Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love Like This

"We go back so far,
Swingin in your back yard,
All the things that we used to do
We were cool back in high school"

Look at what you've shown me,
Never find a love like this

This post is for yesterdaaay ,
30th March 2009 :D
3 Amanah , i love you !

We did this pemerhatian thingy for KKG .
I showed up kinda late ,
so i joined Joey Riss Bren Alagen's group .
They were writing about masalah .
So we went around TBM , looking for problems
the residents most probably face .

We rested at the park for a while .
Playing swings , Cam whoring

After that , we went to 7-E;even to buy slurpee :)
There , Eda Eysha Liy Sarah came along .
And i said ; Hai korang !
They all went , Eh illa ! Haiiiii :)

Reuniteeeeeeeee !

Eda / Ehdadah (hahaha)

Sarah / Japaddicted freak :D

Eysha /BFFFFFFFFF ! (haha)

Ismah (busuk) & Iqin (evil)

Liy / Emily (not anymore)

3 AMANAH Rocking Stockings <3

Happy familyyy :)

3 Amanah's most adorable , cute Monitor !

Buat kerja jahat -.-

Johan's first ever REAL photo :D

One Utama !
Me , Eda Eysha and Iqin went to OU to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic .
Haha, It's a nice movie ,
Romantic comedy I think .
Rebecca Bloomwood is very very funny :D

Tsk3 . Eysha Eyshaa -.-

Eda's shoe is not included because her's look weird :D

Monday, March 30, 2009

29th MARCH 2009


Hey pop !
I want to wish you a very very very
You may be small and not-so-tall
but hey, you'll always be my kentut !
Forever and Always eh Joey ?
I love you fifteen year old smartie pants ! <3

Happy birthday pop ! You'll always be my kentut :D
Yr 15 joey ! May ths year be yr best birthday yeah
Thank you, illa POT ! Hahaha. Pop pot pop pot pop pot. :P
Haha yeah ! How many ppl wish u ady ?
Ahahaha. Im not sure. Maybe about 10 :P
Really ? Sape first yeah ? I hope its me hahaha
Ahahaha. Brenda. :D Lol.
No ! :'( hahaha nvrm lah. At least i remembered, right ?
Haha yes yes ! :D
Happy birthday little friend :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009


"Turn the lights off in this place
And she shines just like a star
And I swear I know her face
I just don't know who you are"

And I just can't pull myself away
Under a spell I can't break

Lights off Earthlingggs !
Save Earth ,
Stop Global Warming,
Support Earth Hour !

Saturday , 28th March 2009
I went to school around 8.30 for softball .
Then i saw a lot of Other people .
Obviously , KL team were also training just now .
But we trained by ourselves .
Kita Kita sahaja :D

First it was just me yen and syik .
Iqin & liy cam later .
It was quiet fun la !
And and funny part :D
I threw the ball to Iqin .
but somehow iqin missed the ball .
And the KL team folks were jogging round and round .
then tht --- guy took the ball .
Me and yen were holding ourselves from laughing out loud .
then he threw the ball .
Obviously we thought he would throw it to Iqin la right .
Since she's right in front of him .
But no , he threw the ball farther than he should have
but not far enough .
He threw it to the centre ,
where none of us were standing .
After he left , we burst out laughing .
It was histerical :D

Batting timeeeeeeeee !
Let out all your frustation , anger and unsatisfaction :D
Woah , funfunfun :)
We did the free kick thing again .
and i learnt how to bat !
yeyyyyyyyyy :D
eventhough it doesnt go far behind ,
at least i hit the ball :D
and tkde la dekat mane so yeah :D

After traning we sat down at the side
and listened to songs :)
Zoul crapped ! :P
I'll post his funny picture later ,
I sat beside Nerv and Mahsuri (she was the only form1)
Nerv says ; Ktorg gila lagu
bcause almost everyone was bluetooth-ing
songs , esp me :D
I took songs frm Nerv and Muqsit .
Muqsit was worried about her ,
as she was PMS/SMS ing AHHAHAHA

Chill la ,
she PMS often so dah biasa :D
Iqin evil !
she gave back my towel in public tho !
I know it's kinda my fault for
accidently leaving it in yr room and all ,
but hey ! :P

Ainon didnt come ,
me and yen thought ;
Pergi berak agaknya ? dah lama dia tk berak.

I went back at 12 after my dad finished his
PIBG meeting .
Sucks having your parent as a PIBG
Teachers tell them EVERYTHING !
I bet Liy and Saresh agrees xD

Oh yes !
I like it tho :)
Sarah called me and Ruzain texted :)


Illaaaaaaa !
Haha sarah . yeah ?
Tutup lampu tak ?
Mestilah tutup . Gelap doe . best je tgk. haha kau ?
Same la. Panas woh .
Haha aku keluar so tk panas
Jiran aku tak tutup ! Rumah besar gila lampu bukak
Hahaha ye ke? Jiran aku pun bukan sume yang tutup
Tak la , ni rumah BESAR gila tutup la lampu !
HAHAHA eh tapi best tho tgk gelap je
Hahaha betul tu . tp rumah depan aku ni, gedik


Eh2 tak tutup lampu ke?
Aku kat uptown la skang. haha tp kat rmh smue da tutop la kan
Haha byk rumah gelap oo! Best je tgk xD
Haha best je kan. kita harus lah bersatu padu !
Yeah ! Nak semangat patriostime jap, maju lah malaysia ! hahaha
Haha x leh bla sial
Hahaha agak ah. Eh, nenek aku pun tutup lampu! Lawak woh :D


Hahaha dah boleh bukak da. Adk2 aku da tdo la plak tu
Haha tu lah.asal ko x join skali?
Sebab aku da biase duduk dlm gelap tk tdo , diorg tak biase

It really was fun !
I lied down on the floor with fluffy pillows all over me
listening to songs in the dark
while I waited for Earth Hour to end .
By 9 , my brothers were already sleeping soundly .
HAHA . It was way to early to sleep
so I wasted my time !
Actually , i wanted to read Novel Panas Salju .
But it was so dark that I couldn't possibly read anything -.-
Ayah , Mama , Maklang and Wawan were sitting in the Tv room
talking and chatting .
Apparently , ecah just got back from her Kem Ibadah
so she was exhausted and was also sleeping like a baby .

Despite the fact that I was alone ,
I still had fun !
We had dinner there anyway ,'
Sambal Sotong, my fav ! <3

Well there goes Earth Hour :D

Oh yes,I got hit right at the Arse twice ! Tp seimbang lah, right & Left .
Haha Night Earthlings ! :)

Show Us You Care
By Switching Your lights Off !
Stop Global Warming,
Support Earth Hour ! :D

What a nice day :)



Birthday Girl

"Birthday Girl
Cant explain
New Years Eve
She's being born again"

A time so well if you believe
In Birthday Girl

Before I began ,
i would like to wish my bestfriend Iqin the Ikan
a very very very Happy Birthday :D

Hey ho buddy ho !
Eventhough aku baru kenal yang act kenal mase form1 ,
but yr one of my bestfriends .
I remember mase form1 , you sat in front of me
and eventime aku ngan eda quarel and make noise ,
you would turn your head and look at us as if we were
crazy or something .

and i would go , "Edaa . i think she's listening"
Haiih , memories xD
Well anyway , happy birthday Qinnnnnn !
Your actually fifteen now !
And yes , I love you kawan <3

Iqin doesn't like this picture but I do :D
And I look weird okay Iqin , so don't go around
saying the only reason I like this pict is bcause
I look nice or something , YOUR THE ONE WHO LOOKS GREAT !
Haha , then again , all yr pictures lawa so YEAH :D

BACK to reality ,
Before going to MPS for SMK Jinjang's
Larian Jemputan ;
I lined up as usual .
excuse the fact that I was the only one
in track bottom :D
Dickson was so funny !

Mr.Kumar was giving speech about discipline (I knw , AGAIN!)
And he asked who knew how many marks
deducted will then receive a surat amaran .
And he said who knew the answer he would give "a present"
Dickson went all excited lifting his hand high up .
Practically shouting , "Saya sayaa !"
Then when Mr.Kumar saw him and called upon him ,
dickson turn around and asked us AGAIN ,
"20 markah eh ?"
"Ye . Cepatlah pergi" *laughing
Haiih . dickson dickson ! 0.0

Okay before going ,
We bullied Yang Yi !
*super prouddddddd
HAHAHA he likes disturbing people
and hah ! PADAN MUKA !
it was so funny , kestor and chun hong locked the doors
and Yang Yi got stuck out side !
then Shan opened the thing thts kinda like a window except it's
on top (cnt rememeber its name )
When Mr. Balan came back to the car we acted all innocent
and re open the locks :D

When we reached MPS ,
we saw a lot of people at the seats .
And i mean A LOT !
Then we waited sat down and just watched people .
I was wondering where Hareemie , Tiffany , Suet Yi and Suei Lim were .
Then suddenly i heard ;
i faced in front and saw Hareemie !
then he smiled and said hai and went away .
*After i replied his Hello lah .

Oh yes !
I also saw Ammar & the Smaklians .
And that girl (i never knew her name) from SM(P) Jln Ipoh
Andddd tht St.Mary girl i ran with during SMKM's Sports Day .
Of course , all of them said HAI .
Ismah claims Ammar is sombong .
Ika said "Fuyoo . Dah besar dah die"
Hahaha -She means TALLLLLL
Wanie was all blur because she didn't know anyone .

We warmed up ,
*cause taknak cm haritu , jogging sahaja
Then when they called us for Jemputan ,
we went to the track and i met Hareemie again .
This time , we small talked .
and pfft cuba kalahkan Jinjang you say ?
Quiet impossible okay :P

I was lucky number one again :D
I ran , (seriously sprinted)
and i think i was second or third to pass the baton .
Nampak mcm second last,
but if you see who passed the baton first only then
would you know who was actually leading .
Anyway , the passing of baton was slow
and Ismah jogged !
So we lost -.-

The boys however ,
got second !
They won AGAIN , figures .
Oh and pfft bangang gila Yang Yi !
He told some stranger Segambut Jaya guy tht
I like the strangerrrrr . -.-
Gross 0.0

Oh yes !
I forgot to mention that I did see Tiffany !
And she went , Nabilah ! *hug
Oh Oh , I also met Suet Yi :D

On The Way Back ,
Me Ismah Ika Wanie
Kestor YangYi ChunHong Shanmuga

Aiyo stop la . banyak bising la you orang
Hahaha *ignored
Teacher ! stop the car ! we want to puke already

padan muka you guys ,
suka bully orang lagi :P

Yang Yi

What ? Manede *smiled
Senyum senyum . always senyum saja . you pun sama ! *pointing at me
Manede ! *smile
There ! senyum lagi .
Orang senyum die bising , tk snyum kata sombong
*made faces

Yang Yi oh Yang Yi ,
dont you have anything better to do ?
I bet your favourite past time is distubing people kan ?

I watched the dancers' rehearsal (not sure how to spell)
And wow ! Smart wehhhhhh :D
Isaac said , "Babi tau diorg tu . Pasang lagu sedih gila"
HAHAHA . baru lah feeling Isaac ! :D
Then i wanted to do back to class
But thennnnnnnnnn ,
there was this teacher who insisted i help her
so i did .
well , you can't exactly tell a teacher
"I don't want to help you" now can i ?
-.- No . of course not .
So i helped her .
By the time I was done and got to the makmal comp .
They were almost finish .
So i opened the door and so loads talking .
I just waited outside
but then decided to go in .
I was about to open the door ,
then Vicky opened the door ;
Surprise Surprise ! :D

Librarians Weekly Meeting
the moment we've been waiting for ..
my junior passed ! *yey her
Can't wait to see her in green :)
And Sin Yee passed too ! :D
Unfortunately , Bryan Kwok Jia Jun didn't .
Awh , I was so hoping to see him in green !
Loh Pei Queen , the girl i thought would pass because
she has so many admirors
were also excluded from the passing list .

Pfft , they pasang all the nice songs !
Like Poker Face , Untouched , Womanizer and a few more songs .
Afterwards , we kinda celebrated birthdays :D
Those whom were born January , February, March, April (<3)>
had to go in front and took pictures :D
shoot . I should have eaten the cake . -.-

If only I knew,
If only I took the time to see,
to realize,
I wouldn't have break your heart.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Ending

"Don't leave me hanging,
In a city so dead.
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread"

All this time you were pretending,
So much for my happy ending.

YeePeeDeeDahDah :D

Yes , I am aware that i haven't blog in quite some time .
Eda and Sarah keep on reminding me .
Everyday at school they would go all "update la blog blablabla "
So here I am ,
BLOGGING at last !

I hope they read this .
Happyyyyyyyy ?

Anyway ,
I did my kerja kayu and it's DONE !
Yeaaah :D
All it needs now is some colour .

I returned Nerv's glove today ,
I think he has gotten taller :D
Oh yes , the boys did something to Johan today .
Pity him ,
he went running around the class to curb getting raped -.-
Too bad , One against (how many of them ?)
So Nada , he got it bad .
No girls stayed to helped , it was too horrible to watch .
Haha .
I even said ;
"If you guys are so desperate of sexual pleasures ,
why don't you guys do it to yourselves ?"

It's true right ?
But then doing it to yourself is really dangerous so ,
Idk -.-


*looked at me
HAHA kau suke Yen :D
Asal aku je , suke yen ah ?
Haha betul what . Kau suke die :D
Babi Azrenne tinggalkan aku untuk budak bapuk tu

Guan Shen

Kamu percaya tak boleh memancing tanpa benang ?
percaya tak ?
Pegang kertas majung ni (rolled up)
*took hold
YEAY ! Saya berjaya memancing ! (shouted)

Haha , Monitor , monitor ,
why are you so weird ?

Dickson , Ruzain , Isaac

Nabilah ! Lisan !
*kept quiet
Mane Nabilah nye ohhhhhh ?!
Alaaaa cikgu ! Esok lah (puppy face)
Eh tak boleh .
*dragged my feet
Buat lah pasal pencemaran alam sekitar , senang sikit
*thinking of ideas + talking about pencemaran udara
Open burning , Global warming *humming to that song of their's .

I shall continue my lisan tomorrow .
Yeah !

After dutyy ,
Me Sarah Eda were loafing about ,
HAHA not really loafing okay !
We sat underneath the oh-so-amazing Pokok Cemerlang ,
Then dickson came and talked to us .
Haha , dickson dah rajin woh !


Eh kau dah rajin en skrg ? terharu aku xD
Ye ah
Asal ttbe je rajin ? Class ktorg ade aura baik er ? HAHAHA
Haha takde lah , aku fikir nanti aku kerja nak jadi ape . Aku pun blaja ah
HAHAHA serious ? but asal ttbe je fikir ?
Ye ah , mane tau nanti aku nak kahwin dgn azrenne ke ,
pastu ayah die tanye aku kerja ape tapi aku tak kerja . terus kena tolak

jauh kau fikir dickson !
ps ; me , sarah & eda couldnt stop laughing !
It was hilarious !

During prayers we laughed even more !
Haiih , i miss afternoon session !

We actually need stress in our life ,
Without stress , life would be dull
However, excessive stress may
cause major issues .

Agree ?

cheers ,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rules & Regulations* Do not copy answers.*
Tag questions must be 100% same.*
Tag people before doing the tag
I tag:

3. Milo
4. Sarah
8. Yasmin
9. Ellis

How do you know 1? (Ismah)
classmate ; standard 1 USAHA
lame class -.-

What would you do if you never meet 2? (Eda)
omg ! no waaaaaay -.-
she's like my bestest PREY everr xD HAHAHA
plus she's my best friend so YEAH :D

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated? (Milo & Sarah)
haha i would call them the MILOBASIJAPANFREAK coupleeeee !

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple? (Joey & Riss)
Yeah , they are so weird they are PERFECT fr each other !

Do you think 7 is attractive? (Kelsey)
Kels ? YES YES YES . she's very pretty :)

Would you date 8? (Yasmin)
no kot , i think she's taken

Tell me something about 9. (Ellis)
Oh , she's very very pretty :D

What’s 1’s favourite past time? (Ismah)
Smelling bad ?

What language does 2 speaks? (Eda)
English language , Bahasa Malaysia , Weird language :D

Who is 3 going out with? (Milo)
i think she's singlee xD

How old is 4? (Sarah)
officially 15 :D

When was the last time you talked to 5? (Joey)
Saturday , SKTBM Sports Day

Who is 6’s favorite singer? (Riss)
Haha , i knw her fav band .
It's Secondhand Serenade rightt ?
All the emo songs lah

Would you date 7? (Kels)
if i was a lesbo , i would definitely :D

Is 8 single? (Yasmin)
i think she might be taken

What’s 9’s last name? (Ellis)
Rosli :D

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"Go to sleep
And dream of me tonight,
Everything may not be perfect,
But at least we tried"

Just promise you won't forget me,
And I'll leave you with this Lullaby.

Hello Shallow Fellow !
I'm wasting my time -.-

Monday Night
Tuition class ! We had fun eh Girls ?
Ayum didn't come to tuition AGAIN ,
yr really missing out dude !
Anywaay , It was Maths From3 class
and only Me , Iqin , Liy , Ainon & Yen came .

All the boarding sch ppl didn't come !
Ammar Amir Syahir Shahmi ;

Where was I ?
Oh yes , aunty wasn't there .
She had an emergency meeting to go to .
so , cikgu Fizam had to look after the primary kids .
However , he gave us a work sheet .
Apparently , the five of us weren't in a mood to studyy -.-
So instead, we chatted and joked and laughed .
HAHAHA . We only answered a few questions ,
meanwhile Iqin the Ikan answered most of them .
*duh , she's like the Queen of Maths Genious

In the attempt of locking Liy outside ,
Ainon screamed !
HAHA it was so funny
I was laughing so hard tears were coming out
and Iqin said ,
"Ya Allah Illaaa"

And then we did the suspense,
we closed all the lights,
sat in the dark
and dared each other not to laugh .
We managed , until Cikgu fizam came !
Haha , well we couldn't even go home early
because he locked the grill -.-
whatever it is , it was Fun !

Sarah's house, Tuesday

I played Condition Zero and shot about
5 counter-terrorists a round :D
As predicted, Eda was late !
HAHAHA . She came around 9.30 , and then we were off to Sarah's house!
First we just sat and talked/ chatted.
Then we decided to go out and buy some junk food :)
Back to Sarah's house ; we went upstairs
and did a little research on the Geography project.

Jeng3* !
We watched Battle Royale !
It's quiet violent, but I really like it :)
I hope everyone I know will watch the movie !
It's a Japanese movie and woah , a lot of hot guys :D
Even tht death note guy is in the movie .
Duh , he's the Hero !
boohoo , the hot guy i like dies in the end !
And he dies together with the girl he had been crushing on :'D
Sweet eh ? eventhough she practically killed him herself.
but what can she do ? Everyone was going crazy !
*Why am I talking about Battle Royale ?
HAHA . If you read this , don't forget to watch Battle Royale :D

At one point , the thre of us wanted to PEE .
Sarah went in first, and when she got out ,
BAM! (I tried to startle her , but failed)
Next it was me :D
When i went out , I saw no one -.-
I turned my head to the left and Eda stared laughing .
Sarah went ; "Edaaaaaa ! Rosak plan"
And then it was Eda's
Me and Sarah were trying so hard not to laugh !
And when Eda finally got out ,
I jumped and giggled at the same time
(Me and Sarah intended to shout , to give a little scare)
However , Eda shouted !
Poor , weak EDAAA . :D

Conclusion ; Bullying Eda is always FUN!


Promises are made
Not to be Broken ,
But to be


Monday, March 16, 2009

Joey Yep Tee Nee POP

Messy Little Joey :D

Directions: Once you've been tagged, you've to write a blog or a note on Facebook with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 10 people to tag, listing their names & why you choose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your blog. You can't tag the person that tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog/note, so I can see your weirdness. (:

1.Nabilah binti Kamarudzman is my given birth name :D

2.I go with the name ILLA.

3.Strangers often think I'm Sombong.

4.I'm not fat or skinny .

5.Eysha always jadi makcik because i'm so lazyyy

6. I love crapping with WanieIqinIsmah :D

7.Oh i love bullying Eda ! kan sarah kan ? HAHAHA

8.I like talking with Riss , Liy , Ammar , Amirr :P

9.I miss Muhammad Hanif Hazmin bin Che Halim so very much !

10.I'm taking my PMR examinations this year

11.I miss ex candidates UPSR 06 , SKTBM :'(

12.I'm watching Sweeney Todd <3

13. I dont know why , I just dont like ManU . I think they Suck

14. Fabregas , Gerrard and Kaka ; Hot eh ? *wink

15. I'm gonna be fifteen this 11th April

16. Everytime I go to MPS , I'd remember Olahraga 2006 . Funny xD
I tag everyone .


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Small Deeds

You ROCK Manuel Almuniaaaa ! xD


Kaklang , where do you want do go form4 nanti ?
If tak dapat asrama lah.
I don't know lah yah . not sure
Why don't you pindah Kepong Baru ?
It's a good school ,
Results bagus , athletics pun bagus
Hmm . Okay , sure

So if i get good results and
don't get any offer to any boarding school ,
SMK Kepong Baru ,
here I come :D

btw ,
4-1 :P
Newspaper headline ;


way to go Liverpool !
The Fab Four !
Torres , Gerrard(damn cute) ,
Fabio and Andrea :D

Yesterday night nazhan angah and myself
watched Manchester United (boo!) vs. Liverpool (yeah !)
Christiano Ronaldo , You suck
I don't care the fact that Man Utd is on the highest rank
right now , i still think they Suck !

And then we watched
Arsenal (yeah gunners rule !) vs. Blackburn (boooo*)
Ars won ! Gempak gila ,
4-0 ! HAHAHA
Diouf tackled without reason ,
pity Almunia !
then once again Diouf cari pasal ,
he stepped on Almunia's feet
and Almunia was pissed off
he complained to the Reff .
stupid reff , diouf should get a Red Card !
And everytime Diouf gets the ball ,
All the Arsenal fans would go ,
damn funny !
Nasri didn't score again ,
I assure you ,
he needs Fabregas' assistance to score !
Francesc Fabregas , heal soon !
Ars need YOU :D