Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Whole New World

"A Whole New World ,
A new fantastic point of view ,
No one to tell us NO ,
Or where to go
OR say we're only dreaming"

The gateway has opened ,
And the bridge is now yours to cross over.

And so The Search begins . :D
New thing , new kind-a fling T_T

went to Sarah's house to finish the English presentation .
Haha , No , its not done yet =.=
The four people ; ME SARAH EYSHA ISMAH .
Still didn't get to finish Last Friends T_T

Hee , Haziq , Hazie (ayie) ROCKSTAAAAAAAAAR :)

Hazie : oh ya. aku dah dapat mrsm bentong.
Me : See ? Anyway, I'll miss you dude . Gagaga :D
Hazie : ill miss u guys too lah. if u did join us on thurs it ll be great.
Me : I knw. So , best tak keluar haritu ?
Hazie : boring. pffffft . haiya. borng gle oh . u guys xde.
Me :Haha. If aku ade sure best punye ! Hahaha :D perasan gila
Hazie :btol la. if u were there. msti best like, idk . best lah. u isma n aisyah
Me : Really ? Haha aww terharu ! (: nnti aku msti miss yr jokes. and tk dpt hang out cm lastyear dah.
buat bising dlm library . haha librarian tak gune :D
Hazie :haha. xde a . u did a great job lah. xde sape a aku nk buat sly jokes dah. so, ol the best fr pmr 09
Me : Haha thanks. Oh , u'll find frens tht'll be like us, crappy. hee . :) my rockstar is moving . sdyh :'(
Hazie : no lah.frens like u guys is once in a lifetime. serious, naah. u wll find a greater rockstr thn me.
Me : then , a rockish rockstar friend like you cnt ever be replaced :D
Hazie : no lah . im a common guy.xcpt fr im addctd to heavy music n shppg . haha
Me : tu ah . hardcore gilaa ! Whatever pun , I'll miss you ! 8D
Hazie : haha. im a hrdcrhe guy. but , aku ni baek. haha perasan . me too lah .

Kau memang baek la hazieeeeeeeee ! :D

Woaaaaaaaaaaaaah ,
Mir baek hati woh .
Oh oh , I want to eat coconut cookies :D

It's getting old isn't it ?
The sky is glooming ,
the flowers are dying ,
and our hearts are breaking .

Rekaan semata-mata .
My heart is not breaking . It's fine, :D


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