .
Tak payah la pandang macam nak bunuh / makan -.-

Second game; Victoria Instituition vs. Maluri
Woah ! You rock VI pitcher :D
He kept on pitching balls so malurians don't even have to bat ,
all they do is Run and steal bases HAHAHA
Oh and it rained heavily before so
the field was REALLY wet and muddy .
When Siddiq was running to step on the
thrid base , he fell !
It sounded so painful yet , he got up
immediately . (Wow, i respect him for that)
And straight away stepped on the base
and the umpire shouts ; SAVE !

Great game ! :D
Oh yeah , Iqin was being super
childish stepping on my shoes
and pointing out I was childish
while sticking out her tounge (very mature Qin :P)
when she was the immature person :P
oh yes Iqin has admirors !
I high light the S :D
Feewit Qin :P

Today's game
First game ; today was Malurian girls' turn to play :D
First game; SBU vs. Maluri
We lost , figures -.-
But at leasttttttttt ,
we scored 4 ! haha at least it's not Zero right ?
Hahhaha *proudd

Me Yen and Iqin super crapped !
It was so hot , we became hot !
Haha neh , we pretended to be terrorists
with our hankers :D
It was funny ! And this one time ,
we lost a point , but me yen and iqin
clapped our hands and cheered EVER so loudly.
Rupa rupa nye salah , haha buat malu je -.-

Second game; Setia Wangsa vs. Maluri
We won ! Wuhuu !~
Eventhough technically we didn't play ,
but our cheers and support gave them spirit
and power to win ! Muahahaha
This time , Yen didn't stay with us to watch the game.
She preferred to watch SBU (boys) vs. Setapak
rather than her own school !
Brandon said ; traitor
hahahhaha . in a joke way . :D

Before the game ,
we didn't know what to shout and
Brandon & Wei Han said shouting
Score Score Score is tre lame .
So instead, we shouted "Man man man!"
super cool game :D
Ika rocked ! <3

Wei han/ Brandon (I'm not sure who)
shouted "Your the man with no balls!"
Oh yes and I won the umbrella :D

Initially Ayai & Siddiq was using the umbrella.
Then ayai went wherever
so I asked for the umbrella and Siddiq gave ,
just like that . Thank you :)
Ahahhaa .
Did I mention the emotional breakdown ?
Setia Wangsa's catcher went all emotional
and cried . -.-
Just because the Umpire sounded her .
It wasn't a big deal , she COULD just continue
the game you know , we even clapped and
said Go catcher for her -.-

They even changed the Pitcher .
She got her hand injured i guess .
Just like Ika's during SBU game .
So anyway , we won ! YEAYYYYYYY
Liy , Ainon , Syik & Yen ;
you guys should have seen the game :P

We watched SBU vs. Padang Tembak.
Ira and Syik could NOT stop
talking about number 7 & 8 -.-
Hahaha .
Honestly, they are not handsome !
The only guy i like from SBU
is under 15 so he wasn't around :S

SBU won btw .
And Ya Allah , Pdg Tembak
is super noisy ! couldn't they keep quiet ?

Haiih ,
I had a great nap in Laman Maluri.
It rained heavily it was so nice to sleep :D

We'll be playing again tomorrow .
And yen thanks for the toblerone (not sure how's the spelling)
And eda too :D

Keep on fighting ,
Till the End of Time :D


Monday, April 13, 2009


Sabbyyyyyyyy ! Your fifteen babe :D
Haha yesterday I was OLDER
and today we're the same !
Primary bestie yeah ? I still love you anyways :D
Haha we use to crap like nobody's bussiness .
Standard 6 Arif rocks everyone's socks !
And we rocked each other crap out :D
Haiih , pretenders tho kitorg .
Haha Sekolah Kebangsaan Murid Murid Bahagia , Bukit Tinggi
Ya Allah , what was that all about ?
Sarah Eunice You Me ; we talked about things that
don't even mean anything and we played weird games
but still laughed our hearts off and had the time of our life
every single day in 6A 2006 :D
Oh tht was 3 years ago . I miss those moments each and everyday !
If i could write a dedication to you about our friendship,
I might as while write a story book :)
I love you loads Sabby ! <3

Through thick and thin
Through Sun and Rain,
You'll always be My Submarine
Forever and Always :D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fifteen :D

"You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It's the Morning of your very first day
And you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everbody's way"

Cause when your FIFTEEN
and somebody tells you they Love you

11th April 2009 ;
Tadaaaaaa ! I'm finally fifteen :D

My mum was the first to wish me .
It was 12.02 am and she said ;
Eh it's 12 a clock . Happy birthday alang :)
Next my stinky little brother Nazhan ;
Happy birthday kaklang (while playing computer)

I checked my phone and jeng3 ,
Eda's the first ! Wow , it's the first time she's
the first to wish happy birthday to ANYONE ! :'D
Eda; Happy birthday dear bestiee ! (:
Il, u are finally 15, wohoo ! Ur old and yet, i am still
young .haha I'm sory i could nt make it to sch on yr brthday, sory.
Even so,enjoy yr old days bfre u get even OLDER.
Iloveyouu bestie! :D

And Triple M (Muhd Muqsit Muizz) is second :)
*As my birthday present,
he threw the softball ball into the drain
filled with DIRTY water and splash ! I got hit -.-

And then it's my toilet worker weird friend Wanie baboon :D

Next , my lovely cowphant walk home buddy Riss :)
Hey illa.happy birthday. your fifteen meaning older in age
but still ever my childish ikan bilis.. i love you and have fun yeah?

And my dad (who wasn't home yet)
called the house phone and said ;
Kaklang ! dah pukul 12 la . Happy birthday *singing

checked my phone before going to bed,
and Liy sent a message :D
Illa! Happy birthday! Sorry for the late wish, i was so
into KKG without realizing the time. Again,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY! or should i say sahabat :)

Iqin ; Illa! Happy bday!
Sarah; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU* Yeah, at last ur 15!
Lima belas tahun! Smoga pnjg umur n dimrhkan rezeki!
Ily, Persatuan Pecinta Cupcake ;D
Kak Sarah Panjang ; budaak panjaaaaaaaaaang, happy birthday! :D
hehe. have a blast on ur bd, and study laaa, pmr da dkt! haha :P
Bro Aiman ; rama2 ni terbang dari jawa tgh semat2 nak ucapkan
slamat ari jadi pd yg baca msj ni. smoge pnjg umo mura rzki :)
Sabby ; Happy birthdayy illa!(= <3

SMKTBM school daaaaaay
I went in school and the first to wish me
was Muqsit ! He walked with me talking about
how old I am now . hahaha :D
Then Sarah , Manda and Syahirah wished me :)
Guess who's the first guy in 3A to wish me ?
Ahah. Shav the Perv ! :'D
And dickson wished me too . ty ty
And Ruzain busuk :P
And Edric
And weird monitor Guan Shen :D

During Geo , Riss , Bren, Pong wished me :D
And in Agama , Syik gave me a BIGGGGG hug .
Plus, Ustazah sang Happy Birthday to me .
Haha thank you ustazah :')

SOFTBALL practise :D
I sat with Nerv and Zol
they smiled cheekily *i wondered why
and wished me Happy Birthday !
Man ! it was super duper HOT !
So we went to the canteen to freshen up :D

And En. Balan wished me :'D
And when Ismah my crazy deskmate bestie came back
from Sajak competition she shouted out LOUD ;
Illaaaaaaaaaaa ! Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaay !
*She wished me 15 times because I'm 15 :D

After sotball practise ended ;
The sofball girls sang Happy birthday
extremely loud ! Haha I was embarassed , but also flattened !
And Carlyle gave me a HUGEEEEEEE hug
and said sorry + happy birthday many times :'D
Even Kim wished me ; Sweetheart , happy birthday okay .
Have a great birthday :) *kissed my cheeks .
Haha ask iqin ! she saw the look on my face HAHAHA
Anyway thnks Kim :)
Hmm . who else ?
Oh yeah , luqman , shamim(idk why they call him Bob)
and a few olahraga friends :D

Pffffft , this is Zol , Nerv , Ridz , Iqin and Ismah's doing ;

They sprayed me with Party Spray !
I finally figured out the Cheeky Smiles -.-
Hahaha .

Sarah's gift :D Thank you , they taste AWESOME!
I got back from school and found my phone with 1 unread message .
And it's from my BFFFFFFFFFFFFF Eysha !
heyy bestie, sory few hours late nk wish u, tido awal stil bangun lambat,
smpi xg skola! haha
just wanna wish happy 15th birthday
Nabilah Kamarudzman!
make sure u live smpi 2094!! besties till
we're 100 years old tau! have a good birthday!

Kak Malin and Raihan wished me through YM .
And Faris , Tini, Sya through Myspace :)

Celebrated with my family excluding Ayong !
Since she's in Indonesia far from home :D
We went to see Angah and she gave me a TEE for my bday .
Mum bought me American Chocolate from Baker's Cottage :D

Last three wishes ;
Ainon my lovely Radio :)
Happy birthday illa! May allah bless u
Zaty kawan SKTBM :D
Salam nabilah. Happy birthday. Moge2 pnjg umur & dimurahkan rezeki.
Sory xda adiah :D
And lastly an unknown number;
Salam. hepi beday illa. sweet 15. semoge
dipanjangkan umur.

Thank you friends and family ,
You guys rock my socks !
And seriously , I love you guys <3
Tons of cheers,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hot and Cold

You change your mind,
Like a girl changes clothes
Yeah you PMS
Like a b**** , I would know

Cause Your Hot
and Your Cold -.-

Hello dudes and dudettes :)
Thirsty Thursday isn't it ?
It was super Hot !

I did my Akidah during Geo .
Oh and eda taught me Algebraic expression .
It was a bit confusing -.-
But i understood :)

Agamaaaaaa !
Yes , only one more Ayat to go .
Eda and Din couldn't hafal the second last ayat .
Funny xD
Ismah memorize the last ayat while looking
at the KFC promotion paper -.-
She said it was easier to memorize . Weirdo !

I finally memorize the ayat !
I was lining up ,
And suddenly , Ringggggggg Ringggggggggggggg !
Which means , the oh-so-annoying Fire Drill thingy .
Pfft . wrong timing much ?
Almost everyone were trying so
hard to memorize the last ayat !
And the Ring , the annoying Ring !
Crushed our hopes -.-

Hahaha .
Feeza , Tykah and Ismah
finished memorizing ALL the ayat(s)
Not fair !
Actually it's fair ,
but to me it's not !

Sarah and Eysha couldn't memorize
cause they were having it .
Ustazah said ,
Kalau terpaksa lain cerita. Kamu belum
terpaksa. Buat apa nak cari dosa.

Sarah was pissed off .
Ustazah saiddd ; Yang dia marah tu sebab penat dia hafal . Belum tak ?
Yes , Ustazah . I hope I don't get it before I memorize the ayat
to ustazah . Amin !

Fire Drill
The field was wet !
Initially we mengcangkung .
But in the end we sat down .


Eh jom la duduk
Basah la . Nanti bon*** basah.
Kitorg kan pakai baju kurung . Takde la nampak sangat
Oh yea , betul jugak en .

So we sat and crapped .
The fireman was asking
for volunteers to show
how to guling2 on the floor if your on fire .

And I said to Sarah

Test la dengan api
Takkan orang tu nak bakar dia kot ?
Haha diorang kena buktikan yang guling2 boleh padamkan api ,
so kena la bakar

It's true okay !
Demonstration ;
The firemen were causing
Global Warming !
They threw in a lot of minyak
and they set the fire !
Carbon Dioxide were released -.-
Open Burning =.=

Syika Syika !
Lawak betul :D
She stepped in front to padamkan api
using the fire extinguisher , HAHA
She practically destroyed that thing !
*Kau dah famous sekarang Syik , satu sesi pagi kenal kau ! Hahaha

Jogged two rounds cause I was late .
Catched and threw .
Practised fielding .
Initially ,I guarded First Base .
Yeah , I caught the ball at tagged Yana & Divyaa !
So they died and OUT !
Hahaha it was fun !
I chased after them :)

And then played Right Outfield .
I caught the ball and stepped on the base ,
making Syika dead .
Hahaha oh the joyyyyyyyyy :D

Yen was chosen for Under 18 tournament .
Not to be mean or anything ,
but I can't figure out why they chose her .
I mean seriously , Ismah or Iqin should
have been chosen .
They are WAY better players .

The ones who weren't good enough for the tournament
included ; Iqin Ismah Liy Ainon Syik Kimberly Ady Myself .
So we batted ! Muahaha .
finally i got to bat :D
Kimberly was really good .
She hit the balls quiet far .
The advantage of being Brandon's little sister :D

Ganti Ganti Ganti .
I ate nuggets for lunch :D
And woah it's really tiring to
balut books nicely .
I think I balut 6-8 books
and I was so tired I could snooze off in the library !
I wonder how the Baik Pulih unit stand them .

I love my job ,
processing books :)
It's easy , and fun !

Me and Sarah kena sound dengan
the pengetua herself , Pn. Joginder .
Hahaha :D
Because we went down late for the
afternoon session Fire Drill .
She said if there was a real fire ,
we would have been burned up .
Including her la right ?
Since she just went down TOO .

Hahaha .
Sarah said that .
Anyway , Sorry teacher .
Was all we said -.-

I walked home with Rissyyyyyy :D

Getting rejected in
person is quite enough ,
I don't need it in wrting .
-Hannah Montana season2

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Amanda Darshanaa Jacob <3

The very first thing I want to write is ,
YEAYY ! Your Miss Oldie now :)

Oh and I love your cake !
It was simply mouth watering .
I should have taken two slices instead of half !
Shooot -.-
Would you ever so kind be a darling and bake
another one for me ?
Hahaha :D

Oh you've been my friend since
primaryyyy !
I remember standard 6 ,
with our obsession of High School Musical songs xD
Pfft , you'd bring the lyrics to every song in HSM
and together we'd sing along !
Aww , childhood memories , haha :D
Anywaaaaaaay , I love you Mandaaaaaa <3

Elektronik is so hard + annoying tho !
Haha but the pateri thingy is fun :D
I haven't pateri mine yet ,
but I played with the thing :D
Saros ngan Liy la start -.-

After THREE whole periods !
(but It's not sleepy in the bengkel :D)
Ismah , Joey , Bren and myself
stayed back to help out .
We swept the floor ,
the tables ,
kept the pateri apparatus-es in the almari,
lifted all the stools :D
haha and Pn. Rofiah and Jo's KH teacher praised us :')
HAHA diligent little angels aren't we now ?

We entered BM late (obviously),
and Pn. Rossidah asked nicely ,
"Kenapa lambat ?"
We explained and then Idk why the boys
were very unsatisfied so they asked Pn.Rossidah to
shout , i think .
She was making faces
then repeated the question as if she was mad .
Then asked them "Puas hati ?"
Way to go Cikguu ! :)

During recess we hanged out at our usual
place , the libraryyyyyyyyy !
This year tk pernah pergi canteen during
recess oh . =X

We stayed a little longer in class
during Science to finish PEKAA :D
After that off we went for Softball !
FYI , I'e gotten darker .
And ismah & iqin don't you dare say
Orang putih or whatever .
Pfft , korang ni bajet gelap tho .
You guys sgt fair la kot -.-

Anywaaaaaaaaaay ,
We learnt running and fielding .
Haha best lari !
I did home run :D
Best kan Ainaaaaa ? :D
I couldn't stop laughing !

eeh . evil tho form5 boys tu -.-
Nasib baik they didn't throw the ball .
If they did , -.-
Haha and Yen threw the ball sampai
kena Syammil (eh ?) .
Leather ball !
It's hurts , I know .
Lastyear when Ismah threw the ball
and hit my head , it's hurts so bad
that tears were falling .
Seriously , i didn't cry intentionally ,
but they just fell .
I was telling myself I was fine
and I don't want to cry ,
but the tears ! -.-

And Yen went superrrrrrrrr cuak ,
she couldnt stop talking about it =.=

Riss my only mutant cowphant
friend accompanied me int the library
we were talking about why prefects and librarians
can't get along (excluding me , sarah and eda) .
Nice debating eh riss ? :D
And and I feel so so guilty i didn't
walk home with you !
Sorry Sorry Sorry .
How selfish of me -.-
My arse malas nak jalan .
Sorry moo !

Oh yes ,
YEAYYYYYYY Green versus Red
Bola Sepak Antara Rumah Sukan
Green won ! Yeepeedeedahdaaaaah :D
Don't be upset yeah Dickson :)

Today's conflict ;
Suraj , your very childish okay !
Your like a little kid :P
And you call yourself mature , pfft .
:P I'm not like budak kecil okay ! :P
Bryan , haha ditcherrrrrrrrr :P
Yeah yeah , you told me the story
so maybe i'll forgive you .
MAYBE ! haha jk jk
Guan Shen ! Omg evil !
sakit tau ! jahat gila tolak orang sampai keluar
kelas . EVILLLLLLLLLLL ! haha tapi best la
kungfu-ing(iqin says we were doing kungfu)
with you weird funny cute monitor ! :D
Annoying afternoon session library visitors ,
Bising Bising Bising !
You guys are SO ANNOYING ,
your in the library for god's sake .
Shut up la . Shish . Memekak je tau .
Mulut tu bubuh cili baru tau . Biar padan muke :P
And please , it's not even funny to say ;
Saya tak boleh senyap .
Lame people , Lameeeeeeeeee !
I swear , I felt like screaming ,
Get out of the library you tuuuuuut* !

At tuition ,
Iqin and Yen wanted to be able
to get free tickets .
Haha I tried helping out ,
I even listened to Fly while having
Supper . HAHA
Too late huh ?
Ade guy tu got the last two tickets .
Oh well , too bad then .

Zaid dingdong

Takkan kau tak tau kot yang mane Eda ?
Aku tak pernah nampak la die
Takkan la . Die PPS jugak . Pakai baju hijau .
Ohhhhhhhh ! Yang pakai specs tu eh ? Yang kecik tu ?
Haha yeah .
Muke suci gile . Hahaha la tu ke Eda .
Ye la , cousin
Irfan , aku tau . Bapak ah ! Innocent gila die .
Haha aku dah kate ! kau tkkan sanggup nak belasah punye lah .
Eda tu jenis baik gila


That's all , I think .
Cheers ,