Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Softball :D

"If you wanna say hey,
Just say it
Stop staring with scary stares;
It's as if as you wanna kill us ! -.-"
-To TWO scary staring people
Alohaaaaaaaaaa !
First I would like to talk about
yesterdaaaay , 13th April 2009 :D

I seriously thought our game was on !
I had a feeling denying though ,
but I trusted the wrong side .
I came to school wearing PJ clothes
and I brought my handphone !
Shoot , cuak gilaa -.-

I still went down anyway ,
we watched the boys play ;
Supporters yeah ! :D

First game; Raja Abdullah vs. Maluri
Guess who won ? Obviouslyyyyyyy ,
Raja Dolah (hahahha) won .
Too much pressure maybe ? -.-

B & B gave me super scary stares -.-
Seriously tho m if nak tegur tegur je la .
Tak payah la pandang macam nak bunuh / makan -.-

Second game; Victoria Instituition vs. Maluri
Woah ! You rock VI pitcher :D
He kept on pitching balls so malurians don't even have to bat ,
all they do is Run and steal bases HAHAHA
Oh and it rained heavily before so
the field was REALLY wet and muddy .
When Siddiq was running to step on the
thrid base , he fell !
It sounded so painful yet , he got up
immediately . (Wow, i respect him for that)
And straight away stepped on the base
and the umpire shouts ; SAVE !

Great game ! :D
Oh yeah , Iqin was being super
childish stepping on my shoes
and pointing out I was childish
while sticking out her tounge (very mature Qin :P)
when she was the immature person :P
oh yes Iqin has admirors !
I high light the S :D
Feewit Qin :P

Today's game
First game ; today was Malurian girls' turn to play :D
First game; SBU vs. Maluri
We lost , figures -.-
But at leasttttttttt ,
we scored 4 ! haha at least it's not Zero right ?
Hahhaha *proudd

Me Yen and Iqin super crapped !
It was so hot , we became hot !
Haha neh , we pretended to be terrorists
with our hankers :D
It was funny ! And this one time ,
we lost a point , but me yen and iqin
clapped our hands and cheered EVER so loudly.
Rupa rupa nye salah , haha buat malu je -.-

Second game; Setia Wangsa vs. Maluri
We won ! Wuhuu !~
Eventhough technically we didn't play ,
but our cheers and support gave them spirit
and power to win ! Muahahaha
This time , Yen didn't stay with us to watch the game.
She preferred to watch SBU (boys) vs. Setapak
rather than her own school !
Brandon said ; traitor
hahahhaha . in a joke way . :D

Before the game ,
we didn't know what to shout and
Brandon & Wei Han said shouting
Score Score Score is tre lame .
So instead, we shouted "Man man man!"
super cool game :D
Ika rocked ! <3

Wei han/ Brandon (I'm not sure who)
shouted "Your the man with no balls!"
Oh yes and I won the umbrella :D

Initially Ayai & Siddiq was using the umbrella.
Then ayai went wherever
so I asked for the umbrella and Siddiq gave ,
just like that . Thank you :)
Ahahhaa .
Did I mention the emotional breakdown ?
Setia Wangsa's catcher went all emotional
and cried . -.-
Just because the Umpire sounded her .
It wasn't a big deal , she COULD just continue
the game you know , we even clapped and
said Go catcher for her -.-

They even changed the Pitcher .
She got her hand injured i guess .
Just like Ika's during SBU game .
So anyway , we won ! YEAYYYYYYY
Liy , Ainon , Syik & Yen ;
you guys should have seen the game :P

We watched SBU vs. Padang Tembak.
Ira and Syik could NOT stop
talking about number 7 & 8 -.-
Hahaha .
Honestly, they are not handsome !
The only guy i like from SBU
is under 15 so he wasn't around :S

SBU won btw .
And Ya Allah , Pdg Tembak
is super noisy ! couldn't they keep quiet ?

Haiih ,
I had a great nap in Laman Maluri.
It rained heavily it was so nice to sleep :D

We'll be playing again tomorrow .
And yen thanks for the toblerone (not sure how's the spelling)
And eda too :D

Keep on fighting ,
Till the End of Time :D


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