Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Life

Everyone has their ups and downs ,
But when will I get my UP ?
-The super freaking truth
That's right.
I need a new life .
Like Now ,
As soon as possible .
Seriously , I do .

I have to change .
I can't stand looking at my results .
Not anymore. It's time .
I clearly need a new life ,
a fresh start . A new habit !
I haveeeeeee to stop watching the freaking
wonderful TV shows !
I always laugh my ass of .
And now my result is an Ass .

Shoot .
New life illa ,

This may be harder than I thought .
Ya Allah , why can't I resist the temptations ?
Ya Allah , kau berikanlah kekuatan pada
diriku . Tiba masanya aku berubah ,
masa semakin suntuk . Semakin hari ,
PMR kian tiba . Kau berikanlah kekuatan ,
kesabaran dan kejayaan pada diriku ini .
Ya Allah , ampunkanlah segala dosa dosa ku .
Dosa ibu bapa ku , dosa adik beradik ku ,
dosa arwah arwah atuk ku , dosa seluruh keluarga ku ,
guru guru ku juga rakan rakan ku .
This is it .
A brand New life .
Close your eyes
And make a wish .
A wish you'd never regret,
A wish worth waiting for.
Yours faithfully,

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