Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rules & Regulations* Do not copy answers.*
Tag questions must be 100% same.*
Tag people before doing the tag
I tag:

3. Milo
4. Sarah
8. Yasmin
9. Ellis

How do you know 1? (Ismah)
classmate ; standard 1 USAHA
lame class -.-

What would you do if you never meet 2? (Eda)
omg ! no waaaaaay -.-
she's like my bestest PREY everr xD HAHAHA
plus she's my best friend so YEAH :D

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated? (Milo & Sarah)
haha i would call them the MILOBASIJAPANFREAK coupleeeee !

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple? (Joey & Riss)
Yeah , they are so weird they are PERFECT fr each other !

Do you think 7 is attractive? (Kelsey)
Kels ? YES YES YES . she's very pretty :)

Would you date 8? (Yasmin)
no kot , i think she's taken

Tell me something about 9. (Ellis)
Oh , she's very very pretty :D

What’s 1’s favourite past time? (Ismah)
Smelling bad ?

What language does 2 speaks? (Eda)
English language , Bahasa Malaysia , Weird language :D

Who is 3 going out with? (Milo)
i think she's singlee xD

How old is 4? (Sarah)
officially 15 :D

When was the last time you talked to 5? (Joey)
Saturday , SKTBM Sports Day

Who is 6’s favorite singer? (Riss)
Haha , i knw her fav band .
It's Secondhand Serenade rightt ?
All the emo songs lah

Would you date 7? (Kels)
if i was a lesbo , i would definitely :D

Is 8 single? (Yasmin)
i think she might be taken

What’s 9’s last name? (Ellis)
Rosli :D

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