Saturday, March 28, 2009

Birthday Girl

"Birthday Girl
Cant explain
New Years Eve
She's being born again"

A time so well if you believe
In Birthday Girl

Before I began ,
i would like to wish my bestfriend Iqin the Ikan
a very very very Happy Birthday :D

Hey ho buddy ho !
Eventhough aku baru kenal yang act kenal mase form1 ,
but yr one of my bestfriends .
I remember mase form1 , you sat in front of me
and eventime aku ngan eda quarel and make noise ,
you would turn your head and look at us as if we were
crazy or something .

and i would go , "Edaa . i think she's listening"
Haiih , memories xD
Well anyway , happy birthday Qinnnnnn !
Your actually fifteen now !
And yes , I love you kawan <3

Iqin doesn't like this picture but I do :D
And I look weird okay Iqin , so don't go around
saying the only reason I like this pict is bcause
I look nice or something , YOUR THE ONE WHO LOOKS GREAT !
Haha , then again , all yr pictures lawa so YEAH :D

BACK to reality ,
Before going to MPS for SMK Jinjang's
Larian Jemputan ;
I lined up as usual .
excuse the fact that I was the only one
in track bottom :D
Dickson was so funny !

Mr.Kumar was giving speech about discipline (I knw , AGAIN!)
And he asked who knew how many marks
deducted will then receive a surat amaran .
And he said who knew the answer he would give "a present"
Dickson went all excited lifting his hand high up .
Practically shouting , "Saya sayaa !"
Then when Mr.Kumar saw him and called upon him ,
dickson turn around and asked us AGAIN ,
"20 markah eh ?"
"Ye . Cepatlah pergi" *laughing
Haiih . dickson dickson ! 0.0

Okay before going ,
We bullied Yang Yi !
*super prouddddddd
HAHAHA he likes disturbing people
and hah ! PADAN MUKA !
it was so funny , kestor and chun hong locked the doors
and Yang Yi got stuck out side !
then Shan opened the thing thts kinda like a window except it's
on top (cnt rememeber its name )
When Mr. Balan came back to the car we acted all innocent
and re open the locks :D

When we reached MPS ,
we saw a lot of people at the seats .
And i mean A LOT !
Then we waited sat down and just watched people .
I was wondering where Hareemie , Tiffany , Suet Yi and Suei Lim were .
Then suddenly i heard ;
i faced in front and saw Hareemie !
then he smiled and said hai and went away .
*After i replied his Hello lah .

Oh yes !
I also saw Ammar & the Smaklians .
And that girl (i never knew her name) from SM(P) Jln Ipoh
Andddd tht St.Mary girl i ran with during SMKM's Sports Day .
Of course , all of them said HAI .
Ismah claims Ammar is sombong .
Ika said "Fuyoo . Dah besar dah die"
Hahaha -She means TALLLLLL
Wanie was all blur because she didn't know anyone .

We warmed up ,
*cause taknak cm haritu , jogging sahaja
Then when they called us for Jemputan ,
we went to the track and i met Hareemie again .
This time , we small talked .
and pfft cuba kalahkan Jinjang you say ?
Quiet impossible okay :P

I was lucky number one again :D
I ran , (seriously sprinted)
and i think i was second or third to pass the baton .
Nampak mcm second last,
but if you see who passed the baton first only then
would you know who was actually leading .
Anyway , the passing of baton was slow
and Ismah jogged !
So we lost -.-

The boys however ,
got second !
They won AGAIN , figures .
Oh and pfft bangang gila Yang Yi !
He told some stranger Segambut Jaya guy tht
I like the strangerrrrr . -.-
Gross 0.0

Oh yes !
I forgot to mention that I did see Tiffany !
And she went , Nabilah ! *hug
Oh Oh , I also met Suet Yi :D

On The Way Back ,
Me Ismah Ika Wanie
Kestor YangYi ChunHong Shanmuga

Aiyo stop la . banyak bising la you orang
Hahaha *ignored
Teacher ! stop the car ! we want to puke already

padan muka you guys ,
suka bully orang lagi :P

Yang Yi

What ? Manede *smiled
Senyum senyum . always senyum saja . you pun sama ! *pointing at me
Manede ! *smile
There ! senyum lagi .
Orang senyum die bising , tk snyum kata sombong
*made faces

Yang Yi oh Yang Yi ,
dont you have anything better to do ?
I bet your favourite past time is distubing people kan ?

I watched the dancers' rehearsal (not sure how to spell)
And wow ! Smart wehhhhhh :D
Isaac said , "Babi tau diorg tu . Pasang lagu sedih gila"
HAHAHA . baru lah feeling Isaac ! :D
Then i wanted to do back to class
But thennnnnnnnnn ,
there was this teacher who insisted i help her
so i did .
well , you can't exactly tell a teacher
"I don't want to help you" now can i ?
-.- No . of course not .
So i helped her .
By the time I was done and got to the makmal comp .
They were almost finish .
So i opened the door and so loads talking .
I just waited outside
but then decided to go in .
I was about to open the door ,
then Vicky opened the door ;
Surprise Surprise ! :D

Librarians Weekly Meeting
the moment we've been waiting for ..
my junior passed ! *yey her
Can't wait to see her in green :)
And Sin Yee passed too ! :D
Unfortunately , Bryan Kwok Jia Jun didn't .
Awh , I was so hoping to see him in green !
Loh Pei Queen , the girl i thought would pass because
she has so many admirors
were also excluded from the passing list .

Pfft , they pasang all the nice songs !
Like Poker Face , Untouched , Womanizer and a few more songs .
Afterwards , we kinda celebrated birthdays :D
Those whom were born January , February, March, April (<3)>
had to go in front and took pictures :D
shoot . I should have eaten the cake . -.-

If only I knew,
If only I took the time to see,
to realize,
I wouldn't have break your heart.


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