Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Great Escape

"Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight"

they'll think it's just because we're young
And we'll feel so alive
10th-13th February
Kejohanan Olahraga Peringkat Zon Sentul

-Day 1
Tuesdaaaaaaaaay :D
The whole day ,
I only had 100 metres event .

Funny storyyyyy ,
I was in saringan 3 .
so i watched 2 groups of p15 sprinting .
then it was my turn ,
even had the time to chat with a girl from Smk D.I.Y

So there i was , sprinting .
Vroooooooooom !
I was first ,
My mind went;
"Focus . sprint . time"
then , just a few inches before the finishing line ,
sudden break ,
boooooooooooom !
i fell . ouch . i went blur .
"what ?! what happen ?!" was all i thought .
the sounds of screams and gasps are filled the air .
then i heard ,

The line officer called me ,
checking my number ,
which was on the ground of the track all covered in RED
then off i was to the PBSMs

a horrible wound it is ,
btw , thanks carlyle & chai meng :D

I hurt both my hands and arms .
My left hand and right arm hurts badly.
see my daging ? (:

you would have thought that i lost ,
apparently ,
i got first in the saringan .
so i went to semi finals got third
and in the finals i officially got third place for p-15

YEY . alhamdulillah . :D

Oh , i met ammar !
and and yap yu ying !
and haziq shafiq
and arif
and zulfiqah
and farisah & akmal
and shaf and erghhhhh RAMAI

it was fun :D
tho , everytime i chat with ammar ,
his smakl seniors stare in a very WEIRD way .

And kepong baru guys thought i was haziq's .
haiih , people make judgments easily .

made new friends ,
and man was i an attraction of the day .
no , dont get me wrong ,
not being vain or anything but it's because of my WOUNDS :D

everywhere i went ,
everyone asked why
and hoi , stupid question "sakit tak "

eh guys situ tah pape .

malurians won banyak la jugak .
heee :D
proudddddddddd !
and they are so nice to me ,
and funny too . :D

-Day 2
100m hurdles ,
FINALS; HAHAHAHHA . i jumped too slow lah .
i lost . got seventh place .
yu ying beat me . haish . =.=

and hellllllllll !
smaklians think i'm ammar's girlfriend .
it's bestfriends laaaaaaaaaaa .
pfffffffffft . =.=
nyampah gila /
sengih2 , always staring .
eeeeeeeeh .
even when ammar isn't talking to me ,
they stareeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh .
pfffft .

and yes ,
kena sombong/ kerek lagi .
everywhere i go ,
its always that =.=

oh oh ,
ammar ran 110m hurdles and got number3 .
haziq ran 2000 , i repeat 2000m berhalangan .
he got sixth tho ,
but wow . if i were him , i'd pass out .

200m ,
Ya Allah ,
pancitttttttttt .
pfffft T_______T
padan muke , tak train lagi .
20 metres left ,
i cant sprintttttt

and aww ,
a friend of mine ; he's sweet :)

Him: I got first :)
Me : Congrats :D eh , you get gold . pffft . i'm so jealous !
Him : Eh no la :) You knw i dont how i've been busy these last few days ,
ME: yeah
Him: so i dont get to teman my girl for some time
Me: (awwwwwww)
Him: at least , i won this gold medal for her .

awwwwwwwww :'D

-Day 3
seriously ,
i so so so did not expect i will enter semi .
shooooooooooot ,
i didnt wanna run anymore .
yesterday i got number , geeee idk fourth ?

so i ran 200 semi finals ,
got fifth . HAHAHAHA . damn la .
yu ying beat me =.=

and i was jumping around chatting kutuk-ing
laughing joking talking frowning,
then eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
i got in the finals .
i went , "whaaaaaaaaaat ?! kastor , i cannot la . saye pancit"
kastor said , "nevermind , try okay ?"
so i tried ,
and ran . pffffffffffft
seventh .

apparently , captain kastor got the same ,
weeeeeeeeee xD

oh , maluri won three golds .
but i didnt own even ONE .
so saaaaaaaaad ,
but , at least i got a bronze ,
so yeaaah :D

yeaah !
4X100 L-18 maluri got third !
way to go :D

oh , berlin lost ,
and i said ,
"why didnt you do superman ?"
because he said doing superman can win .
banggang kan ?
just because i got first when i fell sliding down .

anywaaays , FUN FUN FUN .
except for the hurting my hands and arms ,
and the annoying stares and "Awek" words.
busuk !
so annoying weh

HAHA tak pergi ,
Jie Er and Yap went all
"kenapeeeeeeeee ? we also dont have acara maaaaaa"

i went to sch ,
homeworks ?
like fireworks .
Haha crap .

-Friday the Thirteen

What A Mess , -_________-"

Those words you said,
those lies you made ,
they CRASH and BURN

sincerely ,


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