Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hot and Cold

You change your mind,
Like a girl changes clothes
Yeah you PMS
Like a b**** , I would know

Cause Your Hot
and Your Cold -.-

Hello dudes and dudettes :)
Thirsty Thursday isn't it ?
It was super Hot !

I did my Akidah during Geo .
Oh and eda taught me Algebraic expression .
It was a bit confusing -.-
But i understood :)

Agamaaaaaa !
Yes , only one more Ayat to go .
Eda and Din couldn't hafal the second last ayat .
Funny xD
Ismah memorize the last ayat while looking
at the KFC promotion paper -.-
She said it was easier to memorize . Weirdo !

I finally memorize the ayat !
I was lining up ,
And suddenly , Ringggggggg Ringggggggggggggg !
Which means , the oh-so-annoying Fire Drill thingy .
Pfft . wrong timing much ?
Almost everyone were trying so
hard to memorize the last ayat !
And the Ring , the annoying Ring !
Crushed our hopes -.-

Hahaha .
Feeza , Tykah and Ismah
finished memorizing ALL the ayat(s)
Not fair !
Actually it's fair ,
but to me it's not !

Sarah and Eysha couldn't memorize
cause they were having it .
Ustazah said ,
Kalau terpaksa lain cerita. Kamu belum
terpaksa. Buat apa nak cari dosa.

Sarah was pissed off .
Ustazah saiddd ; Yang dia marah tu sebab penat dia hafal . Belum tak ?
Yes , Ustazah . I hope I don't get it before I memorize the ayat
to ustazah . Amin !

Fire Drill
The field was wet !
Initially we mengcangkung .
But in the end we sat down .


Eh jom la duduk
Basah la . Nanti bon*** basah.
Kitorg kan pakai baju kurung . Takde la nampak sangat
Oh yea , betul jugak en .

So we sat and crapped .
The fireman was asking
for volunteers to show
how to guling2 on the floor if your on fire .

And I said to Sarah

Test la dengan api
Takkan orang tu nak bakar dia kot ?
Haha diorang kena buktikan yang guling2 boleh padamkan api ,
so kena la bakar

It's true okay !
Demonstration ;
The firemen were causing
Global Warming !
They threw in a lot of minyak
and they set the fire !
Carbon Dioxide were released -.-
Open Burning =.=

Syika Syika !
Lawak betul :D
She stepped in front to padamkan api
using the fire extinguisher , HAHA
She practically destroyed that thing !
*Kau dah famous sekarang Syik , satu sesi pagi kenal kau ! Hahaha

Jogged two rounds cause I was late .
Catched and threw .
Practised fielding .
Initially ,I guarded First Base .
Yeah , I caught the ball at tagged Yana & Divyaa !
So they died and OUT !
Hahaha it was fun !
I chased after them :)

And then played Right Outfield .
I caught the ball and stepped on the base ,
making Syika dead .
Hahaha oh the joyyyyyyyyy :D

Yen was chosen for Under 18 tournament .
Not to be mean or anything ,
but I can't figure out why they chose her .
I mean seriously , Ismah or Iqin should
have been chosen .
They are WAY better players .

The ones who weren't good enough for the tournament
included ; Iqin Ismah Liy Ainon Syik Kimberly Ady Myself .
So we batted ! Muahaha .
finally i got to bat :D
Kimberly was really good .
She hit the balls quiet far .
The advantage of being Brandon's little sister :D

Ganti Ganti Ganti .
I ate nuggets for lunch :D
And woah it's really tiring to
balut books nicely .
I think I balut 6-8 books
and I was so tired I could snooze off in the library !
I wonder how the Baik Pulih unit stand them .

I love my job ,
processing books :)
It's easy , and fun !

Me and Sarah kena sound dengan
the pengetua herself , Pn. Joginder .
Hahaha :D
Because we went down late for the
afternoon session Fire Drill .
She said if there was a real fire ,
we would have been burned up .
Including her la right ?
Since she just went down TOO .

Hahaha .
Sarah said that .
Anyway , Sorry teacher .
Was all we said -.-

I walked home with Rissyyyyyy :D

Getting rejected in
person is quite enough ,
I don't need it in wrting .
-Hannah Montana season2

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