Saturday, February 27, 2010

the thong song xD

Okay before I began blogging,
let's have a moment of peace
*looks down and shuts eyes*
My deepest condolence to my two friends.
I really am sorry.

So hmm. I'm not really good at this.
I've never been much of a comforter anyway.
All I can say is, be strong guys.
If you somehow need to talk to someone,
and you feel that THAT someone is me,
know that I'll be there for you. okay?

okay back to the blogging thing.
I went for a jog + training today.
PFFT. I have no STAMINA! :(

Anyways, I really like this song (arrow ke bawah)
hahahhaa. The thong song!


let me see that thong,
baybee! that thong thong thong
thong thong.

it's the darn thong song.



Friday, February 26, 2010


HAHHAHA I think this is my latest favorite song.
this is so wrong. but i like the tone.
hahahaha. ismah lah ni! -.-'

F*ck you, f*ck you very very much.

HAHAHA enjoy! ;)


for the one and only;

prophet Muhammad,
happy birthday! :)

I'll selawat for you.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Describe yourself in a single word
Describe your best friends in a single word
Childish ;)
Describe HOT in a single word
JAKE! :)

HAHAHAHAHHA. Omg jake is so hot =)
He's hotter than Lucas Scott.
That's for sure :)

sorry. I'm been watching One Tree Hill
a lot lately. And jake is so HOT!
hahaha okay, i've said that already.
i know. sorry.

So hmm back to reality,
I seriously don't like him anymore.
okay guys? so stop would you?

BTW, I'm sleepy in class for two days now.
my god. seriously. I slept for 25 minutes during Sejarah
because Pn.suraya wasn't in.
I should get a good night's sleep.
If I keep this sleeping at 1 am thing
I might be sleepy in school forever. =.=

Oh and if you're Isaac and you're
reading this, hi i-zack-you! =D
hahhaha. and i would appreciate it
if you keep my blog confidential.
thank you, gangster. :)
first time pakai selendang.
sya and I were berangan-ing.
We wore the selendang like eda.
hahahaha it was so funny. we were so enthusiastic.
this was after DPC. Went home at 10.
We watched The Blind Side together.
omg sedih!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hey soul sister

You gave my life direction
A game show love connection :)

Omg. i'm so tired.
why am I doing this again?
No idea. =.=

sent ayong to KLIA this morning.
I had wake up at 5 -.-'
and I slept at 1.30 :(
Best part was, I got to eat Sausage Mc Muffin!
Awww man I love it :)

Haha. so I guess there's two of us.
Aa and I. =.=
Oh and we went to visit Naz after saying
goodbye to ayong.
And now there's no one to drive me anywhere I want to go :(
angah is in NZ and ayong's in Indon.

Well at least my room won't be so messy anymore ;)

then later that afternoon,
I went to some sort of tuition class
at Masjid Negara.
Made friends with Alifah :)
the others, not really.
haha. I smiled at them of course,
the girls I mean.
The guys, not so much.

There were only 6 people in the science class -.-'
and only TWO form4s. Me and the other guy, whatever his name is.
Maths form5 chapter 1 and 2.
the teacher didn't teach me, she just sort of revised with us.
because she was certain we learnt them in school.
-.-' saya baru form4 la. belum belajar lagi. haihh

the first sheet of paper was okay.
I kind of understood after asking the teacher
several times :)
and, haha Alifah and the other girl kept on
asking me the answers and they asked me to
explain why it's what.
I'm touched :')

One of the form5 guy looked pretty smart though.
He practically answered within minutes =.=
wish I could be like that. that would be so cool.
to be a smartie pants :')

so anyway I'm off to bed now.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

See you again

Cause I felt this deep connection
when you looked in my eyes
Now I can't wait
to see you again :)

I'm not a mind reader but I'm reading the signs,
that you can't wait to see me again =)

Hanging out with them was FUN :)
Ismah didn't join us on Wednesday :(
And on friday we (sya, liy, ismah and I) went to DPC.
The walk from DPC to sya's house was really fun :)
the videos are in sya's phone and it's too embarrassing to
post them here :P

Oh! and we bumped into Raja, Naim and err (still cant remember his name)
in front of 7 Eleven! hahaha xD

anyway, here are the pictures :)
oh and i didnt have a picture of daa, so i used the below pic.
sorry. facebook facing difficulties -.-'

I seriously like this picture :)

red tongue! hasil terbaik slurpee MERAH :)

before hanging out with sya, ismah and liy, had breakfast
with Ayong and Aa .

did you know that Malaysia tak ada this drink?
SEDAP TAU! Indonesia sahaja ada :(
anyway, don't forget to call lah you guys!
and and, see ya in March! :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you will join us
and the world will be as ONE.
currently there's only three of
my parents' children at home.
Ayong, Aa and myself.

we sent off angah on Monday night.
She's already in New Zealand now.
so enjoy your three years there angah! :)

and then there's nazhan.
We sent him to his school
Tuesday afternoon.
again, goodbye lil bro :P

look look. i'm gonna blog in BM.
because my BM suck -.-'
tahu tidak? nabhan sangat gedik?
sekarang ini dia sudah bijak berkata
"oooooo he likes you kaklang!"
saya tahu, kan? (i know right) haha.
lekas! ketuk kepala dia !

amboi! kecil kecil sudah pandai, ya?
*kembali ke bahasa inggeris*

For example, in SDAR
and one of naz's seniors passed by,
I was laughing with my big sis and
he would tap me and say
"kaklang, he's looking at you! i think he likes you"
seriously. little kids don't know anything -.-'
so immature. haha.

this picture is cute right? :'D


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

when I see you cry

it makes me smile :)

sounds kinda evil huh?

HAHAHAHA glee's getting to me.
It's so freaking funny and awesome!
haha. yet, they slip in moral values.
like stereotypes, taking one for the team,
respecting the disabled and be true to yourself.

My favorite female character is Quinn Fabray.
Haha and my favorite male character is Noah Puckerman.
Puck is so hot! haha.
but I think Mike is the hottest :)
"OHMYGOD! ASIAN HOTTIE!" -says my big sis.
hahah. the other Asian, WOOHOO! :)

*hang out with my best friends today :)
AWWW I've missed them! :)

We watched Hide an Seek.
omg charlie is so scaryyyyyyyy.
and Dakota Fanning's name is EMILY!
that reminds me of "why emily why emily why emily?!"



the kys person called my mum
because he/she noticed the absence of
my name at the registration list.
damn it. i don't want to go!
huh. there. i've said it.
i don't want to GO! ergh.

Just the other day,
I read all my 2009 posts
and man, were they full of
pmr crap. seriously
all my posts were pmr this,
exam this, study this,
improve this and 8A 8A 8A.
now that I read them again,
I would go "pfft. 8A"

okay, so here's a thought.
everyone in the upper form usually
says this; "pmr is nothing"
if pmr really is nothing, why was it
so hard for me to get 8As?
I have a point right?
Nah, I'm not being emo about
the fact that I didn't get 8As.
just stop saying to me that PMR IS NOTHING.

Because I don't think I'll ever say
to anyone at all, that pmr is nothing.
or even easy. because I guess I've
no right to say that.

Well I'm done.

Oh yeah! I'm suppose to watch that you tube
video rai told me to watch. kinda busy,
i'll do that later.
plus, i'm meeting my best friends today! hehe :)


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And so,

Wait a minute, who's older again?
15th FEBRUARY 2010;
can you believe it? you're actually sixteen!

Hahaha. hmm. I know I sent you a birthday note,
but it wouldn't be complete without a birthday post right?
so err, here goes.
Eventhough we're kilometers apart,
please oh please remember me :(
You ought to be busy there, boarding school
life can be pretty hectic yea? but when you have
some free time, feel free to call us okay?
and REMEMBER your promise! best friends forever.
I'd really like to see that in the future. all of us still being
best friends I mean. hanging out together after SPM.
that would be so awesome! however, we can't control
the future. so yeah. :/
anyway, have fun being sixteen and i love you bestie!

weird picture -.-'
just like the above. hahah. we're not that far apart right?
since you're still in KL and all.
So rajin2 call me okay?
OHKAY SARAH?!! good =)
be true to yourself and japanese crap :)
I'm gonna be stuck all by myself if you suddenly
change to korean :( so sad. anyways, take care and i love you to bits bestie!

fake smile. I know. hahahahhaa.

I love you guys! sweet sixteen ;)


Monday, February 15, 2010


Yesterday was funny :)
Ayong came home yesterday.
So we met her at her friend's wedding.
And angah and I were stuck with her. :/

she drove us home. which,
might I add was SCARYYYYYY!
ayong drove like a maniac! not really.
but the car was so light I felt like flying!

oh and we got lost.
like seriously. ayong had
no idea where she was going.
I wasn't much help either,
I just kept on laughing =)

Later that afternoon,
we played badminton and basketball
and football! :D hahaha.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Xin Nian Quai Le

To all of my AWESOME chinese friends
who I love all so dearly;

Especially to my classmates! :)
(4amanah rocks yeah? haha)
my sktbm friends :)
My SMKTBM friends;
prefects, librarians, olahraga,
green house and whoever I know.
Plus; my kor kor, jo, roo, bren, sand, shashy (chindian!),
shar, mun2, yee von, vanny , shu ting, chai shin and etc.

anyway, may this year be a better
year for all of us, okay?


Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome back!

anyway, today at school the chinese society
performed a sketch on the chinese zodiac, i think.

It was quite funny.
but most of the time I don't understand
they were saying because the narrator forgot to translate it!

yer. mahu campak saja beg saya. tahu tidak? -.-'

and other times, i would laugh after the laughter has faded.
now isn't that just plain sad? -.-'
oh and i got my first BIRD SHIT today!

omg omg so funny! hahahahhaha

I felt something had dropped on my head. so,

tyk sya me
what's this? *touches the bird shit*

omg! bird shit!
*wipes on tyk's kain*

Omg illaaaa !

omg sorry sorry! *pulls hand away*
laugh out loud.

seriously! it was an accident!
wiping the shit on tyk i mean.
i was just so used to wiping water or
stuff on
other people. this time it's shit!!
hahahahhaa. xD

Oh wait before I forget,
we're not the closest friends,
but we're still close. right? haha.
anyway, you've always been this
innocent, smart, pretty, artistic
classmate of mine. have a blast okay?
love you :)

Pretended to be mad at 'abang' muq
because he lied to sya.
i know, haha. xD

Farol! mane box er ktorg?
kate nak bagi! :P

hmm. took pictures with Shu ting and juliet :)
faked a picture too. pretended to erase the white board.
haha. it was shu ting's idea! :P they're nice la :)
My Add Maths partner, Yeet Hoong was absent so I didnt get to
wish her a happy new year :(

Spent my MAYBE last hours with tyk during agama.
tyk, jgn pergi! I pun taknak pergi! :( :( :(
Oh and we tegur-ed the new girl. the one in 4G.
Munirah, i think. yeah, Munirah. her, er, whoever the
other new girl is, wasn't present so she was alone.
tyk invited her to sit next to her. so we asked her a few
get to know questions. haha :D

After school,
At home, no TAEKWONDO!
omg today is the best day so far :P


Thursday, February 11, 2010


they're coming back! can't wait!
I've missed them.

Babes, if you guys baca ni,
call me immediately!
haish. bukan nak call.
so evil. emphasis on the so!

sarah was the only one who called ;)


shrimps ;)

"Dear, to mee, you're like a shrimps(haha)
and I love shrimps! with love: prawn"
sick joke! HAAHAHAHAHA

Today was so funny! I don't know how to explain it,
but I bet if I look at these pictures below I would remember everything :)
HAHAHA Look at what sya and I did during bio. :D
sand was sitting next to sya. she read and laugh the whole time xD


I love shrimps! ahhahahahha classic!
students' handbook yesterday.

Yes, you saw it right. 41k. *gulp*
see. I would have to sign in 17th feb.
and on 18th feb, there would be a test =.=


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

YEY! (Y)

Ohmygod! I can do the freaking fg(x)= 2x-5!!!!

oh just a lil update,
I've been watching One Tree Hill lately :)
shut up, call me whatever you want okay.
I don't care :P
I've wanted to watch OTH since I was form1!
which was in 2007? omg. three years ago.
sad. hahaha. anyways, Jo lent it to me so =)
I'm already at disc 4 going 5 now.
oh baru season1. hahahahha.

whaaaaat ?!
I've never actually watched the whole episodes.
Like in season 1, i watched the first episode.
then the third. like that. i skip the episodes a lot :(

now i'm catching up :)
ohmygod! tonight is G(L)EE!
I almost forgot! later!

ps; haven't been blogging much since
there's no one to bug me in school saying
"Illlllll. update lah!" eda usually does that. huh.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

orange you glad ?

fuh! what a day. -.-'

Right after my shower,
I had to tidy the living room, sweep the floor,
clear my study table and help Nekcik and my mum
with the kitchen stuff.

My dad brought Aa and I for breakfast ;)
then went home, continued helping out
and off I went to tyk's house.
MR.KZ's tuition was as usual, fun .

Oh and I called Sya just minutes before leaving the house.
Told her about getting accepted into KYSM
and she went "alaaaaaaa illlllllll"
from her baru bangun voice to "WHAAAAAAAAT?!"
hahaha. i told her my parents say if they
offer me a scholarship, then I would have
no reason to decline. :/

so hmm got home and guests started coming.
it was okay in the begining,
but then, my cousins from Johor started coming!
and they wouldn't stop EATING!
ohmygod. I swear I would never want to work
in a restaurant! cleaning like tons of dishes are
so freaking tiring! I was sweating like hell.
Angah helped me out of course.
two hands weren't enough, trust me.

Oh and Sarah called!
I was in the middle of an awkward silence with Mie,
when I looked at my phone and saw Sarah calling
I jumped up and quickly answered the phone.
'Omg saraaah!" was the first thing I said.
hahahaha thanks for calling sarah :)

after they left, we had half an hour to rest
before the next bunch of people arrived.
Ustaz came for angah's doa selamat.
Maklang, paklang, schaa, wawan, uncle azman,
abang long, abang ngah, abg alep, aishah and affy.

It was surprisingly okay.
I talked to abg ngah and aishah.
aishah told me her pmr results and her decisions
for form4. so we had a lot to talk about I guess ;)

It was fun. but tiring :)

can you believe it?

I got into KYSM.
They chose me, when SBP and MRSM didn't.

Hahaha. KYSM gave my mum a call yesterday.
to notify on my acceptance. It's a private school though,
so it'll cost a lot. Therefore, I don't think i'm going. =)

I feel so touched :)
KYSM actually decidedly to choose me!
I mean, they saw how I was at the interview.
and I clearly stated I would not accept if they offered me
into business class because I wanted pure science.

They freaking got me in!

well, that's all.
my family is saying that KYSM must think
I'm really good for choosing me :)


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Haven't met you yet

whoever you are, I haven't met you yet!

Hahaha. school was surprisingly fun :)
We learned quadratic equations during Add Maths.
Which, might I add, I like a lot! Since
functions is so freaking hard. :)

Maths. Sets. yeah. easy. hahaha. FUN (Y)

Recessed with my two best friends, Sya and tyk :)
HAHAHA. Well yeah of course I miss my best friends!
but hey, they have their own dreams to catch.
I shall do it too. I must! :)

I was about to grab my P.I textbook and walk up stairs
when Juliet shouted my name "Nabilah!" then Min Wen said
"give me your left hand" and I did as I was told but I raised one eyebrow.
Juliet copped my hand and Min Wen shouted "good luck!"
I looked at my left hand and saw GOOD LUCK in blue ink. -.-'
nothing better to do is it? =.=

P.Islam. We laughed our hearts off.
We were mimicking Kristen Steward's 'kiss me' of course!
HAHAHAHAA. Seriously, my stomach hurt so much just now!
Oh and Qin said people say Taylor Swift can't sing?
How dare you(whoever you are) say that!
she's my favorite singer okay :)

1119 was super duper fun !
We went through all the primary stuff.
Haha we forgot most of them!
Well, it was FOUR years ago! HAHAHAA

Overall, good day of school =)


Friday, February 5, 2010

One week

so hmm I survived
four days without them.

Haihh. school's definitely
different without them.

Shashy called me Liy during Chemistry.
I looked at her and said "you called me liy"
and she jumped and hugged me and said
"Ohmygod Illa! I'm so sorry!"
"I miss her la"
"Me too."

then just now Qin was saying
something and I wasn't listening
then she tapped my right arm and said
"Ismah! dengar la"
I turned to face her and said "you called me Ismah just now"
She looked down and said "I know."
*sighed. :(

During recess Sya was singing
"I wake up in the morning feeling like P.diddy" *ticktock*
and I laughed and said "hey lagu eda!" then sighed. :(

during kawad practice,
I was talking and laughing with tyk & aina
then tyk told us about the magazine she bought.
And I was like "what magazine?" and she answered
"korean! :P ade ___ hot gila!" and I thought,
"oh. i dont like koreans. I like Japanese. same like sarah"
"sarah." :(

So yeah. anyway, tyk is like my best friend now.
HAHAHA. I dont care what they say about me leaving :P
I think I might stay here though. :/
We now recess together. Sya, tyk and I :)

Oh and I can remember almost all of my classmates' names!

damn. tomorrow is a school day. I hate schools on saturdays.

Oh and Milky Way, if he were to confess, I seriously wouldn't know
what to say. Don't say anything please? give me some time to think things through.

roo, shu ting and riss =)


Seventeen ? :D

sorry for the late birthday post =)

3rd FEBRUARY 2010;
happy seventeen birthday! wow. your two years older than me now
:) oh and I have the great honors on wishing you first! woohoo =)
HAHAHHA. Well, I did try to call him plenty of times.
It was pissing me off. -.-''
Whatever pun, I started even knowing him back when I was in form2.
And he was such a quiet little boy ;)
Then as we became close, i thought "ergh okay. so not quiet"
HAHAHA. sorry rai! =) but it's true.
and then he stopped going to tuition. so we don't meet each other anymore.
intensive 2009, we're in the same class! :) haha we hang out often.
so I grew close to him again. chatted with him until 3am. so unhealthy -.-'
anyway rai, take care of her for me ;) and happy 17th birthday :)
love you rai! you're so 'pro' =)

remember this? HAAAHAHA
Rai says "this picture makes me look tall!"
The AWESOMEness,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

For them :')

We've been friends since we were standard4!
no no, not friends. best friends.
Yeah, it was that strong.
Haha remember standard5, putry lee wanted to call
you 'shida' and you would call her 'eri'. my god. that was
hilarious! well anyway, tara,kels and I wouldn't allow it.
Putry was sort of jealous we were best friends with you!
HAHAHHA. then standard6, you and drama :') you guys were
the cutest couple! buy hey, you guys were kids. it wouldn't have worked
out no matter how hard you tried.
form1, I realized you look different from the first day of school!
do you still keep that rempit note we wrote? HAHHHAA. :')
Oh and daa, never allow yourself to be that sick ever again okay?
Form2, ohmygod pemaisuri ni =) so sweet la dgn sultan :)
HAHAHAHA. form3. thanks for listening to me whine =)
form4. hardest yet. good bye da./ nekda/ drama/ squaremon/ squeda/ kak imon
I love you! truly. and take a good care of yourself there.

you wont have me to complain on how little you eat, laugh at your
weird gestures, bully you with sarah, listen to you, tell you things,
sing ticktock, tease you and finally be your best friend there.

Semaaah! We've been friends since standard1 kan kan? :'(
It's still fresh in my memory.
I got my hair cut the day before, and it looked horrible,
so I took one of my Sekolah Agama tudungs and put it on.
Ain, my all time standard1 bully, crittised me "oh sekarang baru nak pakai tudung?!"
and you budged in to say, "biar lah dia nak pakai tudung!!"
Aww, :') we became really good friends when we were standard4.
all those pancakes, tupperwares, fights, laughters. AHHAHA
you get where this is going right? The pancake fight? haha. the one sarah got
really quiet because she didn't know which side to oppose. Haha and our happy land! :')
standard5. we became closer than ever!
omg weh. we were so bad to tini.
HAHAHA. when we fought, she always had a hard time choosing over us.
But when either of us fights with her, we never thought twice to back each other up.
HAHAHA. seriously. we were so bad. oh yeah, we did our dialogue book this year.
sha and fatimah zahra joined us right? such cute kids, :')
oh and we played runfromtheprefects with fyza. xD that was so much fun.
standard6, we were close. but not that close. you were my skolah agama geng.
you, hanif, acap and i. ustazah akhlak said we were the noisiest geng xD
every time during recess, each of each would buy different flavors of sugus
then would share it during lessons. haha. yes, we ate in class :)
Hahaha we even played that 'jentik2' thingy. the one with rubber bands and papers?
everyone knew we were best friends. the four of us :)
well yeah. we fought once! and that was freaking horrible.
I sided you, and for the first time ever, hanif sided acap.
First it started out as a fight between you and acap, then somehow it lead on to the four of
us. the ustazah were having a meeting downstairs. and the manjalara-ians were not
in school, as they had curricular activites and so the class was empty. the four of
us including akma. We shouted at each other (super loud) and threw chairs and tables.
It was horrible! and so obvious too. usually we would go home together. and all of the sudden,
we broke in two. :/ I made up with them in kelas nadi. but you didn't. the next day, I think,
we were a foursom all over again =)
form1. got seperated. :( but we stayed best friends (just not that close anymore)
form2. back to classmates :) still not that close.
form3. deskmate! haha. we grew super close all over again ;) sang hoedown throwdown and party in USA
form4. deskmate, no more 'deskmate' stuff huh? :'( well hmm bye! if TG kacau hidup aku lagi, I'll tell you okay. you were first to know. yes eda, she was. :P well, take care of yourself in Perak. busuk, I love you!


Kau nak bully eda with who weh? :'(
And who am I gonna watch Japanese movies with now?
sya? tyk? they prefer koreans :( and you know I hate koreans.
because you do to! haha. hmm let's see. standard1. we were distant.
standard2. aww! you were the little girl with two ponytails. xD so cute! :)
standard4. skola agama. we sat one row with tini. laughed our asses off everyday!
Hahah you like making comic books. remember? and I did one on our kampungs being
next to each other. that was funny :) and that one afternoon when it was raining and
a thunder struck, tini was so shocked she jumped on you! ahha. yeah xD that was also funny.
you, ismah and I created our very on version of happy land. which, am said it was
'stupid land'. hahaha. that was so evil wey -.-' standard6, we sat at the back of the
class and pretended we were in some kind of gossip talk show. haha. we gossiped about the
whole class! xD and our sekolah kebangsaan murid2 bahagia, eunice and sabby :'(
we had the time of our lives. :')
form1. we were okay. not super close. but close =) we always talk about anime :)
form2. if i wanted to crap, i would crap with you. hhaha. cerita sarah melampau! watched japanese crap with you. one litre of tears! omg sedih gila that series :( oikawa sousuke cried :( haha.
form3. watched plenty of other japanese stuff. Last Friends, Hanazakari no kimitachi e, Battle Royale; what else eh? HEHE =) I love bullying eda with you! so much fun! oh oh ! remember battle royale. we hid behind the wall to frighten eda. but we couldn't do it because waiting for her to get out of the bathroom was funny. and we jumped out and laughed instead of shouting "Ahhhhhhhhh!" hahaha. but she ended up shouting anyway.which made us laugh even more! :D
form4. who's going to sing crappy songs now? :'(
anyway sarah, take care of yourself okay! and eda too. one of these days I have to hang out and your house
so we can watch Japanese stuff :) okay? I busuk you sarah!


Liyyyyyy! my weird best friend. (then again, all my bestfriends are weird -.-')
but your like super weird. so you have the honors :)
First time kenal you, standard6. you were acting all crazy in skola agama and suddenly
you came up to me and hugged me. I looked at you in a 'whaaat?' face and you
started laughing and just went away. Mira said "tu liyana" and I said "oh okay -.-'"
then in class sarah told me how she made your hand bleed. haha. xD
form1. we became friends because you were friends with Ismah and both of us were in bola baling, bola jaring and KRS so we were close :)
form2. same stuff but we grew closerrrrr
form3. you were the first to know about Jack. so yeah be glad okay?
dah cukup. remember the to do list I made for you? I wonder where that maybe is. hahaha.
you were always so emo -.-' stressed out about PMR kot? haha.
that maybe the case. you did cry on the first day of PMR. when I knew you were
gonna get an A for bm. you always did. get an A i mean. unlike me, okay whatever. let the bygone be gone. i'll miss going bloop bloop bloop with you lul!

form4. goodbye liy. you were the first to leave. I was going to cry when I hugged you,
but then you started crying so hard and saying "eh dah dah dah" at the same time. so
that stopped me from crying. we were all staring at you with such sorrow in our eyes. you could see it too, i knew that. you cried all over again everytime you look at us. anyway, take care of yourself. your far south to Johor :( be strong liy. stay there if it means you have a brighter future. I love you!

PS; you guys, take care! and if anything, just call okay?
you can dial my house phone if you think I won't pick my my phone =)
HAHA. andddddddd, please don't be awkward when we meet again okay? keep your promises tau! I love you guys. and now I miss you guys :( school is definitely different without you guys :(

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

As expected

I didn't get into MRSM. huh. I don't feel anything.
stop worrying. I'm not sad. at all.

so hmm. I guess I have to rayu. again.
Oh danial got in!

He's transferring to MRSM Balik Pulau, Pinang.

Ohmygod. Who's going to sing Lucky and I'm Yours to me now?

He's 3A's very own version of Jason Mraz :(

Daniaaaaaaal. don't forget us okay!
oh and!
1st FEBRUARY 2010;
Happy sweet sixteen best friend :)
I was the first, among his friends, to wish him!

kau annoying and bising and kadang2 aku rase
cam nak sepak kau, but no matter what,
you're still a caring best friend ;)
So thank you 'abang' ruzain!


It will never be the same

without them :(
I miss them. SO MUCH!
during assembly, I just stared at the ground
and held back tears.
Memories came flooding by. :'(

these are some of the old pictures we took together :')
Hahahah. good times, good times.

Twilight! :')
Omg. form2! you guys, remember this? we took like so much pictures! haha.
sampai gelap kulit! xD
Aww, 2 Amanah. this was 'art work'
now i see it, and i say "damn. it's so ugly -.-'"
Ismah! remember this? Valentine's Day -.-'
Aww, I did this December 2008 :)
Robot gay ktorg! HAHAHAHA
Hang out with Major Zee, 2008 :')
Our first 1994 batch school trip =)
We went in this thing like, three times. -.-'
And so there's only me left :(
remember this daa? our first tryonouting :)
PMR's over ;)

the H1N1 prevention :D
Aquaria, US :')
Petrosains, I think.
Skybridge! :D
KL tower ;)
bye bye pn.Esah. :')
Eril's openhouse. Ouch. too much memories.
sya's birthday outing :')
Baju kurung =)
Geografi 3A 2009 :')
I love you guys so much!