Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Call

"Its started out a feeling
which then grew into a hope
which the turned into a quiet thought
which then turned into a quiet word"

You'll come back , when it's over
No need to say goodbye

Peace out freaky fridays !
oh today i saw Haziq fr the last time
sad . i'll miss you lah ! xD

Pfft . (ismah cnt do it)
i came late fr school ,
and yeaah had to stand with all the Lewat
ppl . and wth ? A LOT of prefects were late !
but none , i repeat , NONE of them kena deduct e-discipline !
stupid ! not fair right ?!
school cnt do tht you knw ,
its NOT fair !
eeeeeeeeeeeee menyampah -.-
its so obvious the sch pilih kasih .
pfft shooty sch

anywaay ,
i ran 200m with ismah
and yeah , my leg was injured since wednesday
but i'm not the type of grl who get hurt ,
and decides not to run
seems gedik right ?
so i ran anyway eventhough it hurts like pfft
i got first but pfffffffffff i didnt break the record !

afterwards ,
my injured leg ,
ya ALLAH it hurts badly !
i didnt want to cry ,
but tears fell .
serious ! never ever i felt so much pain .
it even hurts more than the time i fell .
hurts so bad , i wanted to scream .

i wondered how i was gonna go bck to class,
since 3Amanah is on the top floor !
bren joey sandy ismah helped me :D
oh yeaaaaaaaah , fr 200m 2P ,
number 1 ; me -hijau
number 2 ; ismah-hijau
number 3 ; tika-hijau


when i got in class ,
cehhhhh i made an entrance *
walked in
all eyes were on me
i was walking so so slowwww !
sempat minum coffee baca surat khabar sume eh ismah ?
gahahhaa :D

and miss tang looked at me with worry in her eyes
and said , "nabilah, what happen ?"
haih . today is the injection's side effect day !
eysha - she looked so weak ! usually she's the noisiest but today she was diff
eda- kept on feeling dizzy and mual
sarah- her throat hurts
iqin- her face looked weak but she tried to conceal it
joey- no energy
me- pffft my leg hurts badly !

ehem , tht person lalu in front of my class
then iqin and riss went illa illa
pffffft korang , ex crush laaaaaaa
best thing was he looked back ,

johan didnt come to school
and apparently group5 made miss thean
angry and now we have to copy the whole chapter !

tsyn funny gila
us form3 gotta laugh you knw ?
stupid jokes
loads of laughing :D
me iqin ainon yen ayum :)
liy went home early
rugi wehhhhhhhh :P

DAH DAH DAMN SLEEPY -____________-"

i swear to you
i wont forget
all i did fr you
i wont regret

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