Sunday, March 15, 2009


"I saw you with you're new girl
Just yesterday,
And i feel that I must confess
Eventhough it kills me to have say"

I'll admit that I was impress.

FRIDAY-13th March
Yang Yi and Pffft were so mean !
Boooooooooooo ! :P
You guys lah suck ! -.-

Anyways ,
we went to MPS stadium fr Manjalara's
sports day .
first person to call my name ,
Jeng3* Josh the Jungleee :D
Second , pfft Alif the noisy freak x
He went all ,
"Kau boleh lari ke ?"
Boleh laaaaa !
or not i wouldnt be there as a Jemputan okay ?

Ika was so famous !
Haha , lots of manjalarians knew her,
so yeaah .
ismah kept on going ,
"Who's that?"

Adi shouted "ILLAAAAA !"
just as he promised he would ,
but it wasn't loud enough !
He sat next to me while i sat next to ismah
we talked and crapped
and pfft poyo gila kau dekat manjalara

i want to meet liyana !
Haha , Adi's future gf *
after meeting Sabby *imy !
Nadhirah Anith Sarah
we SORT OF bullied Adi !

then josh sat beside me ,
it was raining heavily,
so we just sat and chatted


Eh Josh
Yeaa ?
Manjalara kan ,
Banyak rempit
Haha memang lah
Haha tapi aku tak rempit
Memang lah , tapi ramai gila rempit
Haha betul betul

Seee ?
even josh agrees !

We ran in the rain !
Actually , us Malurian girls didn't run ,
we jogged !
And yet , we still got third
Karen ! I'm sorryyyyy !
*You knw why

Karen, Ismah, Ika and myself jogged
through the 4x100 jemputan
*even St.Marians can beat us

Kejohanan Olahraga MSSMKL
I went with Chai Meng
the ticket costed RM2.20 !
that's expensiveeeee :
then we took an LRT to Bukit Jalil

I saw Izwan and gave a friendly smile
Amira claimed i should have gone
on Wednesday and Thursday
but i denied
I told her i learnt Reproduction in school
Haha , jealous much Amira ? :P

I didn't see Aliah anywhere
however , i did see Kak Syakila
and Kak Yati . they won 200m
Oh yeah !
Sentulians rock like HEAVENNNNNNNNN
damn funny
we shouted and cheered like nobody's bussiness
haih , i'm going to miss you crazy ppl :)

And pfft , we were shouting so loud that when Am
called , i couldn't hear a thing he said !
and the TV3 (Izwan said it was TV3)
camera guy recorded us Sentulians
Embarassing xD
We missed the Closing Ceremony ,
but it was FUN so yeaahh :D

Saturday, 14th March
Kepong Baru Sports Dayyyy

again ,
Jemputan :D
You You was there againnnnnnnn
And AGAIN , i was the first runner
*proud of the way i ran
i ran properly !
i didn't run like i was going to fall or anything
and i was leading !
meaning , i was beated Kepong Baru's team A & B
ANDDDD jinjang !
HAHA ! *happiness

but in the end ,
Maluri lost . we got second ,
*there's a new superman in Maluri :D

After i passed the baton to Ismah ,
i heard ppl screaming "Illa Illa"
i looked , and yeah it's Haziq and his friends
i just waved back
and shouted
"Pecut Ismah Pecuuuuuuuuuuuut !"

Boys won , *figures
tho they got second
during SMKM's sports day they got first .
anyways , they make me proud to be a malurian :D

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Bukit Maluri Sports Day
I hanged about with Eda and Dhiya :D
and it was INSULT eda dayyyyyyyy !
Oh yes , i met John !
i miss him
but he was so quiet ! :
And Kelsey , *the same old her
except tht she has gotten prettier ,
and more feminine :D
Leng Lui eh ? HAHAHA
ridzuan had this really funny thing stuck on
his face
i couldnt stop laughing
HAHA kan isaac kan ?
haiih , :D
surren was all hijau yeah yeah :D

Sandy made faces cause she's a YELLOW
joey pop ,
your stil my POP eventhough you're so
very SMALL :D

i look weird
cat eyes

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