Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby don't cry

Baby don't you cry,
I'm gonna make a pie,
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle :)
Gonna be filled with strawberry love .

I just finish watching a movie called waitress.

It's actually quite sad.
I really thought they were gonna end up together
but sadly they didn't!
I love this song right here :)
Listen to it will you? :)

So I just realize that Qin has been blogging more than I have.
Ops. It's hard to blog when you have two little brothers and one older
sister who want to online too!
So please try to understand my state :)

Anyway, I went to Sunway Pyramid last thursday
with Sya, Ismah, Qin, Muqsit and Farol.
First things first. Sya's eldest brother, Naqi
drove us to Sunway and his and sya's conversation was funny xD

We ate at Sakae Sushi for lunch.
Which made me broke :(
And then we met up with Muqsit and Farol at TGV.
We bought 8 New Moon 4 pm tickets.
4 for us and 4 for Muq & Farol and their friends.

Then, we ice SKATED!
I started off laughing my ass of with Sya.
I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt.
Then i decided to actually try ice skating without holding on to the side thingy.
And i did. YEY! It was fun!

Qin didn't join us tho. She stayed outside :/
And Sya was so scared that she practically walked at the sidelines.
We attempted to drag her to the middle,
but she won't budge. She did try, and fell on her butt five times.
Haha. or was it four?

I fell four times myself! somehow falling on my butt was fun and funny xD
First fall; Ismah and myself were trying to help Sya to ice skate
in the middle of the ring. Sya fell, pulled me with her, fell on Sya .
Second fall; Skated without anyone's help. Lost control. Fell on my butt.
Third fall ; Laughed at a guy for falling down. when just a few seconds ago he said to me, "main elok2 ye" -.-'
It was so funny that I told Muqsit and Farol. Then, I fell on my butt. HAHAHA
Last fall; was skating happily when I slipped and fell HARD on my butt. the funnest fall I've ever had :)

We had a great time. Even though Sya decided to sit out of it,
I still laughed hard and had a great time with Ismah, Muqsit and Farol :)
Then, we watched New Moon.
Argh! Taylor Lautner is so HOT !
We went Aaaaaa! whenever TL's face appeared on the screen :D
Jacob was waaaay hotter than that cold blooded blood sucking Edward Cullen :P
I know how in the book Edward Cullen is ALL that,
but in the movie, the Quiletes are ALL that.

Dang it! The werewolves are SO HOT xD
Oh yes, you know the scene at the Volturi's place
Rob Pattinson opens his shirt to reveal himself in public?
He's body is -.-' compared to TL XD
I sound so gross. hahaha :D

Ohh I'm going to Sarah's tomorrow!
Bye bye :)


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