Thursday, April 23, 2009

Embrace the natural look

"You should work hard ,
Revise and focus in class ,
Suffer now and when you get
your PMR results you will be able to enjoy"
-Miss Tang Mee Wah
Miss Tang your absolutely right !
Eda Me
Il, i hate intervensi 2
Intervensi 2 sucks !

Edaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Stop stop stop saying your stupid .
For all I know is your not !
Your not AT ALL close to being stupid .
All of these in fact ,
is a test from Allah .
And pfft . I got a D for KH too -.-'
Plus 3Cs . Hah , beat that =.=
And don't try to compare my English and KH
marks with yours you smartie pants .
KH-2 marks je okay ! Geez .
Your smart , face it -.-

And Ismaaaaaaaaaah !
Pfft .I know I didn't study and all .
But maths wey ! How can I not score at least a B pun ?
That's just sad . Yeah yeah , plenty of careless mistakes .
But stilllllllllllll ! I expected at least 75 . As long as it's an A .
And your not stupid either , :P
You got an A for Geografi and Maths .
I got only one A .
But still , syukur alhamdulillah .

Saros Razif
*was talking to eysha & sarah
Nabilah! *from a distance
Ape ?
Kau pakai make up eh ?
Haha yeah *laughed
Oh :)

HAHAHAHA make up ?!
I knw my cheeks are REDDD !
They'll get better soon okay :P
Kau mcm pakai blusher woh .

I take that as a compliment , thank you .
Surren Me Sandy
Wow , your cheeks are RED .
I know okay !
What happen ?
I got sunburnt , and now tgh mengelupas.
Woh . Can I take a picture of it ? It looks cool .
And painful .
It does hurt okay ! It hurts a lot actually =.=
Oooooooo can i please touch it ?
No ! -.-' Sandy , you see Surren !
I know he's annoying . :D
Shoot ! I haven't prayed yet
Gotta go !
A is for Amazing
B is for Brainy
C is for Cheerful
D is for Diligent
If I'm all these ,
then I'm perfect :D



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