Thursday, December 31, 2009

Laugh Out Loud!

Guess what i'm doing, RIGHT NOW?
Haha I am video calling Rai as I type.
Hai Rai!

Hahaha he's also reading my blog.
And snickering.

Anyway I'm growing more and more close to him.
Kan rai kan? Hahaha.
I trust him :)
And he's a good friend :)

"so pro"
pfft. NOT! :P

Specially for you, RAI :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All the cool people huh ?

I found a few people's blog today.
And as I was SO bored,
I read their posts.

Seriously, is it so cool to curse ?
I mean, you can curse all you want when you talk,
but DO you HAVE to type out cursing words?
And apparently, people actually think you guys are cool
for reasons I would never know. Weird.

Now now, about school;
Should I buy ALL form4 stuff or just a few?
but even if I got accepted into a boarding school,
it would be late February. So, what do you think?
Should I or should I not?


When boredom strikes

I love this picture! :)
Ohmygod I'm so bored. I'm going to type whatever comes across my mind first :)
Aint that great?
Oh do you remember Aiman?
He's back at tuition! Hahaha and omg he looks so different.
"His hair" Yen says.
I went to Yen's house for lunch.

Greaaaaaat, she made me like another Indonesian Senatron.
or whatever way you spell it.
It's called Tasbih Cinta. Hahaha. Don't laugh YOU!
What's his name? Wait let me think. Errr i can't recall!
But whatever, he is so CUTE!
especially since he likes her and doesn't want to admit it :)
WAHHHH and now Yen likes him too. YEY! :D

I made cupcakes again :)
Nope. It's not for YOU, Lul and Daa!

Well okay then. BYE BYE!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Bahasa Melayu.
Oh man how much I hated my BM teacher! It was so obvious his FAVORITE student was IQIN. Everything Qin did was always RIGHT and everything we did was always WRONG. He caused me my GoodStudent reputation!
He sent me off to the discipline room, TWICE! Qin didn't finish the same section of our BM homework,
YET he said it was okay but when I told him I didn't finish that section too, he sent me off to the discipline room.
I was cursing him in my head all the way to the DR! And I had to waste my energy writing; I WILL COMPLETE MY HOMEWORK -.-' NEVER even got a B. :/
I thought she was annoying but as time elapse, I grew to like her. but, during BM lessons I would scribble around
and every once in a while I would pretend to ask a question. Just to make it seem like I was paying attention. Haha. I was as they say, cheeky :) got a B, but not A :/
I love her so much! She's always nice to my classmates and I. I understood everything she taught. I like her style of teaching. I used to hate studying BM. but now, I just DISLIKE studying BM :) Still no A, :(

PMR; The night before the big exam, I cried because I didn't know the meaning of A LOT of words.
I started panicking and simply cried. I was so stressed out, ask my mum. She knows.
PMR PAPER: It was so hard! My hands were shaking. When we got out of the hall, I felt like crying but sya said "No use crying over spilt milk, you guys". So I held my tears. Cause she was RIGHT. We can't do anything now.

Bahasa Inggeris
Oh I liked her a lot! She was sort of a perfectionist but she was reallt nice and neat. I loved her handwriting. She was the first to teach me what I needed to know. UPSR and PMR is different. We are on a different standard, I can't keep on writing like a TWELVE year old. My vocabs must be better than before. Scored and A for Final Exam :)
I loved her! She was so strict (she was a discipline teacher) and yet SO FUNNY. We hanged out with her on the last day of school. She was, I must say, the most hardrock teacher EVER! Hahaha :D She was like the English version of Pn.Che Yam :) Aww , I miss Pn.Che Yam :'( Kept Acing my tests :)
Oh another discipline teacher. I liked her style of teaching. I understood everything she taught :) And with her, I have to complete my homework! hahaha. I scored A except during Intervensi 2 or 3 and trials. So sad :/

PMR; I was a little nervous but also excited. I answered with ease. Except one or two questions. Even my paper2, I could write well. Except Section A. I didn't quite understand in what form do they want us to write. So I was happy with my English paper :)

I didn't understand a thing -.-' Always got Cs and stuff. :/ Didn't finish my homework either. Haha
Failed once. Cried so hard. Started to pay attention in class. Got a B. A major improvement ;)
I love my class teacher! :) She rocks! She taught me EVERYTHING I NEEDED to know. And since then, I scored As for my Maths :) <3 My tuition teacher too! He's one of the best maths teachers :D

Wasn't really nervous. I was ready. :) Just rechecked my formulae. Answered with EASE. :)

Ohmygod. I didn't understand anything he taught. I just copied all the answers to his exercises. Never really studied for any tests except the final exam. Couldn't get an A :/
My science teacher WAS SO FUNNY! Hahaha he kept on making stupid jokes. But, I got an A because of him! :)
I loved Science. Went to tuition with my Form2 teacher. My new Science teacher wasn't bad too. I just had to pay attention in class and I got everything! :) Haha Only during Electricity I think, I wanted to cry because I couldn't get it. xD Got As most of the times and I even got the highest score once! :D

PMR; I rememorized the formulas and I was prepared to answer the papers. During Paper 2, I freaked out because I couldn't get to answer a lot :/ It was so hard especially about pollination :/ I kept on flipping the pages.

Slept once in class. Haha well HISTORY is boring okay? I paid attention in class until we started learning about Sabah and Sarawak. Because it was boring me. Don't believe? Check out my form1 history text book. It's filled with sketches :D NEVER ever got a B. :/
I loved SEJARAH! We learnt about the English coming to our country. And I pretty much loved and understood it :)
Got a B a few times.
Mygod SEJARAH was so boring! I wanted to sleep my way out of EVERY class. Haha but, I couldn't. My Sejarah teacher cracked stupid jokes every lesson. Although his jokes aren't funny, but to watch him LAUGH at every NON-funny joke made it SUPER funny! HAHAHA :D Got my first A during TRIALS. Was as happy as a lark :D

PMR; I squeezed my brain with form1, form2 and form3 stuff. Didn't manage to COMPLETE all three text books. Started NERV-RACKING. PMR was so hard, I cried after the paper. Ask Riss and Lul. They were there! xD

It was so EASY! I ACEd every exam :) Hahaha. LOVED my geo teacher. Oh how I miss her. She married a Perak-ian, i think? so she moved there with him :(
Err I was so lazy. I didnt complete my homework, classwork. After mid year, I started paying attention in class and I got a B -.-' Well that what you get if you dont study. :/
I really tried to understand everything but It was just so hard! I couldn't get an A. :/

PMR; Started studying during Raya. I started liking Geo :) HAHA then the night before Geo exam. I read everything I could. Even the next morning. And THANK GOD, pretty much everything I read came out! I was so grateful and I smiled answering EACH and every question! :) It was with, i must say, EASE :)

KH-Perdagangan dan Keusahawanan
Aced EVERY test! Huahahaha ;D I loved my KH teacher. She was so strict, but she was great at her job! :)
Same teacher. never studied. Got a B for final exam :/
Couldn't get a B at all. It was always C. :/ Read all those stupid Electronic stuff. I hated it.

PMR; Studied the night before with my tuition teacher. We did exercises and he made us understand most of them.
KH was the last paper, finished answering, COULDN'T wait to be free. Checked once. And glanced at the clock. HAHAHA Though, I thought KH was so-so. Not so HARD not so EASY. :/

Pendidikan ISLAM
My ustazah was SO NICE and her voice was so soft. I never finished my homework. Chatted with Yen, Leesa and Qin throughout the class. Always ACED :)
Same teacher. same attitude. Only now it's with Sya. But we sometimes listen to ustazah :) ACED
Different teacher. Very strict too. All my homework, DONE AND DONE. Hahaha. Sya and I chatted every once in a while. And Sya always gets caught talking :X HAHAHAHA . Ace :)

Read a few Sirah stuff, MUCH easier than BM, so I was quite happy :) Although, I didn't know the answer for Sirah questions. But I did okay :)

So in the end, I got 7A 1B. Alhamdulillah. :)

I would like to thank everyone who helped me out :)
Especially to my parents, my teachers, my family and my friends <3
I don't know what I'll do without you.
The BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to God. :)


Monday, December 28, 2009

I just

got off the phone with Rissy. She got a B for her BM too. Aw babe! You can cry if you want to, cause I sure did. Crying also helps a little.
I know it wont change the alphabet, but it helps
releasing the disappointment a little :)

Anyway I watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs for
the FIRST time just now. I like it ;)

Look! It says; Illa, honestly, you're so AWESOME :)
From Rissy :D



I read back my previous post and
I felt the same sort of pain in my chest.
My heart sort of ached.

I felt so sad, so frustrated,
so disappointed. I held back tears as I read on.

When I first had a look at my results slip,
I felt so dumbfounded, so numb. Then my heart began to thump.
I thought, WAS THAT A B?
So I ran to the corner and rechecked.
And I SAW on the very top of the slip,

Right then, my thoughts change.
Ohmygod I got a B for my BM. I didn't get 8As.
I didn't get 8As. Both my sisters did. Ya Allah. They got 8As.
All of them. They were jumping and screaming and pouring happy tears.
And I didn't. Ohmygod how am I suppose to tell my family?

Then I started crying. I covered my face with my hands and cried.

My mum told me my second cousin's results.
6A 2B. Maybe she thought it would make me feel better?
But it didn't. It's not that I think my result was horrible or anything.
It was because i didn't get 8As. For THREE years,
I wanted nothing more then to see 8As on my PMR results slip.
And it's hard. Really hard.

My family, not just my parents and siblings
but also my aunts and uncles.
All of them expected me to score 8As.
They were the main reason I felt so sad about my results.
I felt like I've failed them.

I am grateful. I really am.
Just take the time to TRY to understand
how I feel okay?
Anyway, I'm fine now.
Talking to people and typing this out
helps me out a little.

And I know it's not the end of the world and all,
it's just. I don't know. No matter what people tell me,
I still feel sad. I appreciate the effort guys, really,
thanks a lot.
Friend like you guys aren't easy to find.
I'm so glad I have you guys as my friends.
Thank you :')

Friday, December 25, 2009

PMR results, 24th december

I woke up to the sound of my mum's voice
"Alang, wake up. You're taking your results today"
I got up and got ready.
Around 9, just before I went to school,
I performed Solat Duha (i'm not sure how it's spelled.)

I walked to school and saw my bestest friends waiting
for me at the bus stop. We said hello and everything.
We went inside and wondered where Ismah was.
When she finally arrived we started laughing at her funny gestures.

Then, Lulu wants to go sit underneath Pokok Cemerlang.
So we did. And we saw Yen on the way. We hugged and sat down.
We started talking about Sororiry Life (Sarah and Eda were making faces)
Sya ; level 97 Ismah; level 86 Me: level 77
Yen went: WAHHHHHHH! Patut lah korang byk boyfriend! (the SL bf not real life)

We went into the hall. Lined up.
I was at the back. Then Haziq Shafiq called me.
So I answered the phone and he said;
"Illa! dpt brape A?"
"Nak ambil results la ni. kau dah ambil ke?"
"Err, dah. "
"7. Sedih siaaaal. Dah lah science aku B :("
"Laaa ye ke . syg nye!"
"Eh, kau dah dpt nanti call aku tau"
"okay, congrats haziq :)"

Liy was the first of us to take her results.
She started crying and hugged everyone.
I was so proud of her!
Hey, what did I tell you lul? I told you you were gonna
get 8A's. and you did :)
Then Eda. Then Sarah. Sarah ran to me and hugged me tightly.
Her happy tears were like rain pouring down a stream.
Ismah jumped up and down.
And Sya shouted when she got hers.
And finally it was my turn.

I signed a paper and Miss Tang gave me my PMR slip.
She had a sad look on her face. I wondered why.
I moved to the left a bit. Looked at my results and felt dumbfounded.
I was stunt, I ran to the corner of the hall and saw a table.
I heard Johan's voice shouting after me "Dpt brape Nabilah?"
I had a second look at my results and saw
Bahasa Melayu B
I covered my face with my hands and started crying.

Then I heard my friends coming up to me and said;
Asal Illa? And they hugged me and tried to comfort me.
They ALL got 8A's. So they can't say they understand how I feel.
Really, they CAN'T.
Then I stopped crying a little, and saw Pn.Isya shaking hands
and congratulating all of them. And she saw me and gave me a hug.
And I started crying all over again. This time I cried harder.
She said it was okay.

I went to Pokok Cemerlang and sat down and cried.
I cried as I thought; How am I suppose to tell my parents that I didn't get 8A's?
Sya gave me the biggest comfort. She sat by me while I cried.
Eda, Lul, Sarah and Ismah hugged me tightly and said it was okay.
Ismah tried comforting me. I stopped crying a little.
Then I picked up my phone and went to a corner by myself and dialed for my mum.
While the phone was ringing, I could hear my mum's soft voice in my head and I started crying.
She picked up the phone and heard my sobs. I said "Ma, *sobs* I didn't get 8A's. *sobs*"
She said it was okay too and said I did good and she was proud of me.
I cried harder. Then I dialed for my dad. I said "Ayah, *sobs* I didn't get 8A's.*sobs*

I was walking to my dad's car when I saw the boys.
Isaac, Saros, Edric, Dikson were all there.
I looked down and held back my tears. Iz called after me,
and asked how much I got. I turned around and signalled; 7.
Iz ran after me and said; Kau jgn nangis! tgk aku punya lagi teruk. C pun ada.
And he said something that made me laugh. Then Saros and Edric came along and
comforted me. They really are great friends :')
Then Saros said; Nabilah, tu mak kau kan?
I turned around and quickly said goodbye and thankyou to them
and saw Naz walking towards me. He side-hugged me and said
"It's okay Kaklang"
And my mum hugged me and I started crying ALL over again.

In the car my dad said; It's okay, you did okay.
When we reached the house I saw Aa and angah and I said;
"I got 7A 1B" and layed on the sofa and cried.
My sister said some things to comfort me.
And she said; 7A's is okay. Don't cry"

Then I went up to my room and stared at the ceiling for a while.
Then I desperately needed someone to talk to.
I sent a msg to Rai. But he didn't answer.
So I called Haziq. I cried and he comforted me and said;
"Kita senasib la Illa. Tp aku lagi sedih. Science tu"
Then he cracked a few jokes to cheer me up. It worked for a while
but then Qin called and I heard her sad voice and I was crying all over again.
So I texted my bestfriend Ruz "Ruz, aku sedih"

Then I called Aunty Roy and held back my tears and she said;
"Don't you cry! 7A's is good. Your 7A's is with quality. The most important subject
is your English, Maths and Science."
I STILL NEEDED SOMEONE to talk to so I dialed for Ammar's.
But he didn't pick up so I called Iddin.
And I cried and he said "Okay la tu. dah dah jgn nangis"

By then I REALLY want to talk to Pn.Rossidah, my BM teacher.
So I tried calling her but she didn't answer.
Then Muqsit called and I wasn't crying but I was sobbing.
He went quiet cause according to him,
HE REALLY thought I would get 8A's.Then when he talked about *ehem*
I started laughing. plus I was REALLY tired of crying.

Then I called Ayum and told him everything
and he said; " Kau jgn nangis Illa! nanti aku nangis jugak"
Then Haziq Manaf called. and I said I got 7A's.
And he asked "Are you okay?"
Then Naz came into my room and Pn.Rossidah was on the other line.
So I picked it up and she said;
"Nabilah ni cikgu ni"
And I started crying REAL hard. I felt so guilty.
Pn.Rossidah was always nice to me, she taught me everything I needed to know
and yet I couldn't give her an A for my BM.
"Cikgu. Saya dapat 7A 1B. *sobs*"
"Cikgu pun sedih juga ni. Cikgu baru lepas telefon sekolah,
awak seorang sangkut. BM awak B kan?"
"Cikguu *I CRIED SO HARD*"
"Nabilah, jgn nangis. Cikgu rasa bersalah ni. Ye la, BM tu subjek cikgu"
"Cikgu saya minta maaf. "
"Saya tak dapat A untuk BM *tears*"
"Jangan mcm tu, cikgu sedih juga. Takpe, MRSM tak pentingkan BM.
Jumpe awak hari pertama sekolah nanti ye, jgn sedih2 lagi"

I was still sobbing when Ammar called.
I said "Kau lambat lah Am! tadi aku nak nangis dekat kau"
By 2pm, I just got really tired of crying all day. So I went downstairs,
washed my face and ate a homemade cupcake.
Then I packed for Cherating and layed down on the sofa and Zaty called.
I told her my results and she said congrats.
Then I went upstairs and Iddin called.
Then Wawan called and said "tu lah. jarang cakap BM lagi. apa apa pun, tahniah ye"

When we were on our way to Cherating,
Dikson called and asked if I was okay. By then, I WAS OKAY.
Cikgu Ku Zailan had texted me asking my results.
He was happy I got and A for Science.
Tini texted me, Muqsit too. he was trying hard to comfort me.
He was always a great listener and friend. :)
Farol texted me too and asked me not to cry because he was next to Ayum.
Rai was too late when he texted. He called after I told him my results.
Wanie texted me too and said "chill. SPM ade lagi. Okay la tu. congrats"
Ruz texted me too and I let everything out through text and told him
I wanted to call him and cry to him.
Then Enna and Eka (the geniuses) texted .
Then my cousin Schaa texted. (I still dont know Abby's results.)
After that Laila (iddin's gf-hahahhaa) texted me.
Then later at night, Mirul. Then Haziq and I texted about our sorrow-ness.
Haha yet, he tried hard to comfort me.
Finally, my standard6 bestfriend, Hanif, texted me.

So here it is; the GREAT results by my LOVELY friends ;
Dhiya,Eka,Enna, Milo-9As
Ammar-8A 1C (his ARAB -.-')
Iddin,Laila, Cypa, Dila, Mai-8A's
Haziq, Danial, Sabby, Putri-7A 1B
Hanif-7A 1B 1C (again, Arab C)
Guan,Jo, Sandra, Ala, Saresh, Ritya-7As
Ruz-4A 4B (I am so proud of him! He improved A LOT! (':)
Kels, Navee-6A 1B

I have great friends and I love all of them!
Thanks so much for listening to me whine and cry
and try to make me feel better guys :)

Well, that's it I guess.
My pathetic PMR results post.
I cried so much, I think that's the reason I have
a headache today. Lost too much water maybe?


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Butterfly flyaway

I think i have butterflies in my stomach.
Ohhh I got it baddddddd
It's a case of resultsyndrom.

What's up with Nostalgia lately?
Both Eda and Ismah posted about it recently.
I feel like posting one too.
But it feels sad to look at all the pictures of us
smiling away and all the memories of the stupid jokes
we cracked, laughing and smiling.
You guys, this goes out specially for you guys.
Aishiteru yo. And I really really mean it.
We've known each other since primary!

Even those who went away and kept in touch,
you guys mean the world to me. Seriously. :)

You should check out Ismah's blog.
Oh and listen to Two is better than one
on her page while browsing through our Form3 pictures
made me kinda sad. We were REALLY tight. Us SKs :D
Hahaha. And now not all of us are gonna be in the same class. :'(

To chill myself, LOOK LOOK!
There's a new outfit in Sorority Life. Nice eh? :D

Hahaha I know what you're thinking! Not Sorority Life AGAIN -.-'
Well, you try being a third former and you're
about to take your results TOMORROW!

Wait, what happen to chilling myself? =.=

Wish me luck! AND PRAY FOR ME!
With god's will, I shall succeed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Facebook addictions

Facebook is very addictive.
Don't you think?
I mean, they have all these applications
that are so enjoyable.
Hahaha so I guess I am addicted to the two games
Sya practically forced me to play.

Pet Society (which I forced Rai to play too. hahaha )
Sorority Life.
I got addicted to SL as the Limited Editions are always
REALLY nice outfits! so there you go.

OH and look what Rissy sent to Kiki!
Hahahhaa. I hope Riss reads this :)

Kiki! Kawaiii :)
This is PET SOCIETY; PS :)
Superbilla. I know. ugly name.
It was suppose to be SUPERB illa. Hahaha.

I pretty much play these two FB applications EVERYDAY :D


Choose one!

Anyone who reads my blog PLEASE leave a comment on my chatbox.
Tell me, which one do you like better?

Red Pea Coat

Snowflake Dress

Well? Tell me what you think.
As soon as you read this!
Thanks a bunch :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dumplings over Flowers :)

I just finished watching Hana Yori Dango season 2
for like the third time.
I've got all these Japanese words stuck in my head.
Wahahaha Domyouji Tsukasa is so cute! ;)

I hate Umi. but she's so pretty -.-'
Oh and I pity Shigeru. must be real tough for her.
Yet she always manage to put a smile on her face.
Anyway, my siblings and I succeeded in making my mum
fall in love with Hana Yori Dango! Yeehaa :D
HAHAHAHAHA . Boy she really is enjoying it xD
My dad kept on babbling how it's not worth it watching Japanese dramas and stuff.
My mum said; Ayah is just upset cause he can't watch anything on TV.

Oh and do not ask me to watch Boys Over Flowers!
I watched it on TV and i do not like it at all.
I'll try watching Meteor Garden though.
Since Sarah and my sis say it's nice.

Anyway, I love this songgggg.
Even though it's sad, but it's NICE :D
A Japanese song, entitled The Flavor of Life :)

I even memorized the begining.
Arigatou to kimi ni iwareru to nandaka setsunai
sayounara no ato no tokenu mahou awaku horonigai
The flavor of life :D


Saturday, December 19, 2009


It's Saturday folks! Wahahaha.
Yesterday I slept at 4.30 in the morning.
Stayed up all night chatting .

I appeared online on my ym for ISMAH.
And guess what? She wasn't there :(
So evil, right? Haha then Raihan and Lip Hung started chatting with me :D
I decided to appear offline when I saw my sister was on.

Then Qin (yes. the girl who is currently at Beijing)
started a conversation for Ismah and I.
We chatted for a while, but then Qin signed off -.-'
So I chatted with Raihan and Ismah.

Then after Ismah offlined, I on my msn.
And video called Raihan.
Oh and Yen showed me her new hair :)
I also chatted with my obsessed-to-someone friend, Lip Hung.
Ngahahaha. Then he had to sign out because his parents came home.

So I chatted with Raihan till 4.30 in the morning.
We made up this bedtime story.
It was so funny, full of drama too!
Haha. It was so much fun looking at Raihan's reaction.

At 4.30 or so, just before we signed off,
I heard his mum calling him. Ngahaha.
Kantoi tak tido! I was also so very paranoid.
Whenever I heard any noise, I would ran to the stairs
and look up and listen. Haha. :D

Oh and Raihan taught me how to screen shot!
Arigatou na Raihan-kun :)


Friday, December 18, 2009


OhMyGod. Shahmi just texted me this afternoon,
stating that PMR results will be out on 24th December.
Pray for me, :)

With God's will, I will get 8A's.
Amin .


Thursday, December 17, 2009

I have to

write this somehow.
I can't write it down cause I'd write a LOT and my hand would go all numb.
Haih. Just like my YM status. Haihhhhhh

When I stop to think,
my head would get all messed up because all these people
in my life just don't get it.
They think it' so easy.
Words, for peep's sake, are suppose to MEAN something.
You don't just say anything and not mean it .

You know what? I'll use this word for you.
Especially for YOU, scumbag.
Darn it. I know you're life is complicated right now,
but HELLO? You're not the only freaking one.
Everybody have their own problems.
Why do you think people invented the quote
"Nobody's perfect" ? Baka.

You know, oh wait scratch that. you don't know.
You used to be nice. Did you forget?
That you were a whole different person?
Obviously you don't.

And just because you have problems,
You shouldn't be giving other people problems.
I've been thinking about this for a while now.
I really want to tell you this myself though.
Instead of blogging like this.
But I have to write this. Technically type this.
Cause it's bugging me. Really bugging me.

We had nothing and you know it.
so shut the hell up

Eda and Ismah, I know you guys would read this.
So err, I'll tell you guys later .

NOTE; My blog may contain deep thoughts from now on.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I've been thinking

about things.
And really, I think it's a waste of time.

I write sometimes.
When my head is doing this thing.
This thinking thing.
I usually just tear the paper up after I'm done.
But I think I'm gonna buy a notebook just for writing.
Who knows? Maybe sometime in the future I'd laugh about it.

Anyway, since Qin flew off to Beijing,
I've been having lunch with Raihan.
It's okay I guess . Haha
Apparently, afriendofmine told him A LOT
about my private life. (i think it's suppose to be PRIVATE)
But whatever. I trust him. So yeah. Fine, whatever.

Anyway during Maths we learnt Logarithms.
Which was cool! :D

I love this. :)
This is my current profile picture in Facebook :)


Monday, December 14, 2009

Arsenal versus Liverpool

Just a quick post.
Arsenal versus Liverpool.
13th December 2009, Sunday.
Or is it Monday?
Because the match just ended at 2 am just now.
And now, since it's past midnight, is Monday the 14th .

Half time. Liverpool scored a goal.
Muqsit: GOAL!
Illa: Diam ah liverpool!
Muqsit: *devilish face*

Full time. Ars-Liv (2-1)
Illa: HEHEHEHE. Need I say more? ;)
Muqsit: Okay2. I get it. Gaaah.

Hell YEAH!


Sunday or Sundae?

You choose :)

Yes I did wake up at 5 am.
Around 7 or so, I slept.
And woke up around 9.
We had breakfast in TE :)

Then, we went shopping for Naz's
secondary school uniform.
While we were doing that, I tried on a pinafore.
Just for the fun of it. Haha.
I would post a picture but.. I can't :)

Later that night,
We went to one of my dad's cousin's daughter's wedding
in Felda Villa in KL.
Woah, it was so grand. Not kidding.
Wawan, maklang and Schaa went too.
Maklang took angah's place.
Ma didn't come with.

The food was GREAT! :D

And, best part was, the wedding theme
was REDDD! Woohoo! :D
Plus I was wearing red. thank god
my red isn't as red as their's or I'd be a goner xD

See what I mean by grand?
They made cards of names for EVERY single person
who confirmed on coming. Danggg!

the folks chit chatting xD
so normal! I hate it when they talk about me though -.-'


Your my cuppycake :)

EW. Ignore the title please.

So I finally got the opportunity to learn how to make cupcakes :)
I went to Sarah's house and together we learnt
from her AWESOME baker mum :)

Thanks again Aunty!
Memang sedap lah :)

I came to her house after I got my new sim card.
Which, I think I'm gonna change again cause my dad
says he wants us to use youth club cause it's much cheaper?

So her mum showed me how to make em.
and I got to beat the eggs and everything! ;)
The best part was making the icing :D
Oh and I tasted Vanilla Essence without any mixture,
BLUEK! tastes like coughing medicine.
Hahaha Sarah just laughed at me -.-'

Oh and we also got to eat the base and stuff.
Which tasted SO good :D
Then, we ate fresh baked cupcakes.
The one without icing and stuff.
Oh! YUM! :D

Sarah's favourite xD

Coloured ICING :)


DONE! It was fun ! We ran out of ideas but we used our imagination :)
The best looking one was the cob-web Sarah's mum made.
But my dad ate it before I got a chance to capture a close-up :(

After we finished baking,
We watched Quarantine.
Which, let me tell you this,

I hate it. So much !
I couldn't wait for the story to just end.
HAHAHHAA Sarah and I shouted at every opportunity we got.

The PRO looking ones (my sis said it not me)
Ah, my initial :)
Beautiful isn't it? <3

Love with a CUPCAKE on top!,

Sunday, December 13, 2009


He sees what I see
and he knows what I know

That's right.

I woke up at 5am this morning.
It's 13th December! not 12th.
Argh, just forget it then.

Anyway, i guess people do grow mature huh?
Guess who texted me last night.
Go on, GUESS.
Okay okay I'll tell you. geez -.-'

Bad. not bad as in jahat
but Bad as in Naz's football senior.
Or ex senior? Haah. something like that.
The one who texted me last during Raya.

For closure maybe? HAHAHA
so he texted and i replied since
that story was way in the past.
We did however, get to that part of the story.
The feelings he used to have for me?
Yeah so I said, "Haha cerita lama kan? takpe takpe"
And he said, "Yeah. lame sgt tu. Sekarang aku dah matang sikit"

Good good. Haha :D
So yeah I guess we're friends now.
I like it when we're friends.
That way I won't get mad at him easily. haha
Qin finally uploaded this AWESOME picture of us.
That's tiny Jo on the left, next to her is Riss the cow,
in the middle is QinEVIL herself, and to my left (from the picture)
is Ismah the stinker (HAHAHA) and to the right is myself ;)

We chose a great place to take pictures right?

Peace out!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Erm ,

so yeah I sat for my UKKM just now in Kolej Mara Seremban.

Maths was hard. I couldn't answer the FIRST question -.-'
However, after I observed the screen/ the quetion for a while,
i finally realized that it's possible to find the value of x
with the two triangles there. :D

Science was sort of hard.
They used words I've never even heard of -.-'

Lastly, Soalan Keperibadian.
My GOD! The stuff they are was CRAP.
seriously.i wanted to laugh.

WELL, now all that's left is my PMR result.

I haven't worn my school uniform
for almost a month now. HAHAHA
I felt weird wearing it just now xD

See you,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

I sure hope I am.
I'm taking my UKKM tomorrow.

Maybe I should have studied?
Since even EDA thought it was hard.
I mean she's EDA for peep's sake.
The LittleMissKnowItAll since she can practically answer anything.
Haih. I wonder how Sarah and Ismah did.
Maybe I should ask them?
I'm too lazy to pick up my phone. :/

I woke up at 6.30 in the morning today.
You have know idea how sleepy I was!
We went to Nenek's house around 7am.
We , as in Naz, Aa & I have to accompany her to the hospital.

We reached home around 12.30 or so,
And I prepared lunch for the brats
At 3 am, Cikgu F came to pick me up.
And around 3.10 (i think?),
I decided to take Principe of Accounts.

It's sudden, i know.
but I did some thinking.
You know, keep my options open.
If I somehow DECIDED to become an accountant,
that could be possible .
If not, I can pursue my dreams as a doctor (or something).
Since I'm going to be in the pure science stream,
I'll learn Science (Chem, Bio and Physics) and also Add Maths, Mod Maths and POA.

Hmm. I sound mature don't I ?
Well that's what happen when your ACTUALLY thinking
about your future. Like after SPM future.
So anyway, I learned POA just now.
Aunty explained the basics, and i understood (thank god).
She would know of course, she used to be an accountant after all.

Oh and Ayum came today!
HAHAHA. I knew he will miss us!
So while C.F was out side,
the four of us squeezed into the car.
While Raihan was sitting in the front seat.
Ayum wanted to reverse the car (he says he can drive :P)
and Yen practically forcing him to.
I, asking raihan to fasten his seat belt.
Qin, laughing along.
We had a great time :)

Well that's it!
I want to beat Sya in pet society.
So i best be off now :)





*deep breaths*
Fuh. I guess I'm feeling better now.
So I'll update a little, since my blog is so well,

He texted me this holiday.
And this time my heart didn't leap.
Infect, I got pissed off. I felt like telling him off
but I couldn't cause I'm such a nice person

Anyway, I started tuition.
And oh oh! I'm loving Add Maths and Modern Maths :)
Modern maths is easier of course,
Add maths is nice though, it's complicated and mind twisting
but I like it. A LOT !
*applause* Can't wait for FORM4 !

Although, I am gonna miss 3Amanah :(
since not all of us are gonna be in the same class.
Some of us are going to Science stream while others are going to Arts Stream.
Which make
me feel sad. Cause I really love them,
you know?


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Don't forget

I'm bored. I should be asleep now but my eyes aren't sleepy :/
Plus my whole body is aching from Taekwondo :/
Even though I had fun yesterday learning new stuff
my body seem to disagree -.-'

It's even difficult to bend my body without feeling the pain :/
Let's look on the bright side,
no taekwondo for a week!
Since there was a grading last Saturday .
Which, I HAD to go because of SIR NORMAN! -.-'
And all us black belts did was sit around like a tool .
Okay fine we did have to help junior belts with patterns and stuff
but boohoo it was so boring :/

However, since they had pork for lunch,
my brothers and I got to eat Burger King. :)
Oh yeah and Nabhan did well.
There were about 14 black tips I think.
And he did well I guess. He broke all of the boards except one.
Back when I was taking my belt black, I think i didn't manage to break two boards.
One for Flying side kick and the other for Jumping something kick (nabhan didn't pass this one too)
So Nabhan actually beat us. Nazhan and I, I mean.
We didn't break TWO boards while he didn't break one.

that little brat had the most annoying smile
on his face when we told ayah. =.=


Baby don't cry

Baby don't you cry,
I'm gonna make a pie,
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle :)
Gonna be filled with strawberry love .

I just finish watching a movie called waitress.

It's actually quite sad.
I really thought they were gonna end up together
but sadly they didn't!
I love this song right here :)
Listen to it will you? :)

So I just realize that Qin has been blogging more than I have.
Ops. It's hard to blog when you have two little brothers and one older
sister who want to online too!
So please try to understand my state :)

Anyway, I went to Sunway Pyramid last thursday
with Sya, Ismah, Qin, Muqsit and Farol.
First things first. Sya's eldest brother, Naqi
drove us to Sunway and his and sya's conversation was funny xD

We ate at Sakae Sushi for lunch.
Which made me broke :(
And then we met up with Muqsit and Farol at TGV.
We bought 8 New Moon 4 pm tickets.
4 for us and 4 for Muq & Farol and their friends.

Then, we ice SKATED!
I started off laughing my ass of with Sya.
I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt.
Then i decided to actually try ice skating without holding on to the side thingy.
And i did. YEY! It was fun!

Qin didn't join us tho. She stayed outside :/
And Sya was so scared that she practically walked at the sidelines.
We attempted to drag her to the middle,
but she won't budge. She did try, and fell on her butt five times.
Haha. or was it four?

I fell four times myself! somehow falling on my butt was fun and funny xD
First fall; Ismah and myself were trying to help Sya to ice skate
in the middle of the ring. Sya fell, pulled me with her, fell on Sya .
Second fall; Skated without anyone's help. Lost control. Fell on my butt.
Third fall ; Laughed at a guy for falling down. when just a few seconds ago he said to me, "main elok2 ye" -.-'
It was so funny that I told Muqsit and Farol. Then, I fell on my butt. HAHAHA
Last fall; was skating happily when I slipped and fell HARD on my butt. the funnest fall I've ever had :)

We had a great time. Even though Sya decided to sit out of it,
I still laughed hard and had a great time with Ismah, Muqsit and Farol :)
Then, we watched New Moon.
Argh! Taylor Lautner is so HOT !
We went Aaaaaa! whenever TL's face appeared on the screen :D
Jacob was waaaay hotter than that cold blooded blood sucking Edward Cullen :P
I know how in the book Edward Cullen is ALL that,
but in the movie, the Quiletes are ALL that.

Dang it! The werewolves are SO HOT xD
Oh yes, you know the scene at the Volturi's place
Rob Pattinson opens his shirt to reveal himself in public?
He's body is -.-' compared to TL XD
I sound so gross. hahaha :D

Ohh I'm going to Sarah's tomorrow!
Bye bye :)