Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beat of My Heart

"I'm thinking about,
Letting it out.
I wanna give in,
I wanna go out."

The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart.

Say Saturday ppl :)
Softball this morning was fun funny funky

we , us form3s (me iqin ismah yen )
kept on singing beat of my heart by hillary duff
HAHA , i knw !
lagu lama , but the chorus was in our head :D

oh , i pity those form1s .
first it was ismah !
she threw the ball and it accidently hit sha's lil sister
and pffffffft right at the head !

then it was iqin ,
she threw hard full with speed
and woah !
right at (i thnk her name is fyza)'s tuuuuut*
it looked painful -.-

and then it was me ,
i threw the ball to mahsuri ,
she was suppose to catch it !
she caught the ball ,
but didnt hold it properly andthe ball bounced back
straight to her face !
i went , *gasp

3 outta 4 got hit by the ball
then the three of them suddenly got
scared of the ball

but softball was seriously funny !
we were so semangat (form3s)
ex ; when yen wants to catch the ball ,
me iqin and ismah would run behind her
and get ready to catch the bal incase she missed ,
and we went

liy came too !
after her music class lah .
i miss you weyyy :')
HAHA (as if tk jumpe everyday in class & tsyn )

after softball i went home with iqin
and we ate at uncle rahim's
pfft ajim ganas gila !
haha he said to iqin ,
"mate besar" then looked at me and said ,
"hidung besar" then i said ,
"mulut besar" HAHAHAHA

then he started punching me and throwing
the pillows . HAHA
yr brother is so funny la iqin !

around 2,
we went to Mak Ina's house in Rawang
there was this small gathering ,
me ayah ma adek aa ecah maklang wawan
penuh satu keretaaaa !

and omggggg ecahh gatal !
pffft gatal gatal gatal !
we were sorta lost
so ayah wanted to stop and ask fr directions
so there's this one guy ,
abt the age of 16 to 17
and he was so not handsome or anything
but ecah went all handsome lah bla bla bla
then i looked again just to make sure tht guy wasn't
attractive and then he looked in our direction and
ecah started smiling to herself and i shouted ,
"ecah gataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal"

ecah ecah . tsk2 :P

budak korek hidung tkda tadi ,

* i miss my late grandfather .

You left without warning,
no signs no calls
You left for a better world
I miss you grandpa , forever and always.
*I love you
and now tears are forming


The Call

"Its started out a feeling
which then grew into a hope
which the turned into a quiet thought
which then turned into a quiet word"

You'll come back , when it's over
No need to say goodbye

Peace out freaky fridays !
oh today i saw Haziq fr the last time
sad . i'll miss you lah ! xD

Pfft . (ismah cnt do it)
i came late fr school ,
and yeaah had to stand with all the Lewat
ppl . and wth ? A LOT of prefects were late !
but none , i repeat , NONE of them kena deduct e-discipline !
stupid ! not fair right ?!
school cnt do tht you knw ,
its NOT fair !
eeeeeeeeeeeee menyampah -.-
its so obvious the sch pilih kasih .
pfft shooty sch

anywaay ,
i ran 200m with ismah
and yeah , my leg was injured since wednesday
but i'm not the type of grl who get hurt ,
and decides not to run
seems gedik right ?
so i ran anyway eventhough it hurts like pfft
i got first but pfffffffffff i didnt break the record !

afterwards ,
my injured leg ,
ya ALLAH it hurts badly !
i didnt want to cry ,
but tears fell .
serious ! never ever i felt so much pain .
it even hurts more than the time i fell .
hurts so bad , i wanted to scream .

i wondered how i was gonna go bck to class,
since 3Amanah is on the top floor !
bren joey sandy ismah helped me :D
oh yeaaaaaaaah , fr 200m 2P ,
number 1 ; me -hijau
number 2 ; ismah-hijau
number 3 ; tika-hijau


when i got in class ,
cehhhhh i made an entrance *
walked in
all eyes were on me
i was walking so so slowwww !
sempat minum coffee baca surat khabar sume eh ismah ?
gahahhaa :D

and miss tang looked at me with worry in her eyes
and said , "nabilah, what happen ?"
haih . today is the injection's side effect day !
eysha - she looked so weak ! usually she's the noisiest but today she was diff
eda- kept on feeling dizzy and mual
sarah- her throat hurts
iqin- her face looked weak but she tried to conceal it
joey- no energy
me- pffft my leg hurts badly !

ehem , tht person lalu in front of my class
then iqin and riss went illa illa
pffffft korang , ex crush laaaaaaa
best thing was he looked back ,

johan didnt come to school
and apparently group5 made miss thean
angry and now we have to copy the whole chapter !

tsyn funny gila
us form3 gotta laugh you knw ?
stupid jokes
loads of laughing :D
me iqin ainon yen ayum :)
liy went home early
rugi wehhhhhhhh :P

DAH DAH DAMN SLEEPY -____________-"

i swear to you
i wont forget
all i did fr you
i wont regret

Friday, February 27, 2009

I Believe I can Fly

"I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away"

There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me oh

Hell-O litle Jell-Os !
Oh so wonderful thursday eh ?

my geog , pffft -.-
eh i miss pn.isya's laptop already .
someone stole it !
haish . if during trials i get bad grades
bcause of ALL the information tht is permanently lost,
curse you laptop stealer !

oh and ismah cried ,
oh yeaaaaaah ,
3A and 3B students got injected !
when the nurse injected my left arm ,
maaaaaan ! damn painful .
i felt the needle hitting my bone
*pfft pain

and afterwards , i didnt feel pain whatsoever
until ! maths class
my left arm felt numb
just the part injected -.-
but lifting my arm straight is hardd !
plus it was sorta funny cause the whole class
was avoiding getting hit on the left arm :)
and whenever someone accidently bumped
or hit it , we would squirm in painpainpain !

eysha sang i believe i can fly
way too many times
i got the song stuck in my head !

during bm ,
almost half the class had to sit on the floor
it looked as if they were abt to have jamuan
or something :D
pn.rossidah is funny ! but she's a really good BM teacher

you gotta be sincere
write what's really on yr mind :)
pffffffffft as if i'm gonna do tht !
but maybe i will
cause i dnt have so many problems with my parents
i love them :)

wow , i was so so nervous !
and my left leg hurts !
anywaay ,
i ran 200m pfft i sprinted fulllll
and my time was 33.7 seconds .
oh , i want to break the record !
the sch record is 31.5
just two secs . i can do it !
yeaaaaaaaaaah :D
tmrw is 200m finals
and i have to compete against ismah and joey
and whoeverrrrr . which , i'm feeling REALLY nervous abt -.-

ran 400m too ,
i was so nervous !
of course right ,
i had to fight with sandy and brenda and ainon .
and they are SCARY good !
but i managed to get num 1 .
stilllllll , its not even final yet !

ismah got first fr high jumpp !
go jentayu yeahhhhhhhh

pfft muqsit did superman :P

Clowns and witches,
wounds and stiches
bring pain and thunder
for you to surrender


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


"I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway yeah
I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway yeah"

And I feel so alive
I can't help myself, don't you realize

Run baby run don't ever look back :D
Boo Moos :)

well ,
i sympathy johan !
he walked slowly ,
and his frnds are so mean
they left him
walking by himself

so on the way to scn lab
me and liy temankan him
HAHA :')
terharu yeah ?
we're such good frnds !

anyway ,
today johan got a lot of attention .
he was always a good frnd to me,
so i returned the favour just now :D

during seni
we drew flowers at the wall
oh kenangan lah nanti :)
i'm in joey riss bren ruth's group
and so is shavin !
it was fun fun fun

i ran 100m saringan and i got num1
but i felt myself being slow :S
oh oh !
green won !
yes yes :)
4x400m HAHAHA
i was the last runner and okay ,
i was tired but not half dead so yeaayyy :)


A Little Piece of Heaven

"Before the story begins ,
Is it such a sin ,
For me to take what's mine
Until the end of time"

And a word to the wise
when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun.

Ni hao bloggers !
yeepeedeedahdaah .

pfffffft ,
my geografi is FAAAAAAAAAR worst than my eng .
haiiiiiiih . (*sigh)
tho , i guess i kinda deserved it .
kan eysha ?
i remind you ppl ,
studyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !
when you dnt study ,
you're results turn out BAD -.-
just like mine .
serve me right .

anyway ,
i'm happy with my scn !
89 % , not bad ehh ?
tho i wanted 90 something
but like i said again and again,
i'm grateful to get an A :)

3As 3Bs 1C 1(*hoping my mark would change)


PEACE ! i say

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bad Day

"Cause you had a bad day ,
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song
just to turn it around"

You're coming back down and you really don't mind.
You had a bad day .

Its hey monday ppl :)
ohhh , read eda's blog and pffft
you got higher than me la ding
thts wht i'm calling you frm now on ,

just now kastor , kebi and ying hong
told me to write my name in a piece of paper
for the olahraga jersey
and i wrote ILLA
then ying hong said ;

"haaaaa i love who ?"
"what ? no la . thts my name" *tahan gelak
"eh . dont lie . i love who ?" *smiling2
"hahaha . its my name lah ! seeeeeeee"
"yr name nabilah maa"
"yeah . illa for short"
"ohhhhh . hahaha . aiyaaa now ai ell only mesti i love onee"
HAHAHA funny xD

man . today kinda sucks .
ergh . i got 63 fr eng . thts a C weh ,
and 65 fr bm . pffffffft .
the pemahaman ringkasan i got 4/10 .
tht's really really baaaaaad ! -.-

oh and never ever everrrrrrrr my bm lebih
frm my eng weh .
first time ,
and NOT PROUD of it .

i felt like crying
tho i gotta stay strong
winners lose first ;
*i hope

it's only ujian intervensi 1 .
there's time .
deep breaths
fuh -.-

tho , i'm okay with my agame
didnt improve , mendatar je .
HAHA 77% .got and A so yeaaaaah

oh oh !
i masuk 100m 200m 400m
4x100m 4x400m
banyak nyeeeeeeeee :/
and the saringan is on wed !
i'm nervous lah

oh iqin and eda went to my house
iqin went home at 7 something
her parents couldnt pick her up ,
so yeaaah
i slept at three ,
woke up around 6 :D

oh , break this code ppl ,
in my opinion ,
it means i love u .
trueeeeee ? :D :D

we had to check our teeth and i got all sound .
HAHA *proudddddddd

I hate this guy
this twatty brat
his words are hard to buy
cheers ,

Sunday, February 22, 2009


"Got a secret can you keep it
Swear this one will stay
Better lock it in yr pocket
Taking this one to the grave"
Two can keep a secret
If one of them is DEAD.

Peek-a-boo bloggers :D
i watched National Treasure 2 just now
woaaaaaaah , smart !
anyway , i went to takewondo and we learnt
how to escape from kidnappers :S
and yeaaaaah , penat berlari -.-

This morning :D
Softball ,
I ran with ismah iqin liy syika yen
i swear i wanted to beat ismah
but nooooooooo ,
my stupid shoe nak tercabuut xD

Anyway ,
we canceled the green house 4x100 training bcause
senget & tika came lateee
so me and ismah went to softball :D
and i finally learn to throw the ball
not "lontar" :D

It was fun and funny :)
zoul wore a "LAH" tee
and he said pak lah gave it to him
HAHAHAHA mrepek ah kau :P
then me and iqin remebered that Am has the same bajuuuu
HAHA oh oh
muqsit abang ? HAHAHHAHA
cant believe ppl actually say we look a like .
it's funny xD
anyway weh , i'll tell you abt _______ nanti eh .

oh , i read eda's blog and eda ,
i'll tell you what me and johan talked abt at sch :)
oh oh ismaaaaaaaaah ,
HAHAHA yes now tak boring da :)

Haiih ,
can you believe it ?
i actually miss SAUFI !
rindu kau wehhhhhhhhh :P

oh and lawak ah lagu alice the guitar .
kan eda kaaaaaaaaan ?
haiih . old times , old times :)
Hear me out,
shut those fears out,
i screamed in pain,
knowing that i lost again.



Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Miss You

"You used to call me your angel
Said I was sent straight down from Heaven
You'd hold me close in your arms
I loved the way you felt so strong
I never wanted you to leave
I wanted you to stay here holding me"

My heart won't let you go, and I need you to know
I miss you shalalalala I miss you .

Why hello thereee ! :D
today is FRIDAY
and that means PEEJAY

i came to school ,
being almost late i speed walked
then eda insisted i chill
so i chilled a bit , walked a little slower ,
counting each and every step (okay haha not really)
then we saw johan running
laughed for a second or two
and we ran
eda , your funny and i think you knw whyyyyyy xD

Pj ,
i didnt wear my pj clothes so i had to change ,
i went to the toilet ALONE //
and yeaah , it was empty .
anywaay ,
then i saw eda eysha sarah running and TAKING the shorcut ,
lazy bums HAHA :P
they were laughing none stop :D
i waited for the prefects ,
iqin ismah liy ; then we jogged .
iqin didnt lah .

i paced myself ,
every step i took
watched my feet moving
right left right
stared ahead
then sprinted
leaving ismah to lose agains me :)

shashy was crapping in Indonesia :P

Geografi ,
haiih . got scolded AGAIN pffffft
recess was as normal :D

Oh yeaaaah ,

i marked my scn paper ,
and maaaaaaaan byk gila salah .
but it was still an A lah .
so yeaah , alhamdulillah :)

oh oh during scn
i sat at the back of the class with iqin riss joey bren
johan and suraj .
then me and johan talked about something tht
shouldnt be written here .
and weh , yeah orang berubah .
and there's nothing we can do -.-
if they turn out bad , well -___-"

after meeting i opened
the students library record book
and i saw his name .
then i started wondering why i liked him
its weird you knw ,
when you think of these things.
like yesterday , he walked right infront of me .
i felt a little awkward .
feelings just cant be controlled .

Tusyen was fun fun fun
haha tak siap homework
and me iqin liy aina yen ayum
walked to 7-e holding our scn homework :D

oh . i read Didy's page
and suddenly rase sedih la plak .
he's moving .
and eventhough this year takde la rapat like lastyear ,
you knw , the adik abang relationship thingy ,
yeah but we were close once and its just sad .
anyway , i'll miss you didy :')

Hold on tight ,
Don't let go ,
Your the apple of my eye :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Over

"Don't call me even if I should cross your mind
Hard enough I don't need to hear your voice on my messages
Let's just call it quits it's probably better
So if I'm not returning your calls it's 'cause ..."

Couldn't stand to see your smile every time you dialed .

It's overrrrrrrrr :D
tho there's more to come -____-"

Oh oh ,
IQIN scored 100 for Maths !
I got 77 % , plenty of CARELESS mistakes .
pffft . anyway , got an A and i'm grateful :D

And oh , got 70 for my KH
hahaha , yeahh that's what happens when you dont study ,
in iqin's case it's diff ,
her brain is like a machine or something
she doesnt have to study to scoreeeeeee
imagine if she does study ,
she'd be the top student weh .

we crapped like idk what je today,
EYSHA melayu jinjang (wth ?)
ME melayu kampung baru (orang kl kan kan ? )
EDA salah naik plane
and and qeela told us about some form1s ,
and eeeeeeeeeh . baru form1 dah camtu ,
haish . ape nak jadi weyyyyyy x

oh oh we had to sign this agama thing ,
and johan drew a flower ( hahhaa)
saros , i have no idea what he drew
and daniel ,johan drew a tornado for him
ruzain was the only boy in 3 A who signed properly

I read eda's blog and yes
i love Sarah's mum's cupcakeeeeeeeees :D
if i knew how heaven tasted like ,
i bet they taste the same <3

tsyn was kinda fun
we learnt linear equation

oh lupe

Zaid = gay+panda
Zaid =Gaid panda

:D AINA NANNANANA drew this ;

Taken when class was Overrr . :)

You had a life
you had a core
You grabbed a knife
you killed a whore

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday

"Happy birthday to you, you're still young.
Age is just a number, don't you stop having fun.
This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you.
This day only comes once every year,
Because you're so wonderful with each and everything you do, hey!"

Happy birthday to you, this is your day.
On this day for you we're gonna love you in every way.

Smart , funny , crappy , my game + japancrap buddy <3
oh oh and she's cute too and weird =.=
we've known each other since we were seven wey :D
I love you birthday girl <3

haha , crappy , busuk , smart and WEIRDDD =.=
guys cant get over her ,
it has been 9 years too :D
uuuu , psssstt buussh !
I love you birthday girl <3

Forget me not,
forget you never,
keep tuning on,
the melody of our friendship :D


Secret Valentine

"We'll write a song
That turns out the lights
When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all"

I'll take care of you tonight ,
Secret Valentine .

Its February 14th and guess what day today is ?
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa !

Today is a stupid day because ,
it's whatever shooty shatty Valentine's .
Big deaaaaaaal =.=
Plus , Omg homeworks are like ,

Tension :
Stressed x

Btw ,

Pj , we crapped !

and yeaaaaaay ,
i got 2 points (highest point) for
sprinting , long jump and lontar peluru :D
Jentayu yes yes !

Geografi ,
no comment

Recess ,
I walked and frowned and mumbled .
HAHA tension tension tension .
Then suddenly Suraj said ,
"Happy Valentine's :D"
I went all nice and said thanks
then went back to the frowning MOOD .

Science ,

I talked to Johan and yes ,
didnt get to finish my story .
HAHA but okay la i understand his need of telling the story
they won , the boys i mean .
got third for 4X400 L-15 .

Maths was fun :D

Roses are Red ,
Violets are Blue ,
Like I Said ,
I don't love You .

Stayed back with Iqin and Ismah .

Handed in our Science exercise :D

Oh Oh i was the first to hug Miss Tang <3

MALAS NAK TAIP -__________________-"

What a day ,
What a sway ,
You've ruined my day
You stupid spray

HAHAHA wth ?

cheers ,